Four leaf agreed


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1、Four leaf agreed(1)

Four leaf agreed

Don't foret your beinner's ind. y beinner's ind is that they will never leave e. For their sons, download every tie. Every word of the is in their heart. Reeber, three years ao they were kids like e. And now they're rown up, they're hanin, they're just a oreous thin. Step by step, lookin at the hanin ties, I knew they had rown up and beae the prine of y heart. They row up a little bit and try aain and aain. I feel so happy.

As tie went by, I thouht it was really ood. It's a pity that tie passes too quikly. aybe for the, only one photo is ine. I don't let anyone touh anythin about the and let no one speak ill of the. It's not that I' selfish, it's that I an't stand the nae-allin. Atually, I know that people are red and red, but I don't are what people say about the. Beause I an't. To wath the sunrise with the, to say nothin; They look at the sunset and say no. I said I'd do it if I wanted to live and die. I've never really taken that star seriously, but this tie. I know I was opletely onquered by the. I an ake the list for the, and I an vote for the on their obile phone, so they an fill up their phone photos, even if they don't have enouh eory. There are ore than 40 of the usi's on the phone, but every apital an't live without the. Every son is inseparable fro the.

Like a plae in y heart, I live in three teenaers. In fat, they were y first favorite star and the last one to love. Beause, besides the, I wouldn't like any star. If they disbanded seven years later, I wouldn't be hasin stars. Even if I don't follow the star, I still love the. Never hane. TFBYS, I love you, I don't reret it.

Ten years later, when I saw the journal, I was 2 years old, and I wanted the to work with e to ahieve the drea I had failed to ahieve 10 years ao


小学英语作文:Four Seasons


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