There is your first class in school


篇首语:若我是万千繁星其中一个,你便是我的星轨,使我昼夜不知停。本文为你选取作文There is your first class in school四篇,希望能帮到你。


1、There is your first class in school(1)

There is your first class in school

rowin up, there is always trouble. With the partner, the love hu... When I knew there was TFBYS in the first lass, I ouldn't say how happy I was. I was "happy like a ouse" when it ae to the idea that this prora iht be aired on the whole apus. Every tie they wath their show, they jup around like a ania and lauh. And that's when I' really happy. This ay be a ood sin. Seein the on the first day of shool is a drivin fore. A kind of otivation that enouraes e to work onstantly.

When there is no TFBYS, it is always assued that the new book, the new book, is in shool. But sine 2014, I have learned that TFBYS will be on the first day of shool. I finally understand that they are an essential and iportant part of y life. In 14 years, they will be in the first lass in 1 years and 16 years. For e, that's a ood start. I thouht I ould o all the way by yself, but in the end I found yself relyin too uh on the. I've always wondered if I ould have done anythin wron without the. If it wasn't for that one thin, I iht have thouht they ould do it for theselves. Finally, I found yself haned...

Forive e for bein youn, but for the truth; Forive e for y inorane, but for your liht; Forive e for bein arroant, but for your faith. I finally knew how iportant they were to e. It was five days before shool bean, and thinkin that wan yuan was oin to be in the heat of the suer. Hate that you don't have wins, or you an fly to his shool to protet hi. In fat, I understand that they are stars and any people love and hold. But I' willin to be one of their fans. Be willin to work with the, be willin to protet the, protet the fro the rain, and ive everythin to the. As I have said, even the whole world is opposed to y love for the, and I will ontinue to do so. Beause that's the only onstant in y life.


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Thanks For Your Helping


From your good friend


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