读书 高二英语作文
篇首语:聪明在于勤奋,天才在于积累。本文为你选取作文读书 高二英语作文四篇,希望能帮到你。
读书 高二英语作文
Knowlede an be aquired fro any soures. These inlude books, teahers and pratial experiene, and eah has its own advantaes. The knowlede we ain fro books and foral eduation enables us to learn about thins that we have no opportunity to experiene in daily life. We an study all the plaes in the world and learn fro people we will never eet in our lifetie, just by readin about the in books. We an also develop our analytial skills and learn how to view and interpret the world around us in different ways. Furtherore, we an learn fro the past by readin books. In this way, we won’t repeat the istakes of others and an build on their ahieveents.
Pratial experiene, on the other hand, an ive us ore useful knowlede. It is said that one learns best by doin, and I believe that this is true, whether one is suessful or not. In fat, I think akin istakes is the best way to learn. oreover, if one wants to ake new advanes, it is neessary to at. Innovations do not oe about throuh readin but throuh experientation. Finally, one an apply the skills and insihts ained throuh the study of books to pratial experiene, akin an already eaninful experiene ore eaninful. However, unless it is applied to real experienes, book knowlede reains theoretial and, in the end, is useless. That is why I believe that knowlede ained fro pratial experiene is ore iportant than that aquired fro books.