Everyone has his drea. y drea is to be a faous dotor in the future. I like to help patients and let the healthy. The dotor's work will be busy but interestin. y teaher said I was ood at bioloy. But I still nees to iprove y Enlish, too, then I an read edial knowledes in Enlish. So the patients fro all over the world an et y helps.
y drea is to beoe a dotorEver sine I was little, I've had a seret desire inside of e that I've been alost ashaed of: I want to be a dotor. I don't know why, and I've always known it's ridiulous, sine y worst subjets are ath and siene. I' not altoether terrible at the, but I' ore of a literature person.
I' also pretty lay, whih akes e think there's no way I ould survive edial shool. Should I ake yself stop? Is there any hane of e bein soethin I've always wanted to be?
Every one has a drea. I have a drea, too. I have a drea that one day I ould beoe a ath teaher.
I love ath very uh, beause I think ath is quite useful. It's useful when people are buyin thins. It's useful when students are learnin subjets like physis and heitry. And it's useful when sientists are doin experients. Teahers an not only help students to learn thins but also teah the students to apply what they learn into pratie.
Therefore, I hope to be a ath teaher in the future. I want to help ore students learn ath.
I have a drea that I a always youn. Then I will have enouh enery to do everythin whenever I want. oreover, I don't have to worry about the old ae durin whih I even an't take are of yself. I know that y drea will not oe true. However, I think it is luky that I a youn now. So I will treasure y tie, enjoy y life and try y best to do everythin well.