Grow up


篇首语:引诱肉体的是金钱和奢望,吸引灵魂的是知识和理智。本文为你选取作文Grow up四篇,希望能帮到你。


1、Grow up(1)

Grow up

There is a siple note on the sooth desktop: "oe on, don't ive up!" Althouh only a few words, it reinds e, inspired e, let e in the rued path to suess, touh but steady proress.

When I first entered Jian Shen, adapt to the new environent annot be spent every day in the "iserable onditions", hands flawless, unaopanied, quite Li Qinhao "desolately desolately" taste. When I ry, the teaher silin into e, tauht e to uide e, I think it is now throuh the louds and see the blue sky, sile quietly on the heeks. Fold the quilts are, in the bedroo with his opanions roll lauh, skilled wavin ra, shakin a body, wash rinse and sinin the son, every ornin leaped fro the bed and refreshed at on the playround.

The new hair down a stak of books, the first half of the old heart, definitely ten ties the thikness of the priary shool. I really want to iediately turned bak to the priary shool, the other returned to oahin days, went to the leisurely and arefree days. But not, I was seven or eiht lass hoework played with 20oleules, perforane bean to deline, the oposition is divided like a rabbit jup, jup low. In the iddle of the niht, lyin on the bed, the tears of despair and unwillin rushed to the da. "oe on, don't ive up, the diffiulties will pass." That niht, in the faint hope under sleep.

In fat, life is like a world of waters sea, everyone is in the water swiin, ouraeously in a fearless fiht after reahin the brilliant shore. The al lake never ake a powerful seaan, rih river day volue wave, have exellent tehnoloy in Wuhon athletes.

Wipe away the tears, wipe away the sadness, I failed to write a lesson, enraved in y heart, understand the biest eney is yourself. I do not want to learn the west kin, a world with outstandin but ould not withstand the hands of the sword, not with others, and their first fiht, lib up the fall, fall, lib up aain, the pae will be uh ore stable, the vitory of the flowers will open quietly. I hope to stay in, not afraid of firewood, the west kin, if I like this style, history will also be rewritten.

Reeber a year tie, so to stand fro sour exitedly, I an not help but lauh loudly: Ho do not experiene wind and rain, how an see the rainbow.


A fo may grow gray, but never good.


The house clean-up


Giving up


Never give up


Give up smoking


get up


Chinese Never Give Up


Growing up with my father




Learn to Give Up 高三英语作文


六年级英语作文:Never give up


六年级英语作文:Never give up_1000字






神笔马良主题曲《Wake Up》歌词欣赏
