Celebrities in our class


篇首语:曾无好事来相访,赖尔高文一起予。本文为你选取作文Celebrities in our class四篇,希望能帮到你。


1、Celebrities in our class(1)

Celebrities in our class

ne says the faous people in our lass, we don't have to say a lot, to say the hihest, and it ust be one boys who want to know her? Then let e introdue hi.This is the one feature of the anient ties, and the faous an in our lass was naed Dr. ao, and he was your thee sybol, and it was a little diffiult, and she was your skill at four.

An Enlish word that an't be reebered, the kin of old in his TV.It ust be you are I a doin a very diffiult nuber of ao I an not touh the hair, and soeties look at eilin, and soeties frownin.10 inutes ao, the answer to the proble was 1 inutes past the brain, and the proble was still a stublin blok in front of e, 20 inutes past one. The proble of solvin the proble has not been found, it is very urent.Look for the teaher, but the teaher is not in the offie. How an it be ood? I' not havin a dotor at one?I hurried to the hih dotor's seat, and how did the dotor answer this question? He oved his lasses on his nose, the tide, and the body looked at it for three inutes, and his eyes suddenly looked bi, and he was exited to say, "you see this proble is d on the forula."

I saw hi enter the drawin, the larity of y thinkin, the words are not vaue.He is not only rih in knowlede, he an also say that he is al and al, he is not pani, he has an urent task, and he is not exited when he oes to the ood news. We are ipressed by the ood attitude he is not busy with.ne was in half the lass, the lass teaher announed that the lass was oin to hold one books, and when the lassroo bean to boil, everyone was happy, and soe of the threw their hats on the roof. Soe happy irles around the table, soe loud and loud, as if to ake the roo's eilin, one, 30 hih, and then o to see the one hih-- Althouh the fae is full of happiness, but there is no dane like the other students.How about our lass, lass, is there a plae where it is different? Want to et to know hi further, please o to Beijin priary shool lass two, rade five.


初三年级英语作文: Spring in Our School_750字


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