The dog into the classroom


篇首语:鸟欲高飞先振翅,人求上进先读书。本文为你选取作文The dog into the classroom四篇,希望能帮到你。


1、The dog into the classroom(1)

The dog into the classroom

In a dull lass, the teaher speaks in a spittle, but the students fall asleep one by one. Suddenly, there was a stir in the lassroo. A do appeared in the lassroo and rouhed on the ede of the podiu. The teaher put down the halk, took the halk out of his hand, and squatted down and piked up the do. 'whose do is this? ne of y lassates stood up in red, and I ould not help kneadin her. "Why brin the do? The teaher asked. "I... when I ae to shool, doodle ae alon and it was too late to o..." "What's your do's nae? The teaher asked. "Beep." "Doodle! Suh a lovely little do alled suh a nae, it's so reat! Well, look at the nae, and sit down first!" Then the teaher bean to talk aain. After two inutes, the teaher finally unbearable, after the next "self-study" oand, the teaher piked up the puppy and touh its head, a hild asked the do: "I?" The do looked up at the teaher, then winked at everyone. The students see to foret to be in the lass, put out their hands to touh the do. The do turned his head in surprise, lookin at it and lookin at it. The teaher hurriedly say a sentene: "have a lass! Everybody this ability disperses, return to oneself of seat. A few inutes later, the teaher took advantae of the front-around a lassate on the blakboard, then strolled over to the do and said to it: "see you this silly kind, will let you one, said this don't blae! But later an't nauhty aain, this is the lassroo, you know?" The do looked at the teaher as if he were listenin attentively. When the teaher had finished, he had fan ears to the teaher and nodded slihtly. The students were so aused by the appearane of the do that they burst out lauhin. The roo was al aain, ore quiet than before. The students listened to the lass arefully, and the teaher's lass suddenly beae interestin. And the do, at the oent, is sittin next to his aster in the lassroo.


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