






In the urious usto of this venerable institution, I find yself standin before you expeted to ipart words of lastin wisdo. Here I a in a pulpit, dressed like a Puritan inister — an apparition that would have horrified any of y distinuished forebears and perhaps redediated soe of the to the extirpation of withes. This oent would have propelled Inrease and otton into a true “ather lather.” But here I a and there you are and it is the oent of and for Veritas.

You have been underraduates for four years. I have been president for not quite one. You have known three presidents; I one senior lass. Where then lies the voie of experiene? aybe you should be offerin the wisdo. Perhaps our roles ould be reversed and I ould, in Harvard Law Shool style, do old alls for the next hour or so.

We all do see to have ade it to this point — ore or less in one piee. Thouh I reently learned that we have not provided you with dinner sine ay 22. I know we need to wean you fro Harvard in a fiurative sense. I never knew we took it quite so literally.

But let's return to that notion of old alls for a oent. Let's iaine this were a baalaureate servie in the for of Q & A, and you were askin the questions. “What is the eanin of life, President Faust? What were these four years at Harvard for? President Faust, you ust have learned soethin sine you raduated fro ollee exatly 40 years ao?” (Forty years. I'll say it out loud sine every detail of y life — and ertainly the year of y Bryn awr deree — now sees to be publily available. But please reeber I was youn for y lass.)

In a way, you have been enain e in this Q & A for the past year. n just these questions, althouh you have phrased the a bit ore narrowly. And I have been tryin to fiure out how I iht answer and, perhaps ore intriuinly, why you were askin.

Let e explain. It atually bean when I et with the U just after y appointent was announed in the winter of 2007. Then the questions ontinued when I had lunh at Kirkland House, dinner at Leverett, when I et with students in y offie hours, even with soe reent raduates I enountered abroad. The first thin you asked e about wasn't the urriulu or advisin or faulty ontat or even student spae. In fat, it wasn't even alohol poliy. Instead, you repeatedly asked e: Why are so any of us oin to Wall Street? Why are we oin in suh nubers fro Harvard to finane, onsultin, i-bankin?
听我解释。提问从2007年冬天我的任职被公布时与校方的会面就开始了。然后提问一直持续,不论是我在Kirkland House(哈佛的12个本科生宿舍之一)吃午饭还是在Leverett House(哈佛的12个本科生宿舍之一,本科高年级学生使用)吃晚饭,或是当我在办公时间与学生会见,甚至是我在与国外认识的刚考来的研究生的谈话中。你们问的第一个问题不是关于课业,不是让我提建议,也不是为了和教员接触,甚至是想向我提建议。事实上,更不是为了和我讨论酒精政策。相反,你们不厌其烦问的却是:为什么我们之中这么多人将去华尔街?为什么我们大量的学生都从哈佛走向了金融,理财咨询,投行?

There are a nuber of ways to think about this question and how to answer it. There is the Willie Sutton approah. You ay know that when he was asked why he robbed banks, he replied, “Beause that's where the oney is.” Professors laudia oldin and Larry Kat, who any of you have enountered in your eonois onentration, offer a not dissiilar answer based on their study of student areer hoies sine the seventies. They find it notable that, iven the very hih peuniary rewards in finane, any students nonetheless still hoose to do soethin else. Indeed, 37 of you have sined on with Teah for Aeria; one of you will dane tano and work in dane therapy in Arentina; another will be enaed in ariultural developent in Kenya; another, with an honors deree in ath, will study poetry; another will train as a pilot with the USAF; another will work to obat breast aner. Nubers of you will o to law shool, edial shool, and raduate shool. But, onsistent with the pattern oldin and Kat have douented, a onsiderable nuber of you are seletin finane and onsultin. The rison's survey of last year's lass reported that perent of en and 43 perent of woen enterin the workfore ade this hoie. This year, even in hallenin eonoi ties, the fiure is 39 perent.
对于这个问题有多种思考和回答方式。有一种解释就是如Willie Sutton所说的,一切向“钱”看。(Willie Sutton是个抢银行犯,被逮住后当被问到为什么去抢银行时,他说:“Beause that is where the oney is!”)你们中很多人见过的普通经济学教授laudia oldin 和Larry Kat,基于对上世纪70年代以来的学生的职业选择的研究,作出了差不多的回答。他们发现了值得注意的一点:即使从事金融业可以得到很高的金钱回报,很多学生仍然选择做其它的事情。实事上,你们中间有37人签到了“教育美国人”(Teah for Aeria,美国的一个组织,其作用类似于中国的“希望工程”);1人将去跳探戈舞蹈并在阿根廷从事舞蹈疗法;1人将致力于肯尼亚的农业发展;另有1人获得了数学的荣誉学位,却转而去研究诗歌;1人将去美国空军接受飞行员训练;还有1人将加入到与乳癌抗战当中。你们中的很多人将去法学院,医学院或研究生院。但是,和oldin 和Kat教授有据证明的一样,你们中相当一部分人将选择金融和理财咨询。rison对于上届学生的调查显示,在就业的学生中,%的男生和43%的女生做出了这个选择。今年,即使在经济受挑战的一年,这个数据是39%。

Hih salaries, the all but irresistible reruitin juernaut, the reassurane for any of you that you will be in New York workin and livin and enjoyin life alonside your friends, the proise of interestin work — there are lots of ways to explain these hoies. For soe of you, it is a oitent for only a year or two in any ase. thers believe they will best be able to do ood by first doin well. Yet, you ask e why you are followin this path.

