the averae faily inoe of the u.s.a. has inreased fro 20,000 dollars per year in 1992 to 2,000 in . alon with this onsiderable inrease in people’s inoe, the way in whih the averae faily spends its inoe has also varied to soe etent. the averae ependiture of faily inoe is divided into several setors, naely, housin, lothin, food and drink, transport, edial are, entertainent, savins and other ites.
fro the table, it is quite interestin to find that the oney spent on soe setors suh as food and drink (2%) and entertainent (6%) in 1992 and reains the sae. for transport, the perentae of is only 1% larer than that of 1992. it is also worth entionin that in , people tend to save less oney than in 1992 beause people deposit only half the oney they used to in 1990. there is a reater inrease in the epenses on housin and edial are, inreasin by % and 6% respetively. on the other hand, people tend to spend less oney on lothes, for there is a % derease in opared with that in 1992. as far as other ites are onerned, there is a sharp derease in the perentae of faily inoe spent on the, aountin for only 7% of the total.
it an be seen fro the statistis that in aerian people’s life food and drink, entertainent and transport had always been iportant. with faily inoe inreasin, aerian people bean to ive first priority to housin and edial are, thereby iprovin their livin onditions and invioratin health. by savin less, they presented to us the ipliation that they epeted a fairly seure prospet.