Labor day experience


篇首语:明明你一个人可以活的很开心的,偏偏非要学别人谈恋爱……本文为你选取作文Labor day experience四篇,希望能帮到你。


1、Labor day experience(1)

Labor day experience

Haha, We have a heerful weloe, the annual 1 labor day.This is one days on labor dayI deided to do one thins。So we have the followin tie.

I ae fro hoe to the fatory with exiteent, and I saw that the fatory was dirty, and the broo bean to sweep the floor,Hey, hey, you have been burnin for half an hour. Should I be lean? But look at the one look, the dust is still so uh, without the slihtest redution, I try to sweep, to lean, and finally, it took ore than an hour, it was lean, and it was one liht.It's tie to lean up and tidy up. I went shoppin first, but it's so short. I never thouht I'd be suh a ess,I took out all the bad lothes and put it on the side of y lothes and put the toether and put the all toether.The tie was so fast, one in the of lunh, I, one jup to ook, Toy, water and water, and then put on the eletriity, and bean to boil,I ean, there's soethin else I need to do, look at that dish, and I' oin to take y ind. Why don't you ake one bi eals for your parents ,Then we started the pakae, and then the dishes, and so on. h, it's been so fast for one days. I feel the tie. It's over. It turns out that when you work hard, you will find that tie is so fast. How would you o and tell hi how he will repay youThis is y one-day heart o to work hard, work, and return your parents,Take advantae of this 1, take advantae of those useful holidays, and take advantae of the opportunity to return your parents.


知识和经验英语作文 Knowledge or Experience


我的实习经历 My internship experience英语作文


英语激励名言 Experience is the best teacher


英文励志名言佳句 Experience is the best teacher


µÚÒ»´Î×ø·É»ú My First Experience of PlaneÓ¢ÓïÈÕ¼Ç


How We Spent Teachers Day


英语作文:May Day


英语作文:May Day


my day


terrible day


busy day


one day


happy day


A Happy Day


windy day
