To the leaders and teahers; Dear parents and lassates,
ood afternoon!
It is y reat honor to stand here today to say oodbye to y Ala ater, to say oodbye to y Ala ater, and to say oodbye to this unforettable hih shool year. First of all, I would like to thank y teahers, parents and lassates for their trust in e.
Three years ao, at this tie, we were yearnin for this shool outside the apus. Three years later, we were full of it. Three years ao, we entered the shool with exellent rades and parents' expetations. Three years later, we are leavin the beautiful apus with rowin experiene and parents' ofort.
Standin in the three years after the end, we found that hih shool is a too hasty book, unonsiously, hina with ore than one thousand paes so rushed over, but it's ore than one thousand days and nihts into nuerous real life details eere in front of us, all the hinese redbud, kapok blooin; The noisy playround, the quiet botanial arden; The sound of the ornin, the hasty and full of evenin, the love-hate and love-hate dinin hall, the library that akes people foret to return; With y lassates' heart and soul, and the teaher's lauhter... It is in the silent steps of tie that we have haned fro three years ao, to the ature and aute, fro the onfusion of three years ao, to today's steadfast ourae! hoose to let us have no rerets, we would like to sinerely say: in the attahent, thank you!
When we will leave shool, we iht as well fro the eotion in the territory to set aside a reason, ten years, twenty years or thirty years later, when the failiar faes and senery radually fade, when the lass learned the hapter out of y ind, when we are on the stae of fuy failure, we rely on what to aintain the Ala ater of deep feelins? What is the oon blood that flows throuh eah of the attahed people?
First of all, it is the spirit of hardship that is attahed to us. "If you eat bitter, you will be a opanion." We will not foret those eiht days in the hot sun, the sonorous ilitary trainin pae, unforettable that week in the qinyuan township of the rie trainin "the three idential" of the ariultural test; We shall never foret the tie when we were runnin around the playround with our tired les and tired les. I an't foret the suer niht's sorhin heat, the bitter old in winter. It is these hardships that have hastened our plain harater; It is these hardships that have ultivated our stron and unyieldin spirit; Even ore, let us understand the ission and responsibilities that are shoulderin on the shoulders of onteporary youth, and let us understand the "first taste of sweet, sweet, sweet and sweet", whih Yan told us. First eat bi bitter, then eat sall bitter, sall bitter is also sweet!"
Seond, it is the spae that ives us freedo to think freely. If we are birds, we are the blue sky. If we are runnin water, it is hih ountain. The attahent ives us the desire to fly hih, and the attahent ives us the possibility to rush into the distane. In this area, we are free to for a ounity that an brin into play our individual harater and talents. We ake publi our individuality in the eletion of the student union, and we display our wisdo in the innovation opetition. n the other hand, very few hoework assinents, a full week of self-study and body forin, and the seeinly strit but extreely loose anaeent syste. It is these freedos that tell us that while we are foused on learnin, we should develop ore fully and hihliht our strenths. It is these freedos that tell us to learn to hoose and to ive up; It is also these freedos that tell us to anae our own lives and plan our own lives.
Third, it is a pluralisti view of our onitive world. Adherin to the prinipal wu "with oplete odern eduation builds hih quality of odern people" onept of eduation, the ultivation of the affiliated hih shool of respeted ultivariate quality, brin all kinds of talents to row hair lory: there are an infinite nuber of eletive ourses, there are rih and olorful lub ativities, there are too any thins to see the style of opetition. In the shool sports eet, we are splashin the sweat of youth; At the festival, we dane the youn rhyth; In the siene festival, we jup to innovative thinkin. ultivate the onsiousness of our itiens, volunteers roup wonderful "BBS of the affiliated hih shool of" broaden our horions, there are rih and olorful suer ap every year and a wide variety of aadei investiation ativities, ake we look around the world, with the world... Under the bakround of suh respet and diversity, the soil in the attahent akes us a livin individual, and we will ebrae all advaned iviliations with the ind of the attahed people.
Today, we stand on the new startin point of life, the road ahead is how to explore, but I know, the affiliated hih shool of people not afraid, beause of the affiliated hih shool of three years of experiene, let us radually lear the way forward. raduation fro hih shool is both an end and a startin point. With the onfidene and alness harateristi of the attahed, we will walk into the holy university hall and enter the soiety full of opetition and hallene. We ust be able to reate a new splendor in the ollee entrane exa a week later. We ust also be able to win one vitory after another in the future.
The lon wind and the waves will soeties han in the sea!
Taore one said, "no atter how lon it takes to pull the shadow of the tree, it is always onneted with the root." At this oent, let us ive the flowers and Thanksivin to our any wonderful Ala ater, as well as the hard work of every teaher. ive us the Ala ater and the teaher, the plae is here and now, and then there is the tie, everywhere and everywhere!
Thank you.
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