No adult world


篇首语:别裁伪体亲风雅,转益多师是汝师。本文为你选取作文No adult world四篇,希望能帮到你。


1、No adult world(1)

No adult world

The huan bein ade by od, he saw that people's life is ettin better and better, but he sees the hildren and is very slow under the oppression of the adults. There are one days and two hildren oe to od, they say, eriful od, please turn your adults away. We an't stand it. We have to learn every day, and we lose freedo and innoene. Take pity on us!od listened to the sense of truth, to develop the ystery, the truth, or you are free, no one is forin the to learn, no one is listenin to the, they an do whatever they want. In y whole world, they an wath TV and play oputer every day. They an eat the lollipop I an't eat, and I an lie on the rass and et out, and they don't have to study. The whole world is the only hild, lookin at you, silin.So they learned to ook, lean up the house, and one weeks later, the hildren have been able to feed theselves, but they always think they are issin soethin? od looked at everythin and suddenly sihed.Love, this is the first thin I have done in y life, and finally, the hildren are no loner playin, and the two hildren o to od, they say, eriful od, thank you for everythin. But we always feel what we are issin, and I want to tell you, hey, you are short of faily!Two hildren, they ried and said, "od, we know, please oe bak. od shook his head and said," I' sorry, hildren, I don't have the ability.The hildren all over the world bean to ry, and they reebered the situation where they used to be with adults, and they found that the teaher was not so nain, parents, so that they were ood for the. All the tie, when everyone was surprised to find out that eah of their one tears beae an adult, hildren and adults, lookin at all this, and od was enerous.It sees that the ost preious thin in the world is the faily, said he rose, and turned into the one round of the sun, the liht to the world of vitality.


Changing the world and making it better


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it take all ort to make a world.


One World One Dream






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