I find yself in soe ways less interested in answerin your question than in fiurin out why you are posin it. If Professors oldin and Kat have it riht; if finane is indeed the “rational hoie,” why do you keep raisin this issue with e? Why does this seeinly rational hoie strike a nuber of you as not understandable, as not entirely rational, as in soe sense less a free hoie than a opulsion or neessity? Why does this see to be troublin so any of you?

You are askin e, I think, about the eanin of life, thouh you have posed your question in ode — in ters of the observable and easurable phenoenon of senior areer hoie rather than the abstrat, unfathoable and alost ebarrassin real of etaphysis. The eanin of Life — apital , apital L — is a lihé — easier to deal with as the ironi title of a onty Python ovie or the subjet of a Sipsons episode than as a atter about whih one would dare adit to harborin serious onern.
我想,你们问我的是:关于人生价值的问题。虽然你们问得比较隐晦——即是些可以观察和衡量的大四学生职业选择的问题,而不是那抽象的,晦涩的,甚至会令人难堪的形而上学范畴的问题。人生价值,要人生?还是要价值?作为onty Python那部片子(指的是六人行里《人生的价值》那一集)的讽刺意味的片名是不难理解的,作为《辛普森一家》(美国特别受欢迎的动画连续剧)的其中一集的主题也是不难理解的,可是当关系到“生存问题”的时候,就是不那么好办了。

But let's for a oent abandon our Harvard savoir faire, our iperturbability, our pretense of invulnerability, and try to find the beinnins of soe answers to your question.

I think you are worried beause you want your lives not just to be onventionally suessful, but to be eaninful, and you are not sure how those two oals fit toether. You are not sure if a enerous startin salary at a prestiious brand nae oraniation toether with the proise of future wealth will feed your soul.

Why are you worried? Partly it is our fault. We have told you fro the oent you arrived here that you will be the leaders responsible for the future, that you are the best and the brihtest on who we will all depend, that you will hane the world. We have burdened you with no sall expetations. And you have already done rearkable thins to fulfill the: your dediation to servie deonstrated in your extraurriular enaeents, your onern about the future of the planet expressed in your viorous hapionin of sustainability, your reinvioration of Aerian politis throuh enaeent in this year's presidential ontests.

But any of you are now wonderin how these oitents fit with a areer hoie. Is it neessary to deide between reunerative work and eaninful work? If it were to be either/or, whih would you hoose? Is there a way to have both?


You are askin e and yourselves fundaental questions about values, about tryin to reonile potentially opetin oods, about reoniin that it ay not be possible to have it all. You are at a oent of transition that requires akin hoies. And seletin one option — a job, a areer, a raduate prora — eans not seletin others. Every deision eans loss as well as ain — possibilities foreone as well as possibilities ebraed. Your question to e is partly about that — about loss of roads not taken.

Finane, Wall Street, “reruitin” have beoe the sybol of this dilea, representin a set of issues that is uh broader and deeper than just one areer path. These are issues that in one way or another will at soe point fae you all — as you raduate fro edial shool and hoose a speialty — faily pratie or deratoloy, as you deide whether to use your law deree to work for a orporate fir or as a publi defender, as you deide whether to stay in teahin after your two years with TFA. You are worried beause you want to have both a eaninful life and a suessful one; you know you were eduated to ake a differene not just for yourself, for your own ofort and satisfation, but for the world around you. And now you have to fiure out the way to ake that possible.
金融、华尔街,“招聘”一词已经成了这种博弈的符号,代表着比仅仅选择一条职业道路更广更深的一系列问题。这些问题早晚将面临着你们每个人——如果你是从医学院毕业,你将选择一个具体从医方向——做私人医生还是专攻皮肤病,如果你学的是法律,你将决定是用你的法律知识为一个公司法人卖命还是成为公众的正义化身,或是在 “教育美国人”两年后你决定是否继续从教。你们之所以担忧,是因为你们想拥有充满价值的同时又是成功的人生;你们知道,你们被教育要有大的作为,不仅仅是为了个人,为了自己生活地舒适,而是要让周围的世界因此而改变。(这句话让我很感动J)因此你们才不得不思考怎样才能让其成为可能。

I think there is a seond reason you are worried — related to but not entirely distint fro the first. You want to be happy. You have floked to ourses like “Positive Psyholoy” — Psyh 104 — and “The Siene of Happiness” in searh of tips. But how do we find happiness? I an offer one enourain answer: et older. Turns out that survey data show older people — that is, y ae — report theselves happier than do youner ones. But perhaps you don't want to wait.

