






oldan Sahs E Lloyd Blankfein ave the keynote address at Lauardia ounity ollee’s 41st oeneent today at the Javits enter in anhattan.


He delivered his address to an audiene of around 1,000 raduates fro the ollee.


In his oeneent rearks, he talked about his life rowin up in the projets in Brooklyn and workin his way to beoin the E of oldan Sahs.


He also ave soe advie for the raduatin lass tellin the to be onfident, find a job they like, be a “well-rounded, oplete person”, ive bak to the ounity, keep an open ind, surround theselves with abitious people and put theselves in situations with the opportunity for rowth.


Here’s his full speeh:


President ellow, distinuished faulty, friends, faily, and the raduatin lass of 2013.


It is a reat honor for e to share in your aoplishent and pride today. But I ust adit that I approahed this address with soe trepidation. I suppose that ore oeneent speehes have been delivered ore seriously, listened to ore attentively, and forotten ore proptly than any other for of huan ouniation.


So I will try to be brief and pratial. y advie is rounded in y own experiene. And y own experiene, in any respets, is not that different fro any of yours.


I rew up with the idea that ollee was ore an aspiration than an expetation. I saw y parents strule ost of their lives and the daily battle to keep afloat soeties even drained what hopes and dreas they had for e. They didn’t o to ollee and neither did y only, older siblin.


y father sorted ail for the post offie. He worked nihts beause it paid 10% ore than a day shift. y other was a reeptionist at a burlar alar opany — one of the few rowth industries in our neihborhood. I rew up in the Linden Houses, whih, as soe of you know, is a housin projet in East New York.


It was and is a touh neihborhood, thouh it produed soe aoplished people who, despite or beause of their bakround, did well. I attended Thoas Jefferson hih shool, whih has sine shut down as a hih shool and operates different trainin proras for various skills. Up until hih shool, I shared a sall apartent with y extended faily, whih inluded y randother, y sister and y nephew.


But lookin bak, I rew up in a world of unliited opportunity. Eah niht I would read, and readin opened up the world to e. I love readin history and espeially bioraphy. In bioraphies, you are alost always readin about people who started out uniportant but ended up havin a sinifiant life.


What I liked ost about bioraphies then and now is that the person you are readin about is in his or her early life on pae 0, doesn’t know about the suess he or she will ahieve on pae 300. They ouldn’t see the reatness that lay ahead.


If you think about it, that’s a reat justifiation for the optiis that you should have for the life ahead of you. All of you are only on about pae 0 of your bioraphy, with hundreds of paes to o.


rowin up, y biest oal was just to et out of East New York. I took the ollee entrane exa and oitted yself to ettin into ollee. I did. The day I left for ollee was one of the first trips I ade out of New York ity.


ollee was an intiidatin plae for e. The other students seeed naturally onfident; any had traveled and seeed to understand the world. To this day, I an’t foret how inseure I felt, but it ade e work harder.


ne I realied I beloned, I beae ore abitious. Abition is your inner voie that tells you you an and should strive to o beyond your irustanes or station in life. You have overoe obstales, pressures and self-doubt and you have done it beause you have abition.


You want to sueed for your failies and yourselves. And there is no ore powerful fore throuh whih to do that than throuh eduation and know how.


I’ proud that Lauardia and oldan Sahs have teaed up to support sall businesses. Throuh this partnership, I’ve seen how any Lauardia students are julin shool, job and faily. And, I’ve seen how these students and all of you push yourselves and persevere.


By virtue of bein here today, you have proven to yourself that you belon. And now that you belon, feed off your abition. That eans bein foused, disiplined, deandin, self ritial and open inded. Your hallenes won’t fall away. In fat, they ay et steeper.


That, y friends, is life. But just as the strules are reat, so are the rewards. There’s another way to look at it: ask yourself if you really have a hoie. You already knew the answer to that question the first day you walked into Lauardia. We owe it to our failies and to ourselves to keep strivin.


This is ertainly not the easiest of eonoi ties, but there’s always an eonoi yle. In the ourse of the next 0 years of your life, you’ll see alot of yles, and like this one, you’ll et throuh it. Don’t et auht up in unrealisti optiis or detahed pessiis.


Still, a lot an hane rapidly and with a lot of fore. Your seurity rests in knowin how to do a variety of thins — and bein able to do the better than others.


