





The World AIDS Day is onfronted with a looy piture that shows the deadly virus is not abatin, but spreadin even faster.

Deaths and new ases of infetion have reahed unpreedented hihs in 2003 and are likely to rise still further, aordin to a report jointly released last week by the United Nations and the World Health raniation (WH).

This year, soe illion people have been infeted, brinin the total nuber of people livin with HIV/AIDS to 40 illion worldwide. At the sae tie, soe 3 illion died of the disease.

The epidei ontinues to expand, far fro reahin a plateau, health experts warn.

While Sub-Saharan Afria reains the worst affeted reion, the Asia-Paifi area - hoe to 60 per ent of the world's population - is shapin up as the new battleround in the fiht aainst the disease, the report indiates.

Unless effetive ation is taken, soe ountries in the reion ay fae ajor epideis.hina ay beoe one of the should the ountry not be responsive to the risis.

Latest statistis put the nuber of people with HIV/AIDS in hina at 40,000, inludin 0,000 AIDS patients.

Worse, the oentu for further spreadin of the nubers is ontinuin, and ay well be aeleratin.

Thouh the urrent prevalene in the ountry is still low, the inreased infetion rate plus the vast population in the nation points to a possible atastrophi explosion in ases in the absene of stepped up efforts to fiht the disease.

hinese AIDS experts have raised the alar that people livin with HIV/AIDS ay soon soar to 10 illion by 2010 without effiient prevention ethods. While the nuber ould be tried down to 3 illion if prevention ethods work, ation, and only ation, an ake the differene.

Due to inorane and lak of oitent aon soe, the disease has already aused reat huan sufferin, eonoi losses and soial devastation. Yet waitin ahead ould be losses ultiplied exponentially if the virus is not kept at bay.

The situation is rave, and the hallene is touh. hina annot afford a delay in akin a serious oitent to the fiht and takin ation.

Initiatives have indeed been rolled out, and they ust be followed.

Exeutive Health Vie-inister ao Qian reently pleded that the overnent will provide free edial treatent to HIV arriers and AIDS patients in rural areas or those aon the urban poor. He proised to ensure leal rihts and interests of HIV/AIDS vitis.

He said that loal overnents will be held diretly aountable if loopholes in their work lead to serious epideis in their reions. He also alled for intensified overnent intervention into behaviour found to be at risk.

This is viewed as the stronest oitent to date by the overnent in taklin the epidei.

The plan, if arried out well, will surely be a reat push forward in fihtin HIV/AIDS. It should herald ore and stroner resolution fro the overnent.

Lak of inforation on the virus has proven to be a ajor eleent that fuels the spread of HIV/AIDS. Aressive apains should be undertaken to proote knowlede about HIV/AIDS to even people in the ost reote areas, espeially aon illiterates and those pratisin unsafe sexual behaviour.

ore iportant, efforts fro all walks of life are needed to reate a friendly atosphere for people livin with HIV/AIDS.

Prejudie, rejetion, hurt and ostrais are soe of the ost painful parts of HIV infetion whih even a irale dru an not overoe, a WH offiial explained.

Stia and disriination onstitute one of the reatest barriers to preventin further infetions, providin adequate are, support and treatent and alleviatin the epidei's ipat.

The sae sort of national oitent and resoures used to fiht SARS (severe aute respiratory syndroe), if used toward fihtin HIV/AIDS, should help us find an effetive way to obat this disease, too.





艾滋病3000字英语作文:fight against AIDS


