I have listened to you talk about the hoies ahead of you, I have heard you artiulate your worries about the relationship of suess and happiness — perhaps, ore aurately, how to define suess so that it yields and enopasses real happiness, not just oney and prestie. The ost reunerative hoie, you fear, ay not be the ost eaninful and the ost satisfyin. But you wonder how you would ever survive as an artist or an ator or a publi servant or a hih shool teaher? How would you ever fiure out a path by whih to ake your way in journalis? Would you ever find a job as an Enlish professor after you finished who knows how any years of raduate shool and dissertation writin?

The answer is: you won't know till you try. But if you don't try to do what you love — whether it is paintin or bioloy or finane; if you don't pursue what you think will be ost eaninful, you will reret it. Life is lon. There is always tie for Plan B. But don't bein with it.

I think of this as y parkin spae theory of areer hoie, and I have been sharin it with students for deades. Don't park 20 bloks fro your destination beause you think you'll never find a spae. o where you want to be and then irle bak to where you have to be.

You ay love investent bankin or finane or onsultin. It iht be just riht for you. r, you iht be like the senior I et at lunh at Kirkland who had just returned fro an interview on the West oast with a prestiious onsultin fir. “Why a I doin this?” she asked. “I hate flyin, I hate hotels, I won't like this job.” Find work you love. It is hard to be happy if you spend ore than half your wakin hours doin soethin you don't.
你也许喜欢做投行,或是做金融抑或做理财咨询。都可能是适合你的。那也许真的就是适合你的。或许你也会像我在Kirkland House见到的那个大四学生一样,她刚从美国西海岸一家著名理财咨询公司的面试回来。“我为什么要做这个?”她说,“我讨厌坐飞机,我讨厌住宾馆,我是不会喜欢这份工作的。”找到你热爱的工作。如果你把你一天中醒着的一大半时间用来做你不喜欢的事情,你是很难感到幸福的。

But what is ultiately ost iportant here is that you are askin the question — not just of e but of yourselves. You are hoosin roads and at the sae tie hallenin your own hoies. You have a notion of what you want your life to be and you are not sure the road you are takin is oin to et you there. This is the best news. And it is also, I hope, to soe deree, our fault. Notiin your life, refletin upon it, onsiderin how you an live it well, wonderin how you an do ood: These are perhaps the ost valuable thins that a liberal arts eduation has equipped you to do. A liberal eduation deands that you live self-onsiously. It prepares you to seek and define the eanin inherent in all you do. It has ade you an analyst and riti of yourself, a person in this way supreely equipped to take hare of your life and how it unfolds. It is in this sense that the liberal arts are liberal — as in liberare — to free. They epower you with the possibility of exerisin aeny, of disoverin eanin, of akin hoies. The surest way to have a eaninful, happy life is to oit yourself to strivin for it. Don't settle. Be prepared to hane routes. Reeber the ipossible expetations we have of you, and even as you reonie they are ipossible, reeber how iportant they are as a lodestar uidin you toward soethin that atters to you and to the world. The eanin of your life is for you to ake.
但是我在这儿说的最重要的是:你们在问那些问题——不仅是问我,而是在问你们自己。你们正在选择人生的道路,同时也在对自己的选择提出质疑。你们知道自己想过什么样的生活,也知道你们将行的道路不一定会把你们带到想去的地方。这样其实很好。某种程度上,我倒希望这是我们的错。我们一直在标榜人生,像镜子一样照出未来你们的模样,思考你们怎么可以过得幸福,探索你们怎样才能去做些对社会有价值的事:这些也许是文理教育可以给你们“装备”的最有价值的东西(liberal arts eduation,可以译为自由思考的艺术的教育)。文理教育要求你们要活得“明白”。它使你探索和定义你做的每件事情背后的价值。它让你成为一个经常分析和反省自己的人。而这样的人完全能够掌控自己的人生或未来。从这个道理上讲,文理——照它的字面意思——才使你们自由。()学文理可以让你有机会去进行理论的实践,去发现你所做的选择的价值。想过上有价值的,幸福的生活,最可靠的途径就是为了你的目标去奋斗。不要安于现状得过且过。随时准备着改变人生的道路。记住我们对你们的我觉得是“过于崇高”的期待,可能你们自己也承认那些期待是有点“太高了”。不过如果想做些对于你们自己或是这个世界有点价值的事情,记住它们,它们将会像北斗一样指引着你们。你们人生的价值将由你们去实现!

I an't wait to see how you all turn out. Do oe bak, fro tie to tie, and let us know.

  1. 幼儿园毕业典礼流程
  2. 高 三毕业典礼讲话
  3. 高 三毕业典礼校长讲话










励志演讲:学习 ——校长李培根在2007级新生开学典礼上的讲话_励志演讲

励志演讲:学习——校长李培根在2007级新生开学典礼上的讲话 同学们:   首先,请允许我代表学校党委、行政,代表全体师生员工向新同学表示最热烈的欢迎!   同学们,你们光荣地来到华中科技大学,来到这所全国著名...



















