Good loser doesn‘t die
篇首语:金鞍玉勒寻芳客,未信我庐别有春。本文为你选取作文Good loser doesn‘t die四篇,希望能帮到你。
Good loser doesn‘t die
Plu, did not experiene the snow of wintr, eafter all annot ive pleasant heart frarane; the sword, not experiened fire tepered, eventually annot beoe spread throuh the vast sword; ussels, have not experiened the tober touh prenany, an't oneived of litterin pearls.
We have a senior, naed Nobel. He spent his whole life to the study of explosives, brin reat ontribution to our huan predeessors. Nobel, and his brothers invented a liquid explosives. Soon, it is popular all over the world. But, beause of the explosive explosive, so in the proess of transportation, Nobel predeessor to iprove this explosive. So, Nobel after hundreds of failure, eventually iprove suess.
He naed the "dynaite" but, in the iddle, there is an episode: in one experient, Nobel a little areless, destroyed Nobel laboratory, his father and brother had been killed. However, Nobel did not ive up our predeessors and so his drea. He. Find a friend in another plae to rent a boat, to ontinue to iprove the dynaite. Stayed in the lab for several years. ne day, only to hear a loud noise oin fro the Nobel laboratory, we onfound shouts: "bi bad aident! Nobel!" for a oent, I saw fro the ruins slowly out of a youn an Blak, blak feet, outh also reited: "suess, I finally sueeded!" oriinally, he aain after 99 to eihty-one, and finally ot his explosives, I alled the ultiate suess of the total explosive! Nobel, do you think, if Nobel an't endure setbaks and tribulations; if Nobel failed not experiene but if Nobel unable to et up after a fall; liquid explosives do not strenthen iproveent. an he sueed? Nobel's life does not tell us there is no suess without setbaks this truth?
Failure is the other of suess, frustration is the father of suess. To be suessful, there ust be a setbak! The blade of sword fro the sharpenin out, plu blosso fro the bitter old. Reeber the truth and live with you!