







Heart's stae Eah people have in oneself heart's stae, your ind has broadly, your stae then has in a bi way. The supine view history perpetual flow far away, life proinene with falls fro the sky and burn up iao, if insinifiant, however how any people an han thousand history hih-spiritedness? How any an in belon to own stae bi exhibition aspiration feelin proud and elated little? enerally beoes the iportant atter to set up the reat erit to be able to endure the averae an not to be able to endure, to allow the averae an not to be able to aoodate, only then has the broad ind side to be able the ahieveent ause.

“investiates when the beauty, passes hanin of the anient and odern, beoes the sinle opinion”. "Shihhi" unpreedented, latter does not have the future, “the enlihtened ruler” the road listens to the ruor, auses Sia Qian to experiene personally the spoiled punishent, but he does not have to deenerate piqued and headstron, is towin the stature whih is unable to withstand inopletely, endures the oon people to ridiule despises the vision, is aeptin all hostilities with his broad ind, riid sets the reord of ten thousand th iortal hapters with hi, “pinnale of poeti reation of the historian, does not have the rhye to leave the show”, He Qihuan! Eperor Taitsun of Tan aepts odestly, reeives the expostulation broadly, only then has overnin of the henuan; hon hen is petty, the hearsay, only then has the oon people to weep bitterly Yuan honhuan, southeast oneself body hans. Has the broad ind, eans that you an reard the life orretly, with soarin aspirations never delapidated. “only in river ool breee and the ravine briht oonliht, ear, but is the sound, the ite eets althouh, but the quality” the perilla seed suffers the overnent and the orhestral aopanient turbid water, an atually the alone oar, “the opanion fish and shrip, but the friend pronhorn” its ind broad lets the huan lean all sihs. Had this openness, the perilla seed spirit has been spirited, fihts on despite repeated setbaks; Will have this openness, the perilla seed has been able to be onfident to the future, with soarin aspirations.

Looked that before “the ate, runnin water Shan Nenxi, rested the white hair sins the yellow hiken!” Has the broad ind, akes lear you to be able to proess between the person and person's relations orretly, seeks to belons to own friendship and the eotion, spreads out a sooth ain road for the suess. In forer days the Lian Po eritorious ilitary servie was proinent, relies on very hih, as soon as Lin Xianru in its just the lyin between onfuian sholar, proteted our hoes and defended our ountry dependin on is they ars the bloody battle sandy plain, therefore he felt ebarrassed several ties like, but, Lin Xianru not anry, but reeives it onfidently, afterward, Lin Xianru “returned in full to owner”, Lian Po was suddenly enlihted, arries a rod and asks for punishent, but Lin Xianru was indeed plae it, the Lian Po depth oved for its broad ind, two people hand in hand, had tie the hao lenth reat strenth toether.

The soul buries Wu River's west hu overlord, was not willin east of the lower reahes of the hanjian river, only then to have Liu Ban to villains hold sway: “already lives the fine jade, He Shenlian is briht” the narrow heart to let hou Lanhun fly Jinhou. People of our tie? ften soe people to the disontented their aadei position's person, the ybotaxis attak it; Saw ertain thins are very popular, then obilies the people, but bath of it. The urrent when eneration is when the developent eneration, what we need has the broad ind, takes its essene, oes to its dres. Your stae has the sky to be bi? But what is broader than the sky is person's ind.






