And that knowlede and ability an be obtained only throuh a willinness to strike out for soethin better. That ould ean hanin areers or pushin for a new idea or stratey in your urrent one. In either ase, push yourself to try soethin new and to row with eah ove.


After ollee, I went to law shool for three years, and then into y drea job at a bi NY law fir. But even thouh it had been y drea, I didn’t like it one I ot there.


For the first tie, I was feelin finanially seure, but I knew I wasn’t passionate enouh about what I was doin. And beause I didn’t love it, I would never be fulfilled fro it, or be really ood at it. Soeone who loved it ore would have reater enthusias and fous. For soe it was fun; for e it was always oin to be a hore.


After five years at a law fir, I deided I wanted to try soethin different. I ae hoe and told y wife I was quittin, and she ried. And not out of happiness. Anyway, it worked out. I ot a new job at a sall Wall Street fir, we ot bouht out by a larer fir, and I ended up reainin at a lare fir… oldan Sahs.


In y areer, I’ve been fortunate to know and work with any of this ountry’s top Es and business leaders. I’ always struk by a ertain passion that defines the. While they ay be wealthy and powerful, their passion oes beyond oney and power.


I won’t stand here and tell you those are bad thins. They an be pretty ood, but only if you have a larer purpose in ind. If you don’t have passion for your work or the drive to ake a better life for your kids than your own, then you won’t have what it takes to keep you oin.


So, I’d like to leave you with soe speifi advie that will hopefully keep you oin:


First, onfidene really atters.


Reonie you have earned the riht to be onfident. ost of you have ade reat sarifies and overoe reat obstales to et where you are today. You built up usles that others who’ve had an easier tie don’t have. Those usles will serve you for the rest of your life.


y strule to et to and throuh ollee turned out to be an advantae for e. The disadvantaes you have had beoe part of your personal history and trak reord, all advantaes in your later life. So onfidene is justified.


Seond, find a job that you like.


You’ll be better at it and you’ll last loner in it. Havin said that, in a touh eonoy, or beause of faily pressures, you ay not aways be able take a risk with a job hoie. And, no doubt, we’ve all settled at various ties.


But, don’t let neessity in a iven oent beoe the exuse for a lifetie of inertia. Keep tryin to et yourself to the riht plae. If I’d stayed a lawyer, I ould have ade it work for a while, but I would have filed out and eventually beause I didn’t love it.


Third, be a well rounded, oplete person.


any of you will o for further eduation or areer trainin. f ourse, it’s iportant to learn the thins that you need to ake a livin. But, don’t foret to read, and to learn history, literature and about urrent events.


You’ll be ore interestin to others, ore interestin to yourself and you’ll be ore suessful in your job. ost of the books I’ve read didn’t apply diretly to y job or industry, but I’ve applied their lessons in unexpeted ways.


Fourth, be involved in the ounity.


Find ways to ontribute to ake yourself proud and set an exaple to your kids. akin a livin is not life. It is a eans to an end, not the end. You have to feel proud of yourself. There are always oin to be people who strule and for who ounity work is not a realisti option, but try.


I’ve done plenty to advane yself over the years. But, the older I et, the ore satisfation I et fro servin and advanin others. In fat that’s how I first ot involved with President ellow and Lauardia — throuh the 10,000 Sall Businesses prora we initiated at your shool.


Finally, appreiate that life is unpreditable, so don’t lose your ind to possibilities.


Try to surround yourself with people who are equally abitious. Put yourself in situation where you an row — where you’ll not only push yourself but others will push you.


What were the hanes that a kid fro the poverty would run one of the reat finanial institutions in the world? You just never know. That unpreditability is the reat thin about life. You hane. The world hanes.


You live in a ountry where we are still blessed with enorous opportunity. Leave yourself open to the world of possibility. You have the abition, you have the sarts and you have the touhness. So, turn the pae on your bioraphy — you have just started a new hapter in your lives.


ood luk and onratulations to you and your failies.









2050 2050





















...人只知我被狠狠地将了一军,却不知道,作为百事可乐的CEO,我有自己的人生布局。 坦白讲,在乔布斯来我家之前,我们便不止一次通过电话了,而且,不仅仅是我,百事可乐董事会,甚至我的秘书、

