To save water
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To save water
Soe people say, the world's water is inexhaustible. But, I tell you, you this kind of view is wron! Althouh the water on the earth aounted for two-thirds of the earth, but we an use the freshwater only a third of the. Water does not inrease, it will slowly redue! If the world is not the water, it will be terrible… …It will ause any disasters, I will detail below.
The first: dust stors. It an ake the eoloial environent deterioration, sandstor weather when the wind around the sand, dust everywhere, and by reional air turbidity, osow fans eye, the inrease of respiratory diseases. As on ay , 1993 ourred in the sinularity of the stron dust stor weather, onitorin to the outdoor air dust ontent of 1016 /ubi entieters, indoor for 0 /ubi entieters, ore than the provisions of the state of livin standards of air dust ontent in the area of 40 ties.Influene of prodution and life,Sandstor weather to arry a lare nuber of sand and dust stors shadin, overast, resultin in a derease of solar radiation, a few hours to ten hours of bad visibility, easy to ake a person dull, workin study effiieny. Liht person an ake a lare nuber of livestok dyed respiratory and astrointestinal diseases, serious when will lead to a lare nuber of "sprin" livestok deaths, blown away farland fertile soil, seeds and seedlins, dust stors will ause the round surfae soil wind erosion, desertifiation, overed in thik dust on the plant leaf, affets noral photosynthesis, responsible for the rop prodution, dust stors also akes the teperature fell sharply, the sky as it props up a sunshade, round under shadows beoe dark, old, ake hue losses of lives and property;Affet traffi safety, (suh as plane, train, autoobile traffi aident) sandstor weather often affet traffi safety, the plane an't take off or land norally, ake the ar, train ar lass broken, suspended or derailent;When people are exposed to dust weather, ontain a variety of toxi heials, ers, suh as the dust an be throuh the s of protetion into the outh, nose, eyes, ears. These ontain a lare nuber of harful substanes of the dust if not proptly lear will ause daae to these orans or bateria in these orans for intrusion point, ausin various diseases.
The seon:the forest fire.The daners of forest fires on eosyste, forest fires destroy forest eoloial balane of eosyste, forest eosyste is diffiult to reover after burnin, suh as hih strenth, lare areas of forest fire, on forest resoures and the forest eoloial syste an be devastatin losses,ore serious on the residents' property, transportation, atospheri environent, and affet People's Daily life, therefore, all kinds of reatures of the forest fire heartless not only destroy forests, destroy the terrestrial eosyste, and its dust loud will seriously pollutes the atospheri environent, diret threat to huan livin onditions,And the soke will seriously pollutes the atospheri environent, the enorous diret threat to huan livin onditions, and fihtin forest fires need to spend a lot of anpower and aterial resoures, finanial resoures, to the people and the ountry aused heavy loss of life and property, disrupt the reion's eonoi and soial developent and people's prodution and life order, diretly affet the soial stability. Now all ountries in the world to a lare area of forest fire prevention and ontrol as a ajor natural disasters.Fro the perspetive of disaster, the forest fire was aused by artifiial and natural fators of lost ontrol of a natural disaster.
Brouht a series of disasters, drouht and drouht auses ost people beause soe parts of the exessive waste of water.So, I alled for here: love our hoe! Don't waste water!
The role of water_水的作用英语作文150字