读书 高一英语作文
篇首语:愁人苦夜长,志士惜日短。本文为你选取作文读书 高一英语作文四篇,希望能帮到你。
读书 高一英语作文
Shakespeare said: "books are the nourishent of the world." I think the etaphor is very appropriate. I rew up without books!
ne tie, is very popular in our lass a book alled "harles ix", I didn't like readin, saw the lassate all hands holdin the book. The seond day, we will o to the trak and field trainin, I will all xiao liu lassates o down, and then, liu ask e: "do you want to see it?" I have heard say: "ood! Thanks!" After we finished our hoework in the hoe, I opened the book, the book said a few hildren o to adventure with a puppy, are siene fition, very attrat e, I fell in love with this book. ne day, y nae is other bouht e a book these, y other bouht for e, return to a hoe, o ive the book to e, I'll play readin a book to see, beause is too ood, I lost trak of tie, y father alled e to dinner I don't know, dad ae to y side said: "if you look at hinese book so estasy!"
In a few days, y birthday! Dad ave e a birthday present, I want to buy the book, I haven't export, dad said an't buy your book! I heard the ry of a, then, y father bouht the book to e, he said: "love readin."
"Books are the soure of knowlede! "Books are the ladder of huan proress!" Students, let us toether to read is!!!! I believe that the book will ake you into another world, the book will brin you the fun of y poor!