Shared Bicycle


篇首语:满堂花醉三千客,一剑霜寒十四州。本文为你选取作文Shared Bicycle四篇,希望能帮到你。


1、Shared Bicycle(1)

Shared Bicycle

Reently,the sharin of biyles in our lives in any plae, streets, apus, everywhere you an see it, whih akes our travel ore onvenient.

But, unfortunately, there are lots of unruly deeds while people use it.For exaple, soe people o hoe with the biyle and sell it.And soe people destory its password to esape paid.f ouse, the unruly deed is not just this, and this deeds are extreely dad.

So fain this deeds, how an we do?Fro the standpoint, firstly, we should ondut propaanda about iviliation and orals, whih iprove people orals revel.Seondly, we should enhane superrise to shared biyle, and redue people unruly deeds.Thirdly,if neessary, we ould draw up relevant law.I think it is iportant that we are aware of sharin biyle.


My Views on Bicycle-sharing
