Changing the world and making it better


篇首语:学向勤中得,萤窗万卷书。本文为你选取作文Changing the world and making it better四篇,希望能帮到你。


1、Changing the world and making it better(1)

Changing the world and making it better

Do you want to live in a bi arbae an? Iaine one day when all you see is arbae and the air you breath in stinks, how would you feel? We often throw away thins that an be reyled and even throw the trash on the floor. We, huan beins, have so any bad habits that are hurtin our livin environent. What should we do to break these bad habits and ake the world a better plae?

First, we have to herish the resoure on earth and learn to appreiate our environent. This an siply be done by redue, reuse and reyle our arbae. For exaple, when you have lothes that are too sall, please don't throw it away but ive it to soeone in need. This way we not only reuse the lothes but also help others. To redue the onsuption of fossil fuels, we an o to shool by bike, by bus or siply walk. Soe sientists say that solar power is the best resoure to use, beause the power fro the sun would not be exhausted. Also, we an put soe solar panels on our roof and we an have solar enerated eletriity! By reduin, reusin and reylin our arbae we an solve the probles of the enery risis and arbae overload.

Seond, we have to protet other anials on earth. Sine we all live toether on this planet, I always wonder why these anials are endanered? The truth is, we huans are killers. We kill rhinos for their horns, we urder bears for their pals. We ut down trees, throw away tones of arbae, and prod。


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