Carbon dioxide


篇首语:枕上从妨一夜睡,灯前读尽十年诗。本文为你选取作文Carbon dioxide四篇,希望能帮到你。


1、Carbon dioxide(1)

Carbon dioxide

arbon dioxide is one of the ost iportant atospheri heat-trappin ases.Hiher onentration of arbon dioxide in the atosphere will lead to lobal warin and ause uneven flood and drouht or weather.It ay even ause sea level rise.The water would drown a lare nuber of oastal ities ,danerous of us.But there is also a researh point out that arbon dioxide has any advantaes.Suh as inreasin the arbon dioxide an ive plants "fertiliation".It is benefiial to theroup of plants.But there ust be a preise that the plants is alive.If the soil is polluted ,plants died then we have lost release oxyen into the atosphere "oxyen fatory " and "air purifier ".In short arbon dioxide isvery iportant to us.
