









The above life-antra is all you need to know. Don’t be surprised as you ust be thinkin that the artile is about 42 piees of advie and here is just a sinle sentene.Atually the above sinle sentene is an arony for all the 42 below iven piees of advie that will now be retained in your ind forever.



1. L:LIVE Life to the fullest. 尽情生活。

2. A:Be AUDAIUS in eah and every nook of life situations. 勇敢面对生活的每一面。

3. U:Life is UNPREDITABLE. Never foret this in tie of hopelessness. 生活不可预知,在绝望时也不要忘记这一点。

4. :Have RATITUDE for eah and every ood thin that life offers you and in turn you will be rewarded with ore siles in life. 对生活中的每一件好事心存感激,这样生活会回报你更多的欢笑。

. H:Never ive up on HPE beause that is what huanity onsists of. People who hurt others, who do har to their own speies on the nae of reliion, ast or reed are the people who have already iven up HPE. So deide arefully before you ease to be a HUAN.



6. L:Be a ood LISTENER. Rather than just speakin about yourself, allow others to speak. Listen arefully to others view point as this quality of yours an help you to develop your personality, iprove your relationship, and be suessful at all positions of your life. 做做一个好的倾听者。不要老是谈论自己,要给别人说话的机会。仔细倾听别人的观点,因为这个能力可以发展你的个性,改善你的社会关系,左右逢源。

7. :Have UT F THE BX THINKIN. Havin the sae pereived notions as everybody else an never lead you to suess. An out of the box thinkin an prevent the routine boredo away and an ake you ore reative thus openin your ind to new ideas.


. U:Develop your own UNIQUE IDENTITY. Stop bein the part of a herd, rather use your own style and intellet whih sets you apart fro others.


9. D:Never base your DEISINS on an ipulse. Iportant life Deisions should never be taken in oents of extree eotions like in aner, in enthusias or in depression as it an ake you reret later. 绝不因冲动而做决定。不要在极端情绪下做重大人生决定,比如生气的时候,满腔热情的时候或者情绪低落的时候,这会让你后悔不及。

10. L:Always keep LAINESS at bay. Your lay attitude an be a rave daner to your happy life, that auulates your present probles and dup the into your future life.


11. Y:Sayin YES for everythin an ake your life probleati. You don’t owe anythin to anyone, so it’s K to say no for ertain thins you don’t like.



12. T:TRAVEL as uh as you an until you are youn and able. eetin new people, explorin new ultures and visitin odly reations around is the only thin that an easily rip you in the awe and wonder of Life’s ystial reations. So travel and explore the beauty of life as uh as you an.


13. :Be a ood BSERVER. Try to observe and ponder what is happenin around you. Be alert. Be awake. ften, the ost extraordinary opportunities are hidden aon the seeinly insinifiant events of life. If you do not pay attention to these events, you an easily iss the opportunities.



14. F:Ward off the FEAR of unknown. If you are afraid of bein ridiuled or are frihtened to ross the boundary of your dull life, you an never ahieve your dreas.


1. E:Don’t arry your E with you all the tie instead try to be what you really are. Beause an eo ridden soul is always in the fear of bein attaked by soeone else and always live in a virtual world of their own, where they never try to ibibe the knowlede and fats iven by others.


16. E:Inulate EXERISE in your daily routine. Think of the day when you were sik and you will surely realie the iportane of ood health. Without a ood healthy body, it is ipossible to onentrate your ind on soethin produtive.


17. L:LVE yourself the ost. Learn to love yourself first instead of lovin the idea of soeone else lovin you. Beause the foreost thin that is iportant in life and that is the key to a positive hane in life is ‘you’ yourself.



1. F:Develop the habit of FRIVENESS. Yes, foriveness is not always easy. But rather than holdin a past rude that an ake your life hell and an har you psyholoially, try to beoe ore stron entally. It takes pratie and effort to forive, but it is well worth in the lon run.


19. R:Always REEBER your past istakes as this an lessen your hanes of akin istakes in future.


20. E:Don’t be a ETINAL fool. Try to be ore praati in life. Your eotions an soetie ake you fall for the wron person or thin.


21. E:ake ENDURANE your seond nature. The power to withstand hardship or stress is not an attribute of a oon an, only those who stand out of the rowd an show the quality of endurane. 学会忍耐。吃苦抗压的能力是平常人所不具有的,只有那些出众的人才会忍耐。


22. A:Avoid ABIVALENE in life. Fix a ertain oal in life and be sure of it. And one you have seleted your priorities in life, abide by it instead of reatin onfusions in your life.


23. N:Learn fro NATURE. bserve nature and learn fro it. It an teah you any thins that is norally hard to et.


24. D:Be DARIN. Never shy away fro thins that are riht for you or for others. Even if the rowd around is just a ute spetator of an injustie, be bold and darin to oe forward and put thins riht.



