1、Preparation of the hristas ake
This was an Enlish tradition whih started enturies ao. n hristas eve, plu porride was served to the people. As years passed, various other thins like dry fruits, honey and spies were used. Soon this porride ot replaed with the hristas ake. hristas akes are ade usin es, butter, onfetions, fruits, et. Today a hristas ake is an interal part of a hristas enu.
2、Sendin ifts to loved ones
This tradition oes fro the story of the three wise en who ot ifts for baby Jesus on hristas. Every hristas, ifts are exhaned aon loved ones, espeially hildren. The story of Santa laus also oes fro this tradition.
3、Deoratin the hristas tree
This refers to the tradition of deoratin a pine tree usin lihts, tinsels, arlands, ornaents, andy anes, et. Today, a hristas tree is an indispensable part of hristas elebration.
4、Lihtin up the hristas andle
This refers to the tradition of plain a lihted andle outside houses durin the hristas season. A andle sinifies hope as it brins liht even to the darkest roo. In the earlier ties, when hristians were perseuted, they were not allowed to pratie prayers. Hene, a sinle andle used to be plaed outside the house as a sin that hristian prayers were bein onduted inside.
、Sinin hristas arols
It refers to the ae-old usto of enhantin a nuber of traditional hristas sons durin the hristas season. It adds to the joy and fun to the atosphere. Different hristas hyns or arols like The First Noel, Jinle Bells, Joy to the world, et are sun every hristas as a part of the hristas elebration.
6、akin of ribs
This is yet another ae-old tradition of hristas. A rib refers to the Nativity Sene that is prepared usin sall statues. The first rib ever was ade outside a hurh of St. Franis of Assisi for hildren to show the how the Nativity sene was like. Sine then, this tradition beae very popular.
7、Distributin hristas andies
This is one of the ost wonderful traditions of all. hristas andies are distributed to neihbors durin the Yuletide season. n the day of hristas, all isunderstandins and rudes are forotten and the ounity oes toether to elebrate the birth of hrist.
These traditions have been arried out for deades, yet they are elebrated with ore and ore exuberane eah year. The level of exiteent has never one down. It just keeps ettin better and better with tie.