The claws of the old cat


篇首语:山再高,往上攀,总能登顶;路再长,走下去,定能到达。本文为你选取作文The claws of the old cat四篇,希望能帮到你。


1、The claws of the old cat(1)

The claws of the old cat

An old at was in a tiht position, and if he auht two ie, it was 1000, and then I beae the head of the laws, and the old at stared at his two shiny ators. Lookin at every orner, for a oent, two starvin ie, who had been out to steal food, just ae out of the head and iediately killed Yu Laoao's laws, so the old at took the laws, riht? The kin, the niht, the at ran into the fox and said, "I a the laws, the kin, do you believe it?Really, how an I not know? Hu Lihui's what you don't believe is ood, let you open your eyes.Lao ao just finished pointin to the front of a piee of stone laws, the stone, and the stone broke out, and the fox saw no surprise, and it was so bad that there was no wonder that the ouse was ettin less and less. The fox's eyes rolled, and the furry tail shook and said, "oh, you're a real lihua, but suh a preious laws should let it out." It's not too bad.h what is wron? Lao ao an't wait to ask, "the fox replied," is this unknown? If the laws are out, what will happen if you are not areful about the onsequenes of broken lass knives? The old at asked anxiously.It's very siple. Just take two piees of loth to wrap up the laws. It's no daner, and after a lon tie, o finds a ouse stealin food. But beause the laws were wrapped, they ouldn't ath the ie, and they had to wath the ouse esape, and the old at reretted it, and he tore it off. h, no, Another period beause of the lon tie not to the ai, has lost the past.Lao ao does not understand this reason, learnin is like sailin, no, but it is ore and ore ai to retreat, and blindly listen to the sound of the fox and protet the laws. No use, the laws will be pure, and we have to think about it, but don't ake the sae istake as the old at!


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