Tao Yuanin said: "Qinxue sprin seedlins, but not by its diretor, Japan; drop out as a stone, not its loss, on soe defiieny." The world is onstantly developin, and if we stop, we will iss a lot of knowlede. So we should do the sae to Helen and Keller, even if there is no liht, silene, and no lanuae. nly "to" BBK knowlede, Knowlede has no liit. "".
"Everyone's learnin attitude is different, and the knowlede that is learned is different." This is our first lesson fro the textbook of lassial hinese "Xueyi" learned, but also the teaher always tell us. Even if we do not have a hih IQ, but as lon as serious auulation, an like hu Xi, Xin Qiji, et al., with the wisdo of the eduated.
"Book of Sons" is hina's first olletion of poetry, the ontents of the few we are in ontat with, but hinese has five thousand years of history, "Book of Sons" is just a iroos of a part of the hina literature. Besides Book of Sons, there are nuerous books about hinese traditional ulture, suh as "University", "en i" and "Analets". So we should not be liited to knowlede in textbooks only.
In the book of hu elian's oandent, he said: "the study of husband ust be quiet, and it is neessary to learn." If we don't study hard, will not be able to experiene Anient hinese Literature Searh lassi, learn the hinese ulture broad and profound, have their own real ipleentation.
I love the national studies in y life, I love the national siene, I read the national siene, and the national siene.
This is a day full of national studies...
"Din din!" Who is it? I a ipatient to open the door, it was a lassate. "What do you do in y house!" I have a little anry, she an look e suddenly rin heekily, fly into a rae, juped as hih as you. "...... You... " When the student's fae was serious, "is there a friend oin fro the distane?" It's not riht for you. The student shook his head and ave e a lesson. I was a little ebarrassed to lower y head as if I had done soethin wron.
It is suh a deliht to have friends oin fro afar。
At hoe, y lassates and I was readin, I feel ore and ore fasinated, and foret to auulate, students waved his hand, and pointed to the book said: "do not write, do not write books, readin is the ost iportant part, how an you do this?" y hand quikly piked up a pen, a aneti ard with war fae, heart a sense of shae arise spontaneously.
Don't write a book without readin.
At lunh at noon, "o, why do you eat this today!" I relutantly put a plate of fried abbae swallow, I see students fussy appearane, and as a teaher: "sholars are devoted to the way, but is ashaed of poor lothin and poor food, not enouh with you also. You an't do that. " y shy faes are buried in the rie.
Sholars are devoted to the way, but is ashaed of poor lothin and poor food, not enouh with you also.
When the students o hoe, "ood bye, thank you for reindin e of these points today. I will keep in ind and beoe an exellent an of national ulture." "Bye Bye".