2. D:DREA a lot. Never stop dreain of ahievin thins you wish in your life. It keeps the fire of life burnin. nly those who dare to drea are the people who finally strive to ake their drea a reality. 敢于梦想。不要停止对渴望的事情的梦想。这是生命之火的源泉。只有敢于梦想的人,才能梦想成真。

26. R:READ as uh as you an. You will not only iprove your voabulary but also your knowlede about the world, different ultures and various people that will expand the horions of your noral ind. So inulate the habit of readin in your daily shedule and you will autoatially feel the differene.


27. E:ENJY life to the fullest. Never ease enjoyin life beause of the new found responsibilities or beause of the people around you otherwise the dullness of life will start hauntin you, akin you frustrated with your urrent situations. 尽情享受生活。 不要停止,因为新的责任或因为你身边的人。不然你将无法摆脱乏味的

2. A:AVID STRESS as uh you an. Stress and strain has beoe a daily part of our noral life. But stress an be a soure of unwanted probles that an ake us weak not only psyholoially but also physially. 尽可能避免压力。压力和负担已经成为了我们生活中的一部分。但是压力可能成为烦恼的来源,让我们身心疲惫。

29. :Believe in IRALES. Life is full of ystery that is unsolved till now and to believe in the existene of irales akes it ore ysterious. Thus the aeptane of our iraulous existene, indiretly adds a in to the noral routine of our life. 相信奇迹。生活中满是不可思议的事情,相信奇迹会发生会使生活更加奇妙。因此接受我们本身即使神奇的存在,给生活增加点活力吧。


30. B:Let BYNES be BYNES. Never arry the burden of your past history in the present oent. 让过去的就过去吧。不要一直背负着历史的负担。

31. I:INITE the fire within. Never let your inner strenth be arooned by the neativities of life.点燃心中的火。绝不要让你内心的力量陷入生活中的消极沼泽。

32. :Never IVE-UP in any situation. Reeber that ivin up your belief or faith in soethin beause of an inident that has one aainst your will, is not a solution to your proble. Always stand by your faith and see the ipossible turnin into possible. 在任何情况下都不要放弃。记住,因为不如你意的意外放弃信念不算是解决之道。也一直坚持信念,在绝境中找到转机。


33. F:Stay by the side of your FAILY no atter how hard the situation is. 不管情况多么艰难,都要占在家人那边。

34. :Be PEN T NEW IDEAS. Never be riid in your thouht proess instead try to aept hane and ibibe new ideas in your life. 接受新想法。不要固化思维,试着接受改变和吸收新想法。

3. R:reate a ood RAPPRT around. ouniate in a well annered way with others and always aintain a ood reputation of yourself aon the roup of people you norally eet.与周围的人保持良好关系。礼貌地和别人交流,在你常见面的人群中树立良好形象。


36. S:Learn to SHARE. Sharin is an iportant attribute in life that an ake you realie the iportane of ivin to others.学会分享。分享是生活中的重要方面,能让你意识到奉献的重要性。

37. U:Be UNDERSTANDIN to your fellow beins. You ay never know what other person iht have one throuh in life so never be judental in your approah.理解你的同伴。你可能不知道别人生活中经历过什么,所以永远不要从你的角度去评判别人。

3. :Avoid ettin trapped by PLEXES. So whether it’s an inferiority oplex or superiority oplex, never identify with any of the as they an easily steal away your natural har and appeal.避免被各种情结陷住。不论是自卑情结还是自负情结,不要以任何一种来标榜自己,这会让你天生的魅力和吸引力荡然无存。

39. :Be URIUS like a hild. Never let the uriosity quotient drop in your life. As it is the only soure that aquaints you with new knowlede and life disoveries.像孩子一样充满好奇。不要让好奇心从你的生活中消失。这是你学习新知识、发现新生活的唯一途径。

40. E:Be EPATHETI to other feelins. As it enables lear and helpful expressions of arin and onern and sends essae to another of aeptane (rather than apathy or opposition)。 Thus it reates an atosphere of trust and enuineness with the people around you.同情别人的感受。这能清楚地表达出你的关心,向别人传达你接受他们的信息,而不是冷漠无情或者反对。这让你和周围的人相互信任。

41. S:SPREAD JY around. Live and let others live by bein happy and sharin this happiness with the people around.传播欢乐。快乐地生活,并且将快乐传播给其他人。

42. S:Be a SANUINE personality. Try to indue positivity in eah and every at of yours. 保持乐观。在每一个动作中都充满积极情绪。



























...     2、捕捉你生命中的每一次感动。喜欢发现并赞美生活的人,总能发现生活中点滴的幸福,并善于把它传递给身边的人。这种人就是真正成熟的人。真正的成熟不是摆出一副看破红尘的“超脱”,不是整天嘲笑别人的“



