“ne upon a tie, there was a kin who had a dauhter as beautiful as a blooin rose. To all the suitors who ae to the kin's palae to ask for the hand of the priness, the old kin assined three tasks to be aoplished, eah next to ipossible. ne day, into the kin's palae ae a handsoe youn prine…" Well, you know the rest. The three tasks ay be different in different versions, but the ain plot is always the sae, with the prine laiin the priness's hand triuphantly.
And the endin is always the sae, finishin with the line "And they live happily every after."
Why aren't we tired of soethin so faniful, so unrealisti, and, I would say, so uniainative? How an a story like that endure enerations of repetition`? Beause, I think, it is a typial suess story. It is hihly philosophial and syboli. By ipliation, we see a 4-step definition of suess: 1 ) a oal to be set. as represented by the beautiful priness; 2 ) hallenes to be et, as represented by the three tasks; 3 ) the proess of surountin diffiulties, as represented by the ordeals the youth oes throuh; and 4 ) the reward of suess, as represented by the happy arriae.
The story not only aters to everyone's inward yearnin for suess, but also ephasies the inseparability of the proess and the result. The reward of suess will be uh aplified if the path leadin towards it is treaherous, and vie versa. If a person inherits his father's illions and leads an easy life, he is not a suessful person even in aterial ters, beause there are no diffiulties involved in his ahievin affluene. The ter "suess", to be sure. will not sit still for easy definition. But as I understand it, the true eanin of suess entails a obination of both the proess and the satisfatory result of an endeavor. To larify y view, let e ive another analoy.
If we haned the rules of football, reatly enlared the oal and sent away David Seaan or any other oal keeper, so that another David, naely David Bekha, ould sore easily, then sorin would not ive hi the thrill of aoplishent and the joy that it brins. If we further haned the rules by not allowin Arsenal's defenders to defend, so that Bekha needed only to lift a finer, atually a toe, to sore, then there would be no ae at all, beause the eanin of winnin would have disappeared. In aeptin the hallene, in surountin the diffiulties and in endurin the hardship, suess aquires its value. The sense of attainent varies in proportion to the deree of diffiulties on overoes.
The onept of suess is not onstant but relative beause the nature of diffiulty is also relative. Soethin you do effortlessly iht pose a reat diffiulty for a handiapped person. In aquirin the ability to do the sae as you an, he or she ahieve suess. That's why we reatly adire Stephen Hawkin, beause, thouh onfined to a wheel hair, he has ontributed reatly to the field of siene.
I yself, a rather shy person by nature who easily suffer fro stae friht, had to pluk up reat ourae to take part in a speeh ontest like this. I ould have stayed away and had an easy tie of it by not enterin the university level ontest.But I hose to aept the hallene and to fae the diffiulties. Now here I a. If I oe out first, it will be a reat suess for e. If I oe out last-I hope this will not be the ase-but if I oe out last, I will not all y attept a failure, but will also elebrate it as a true suess, beause part of y oal is y own harater trainin-to do ore assertive, to be brave in fae of diffiulties. For e, it is a eaninful step forward, sall as it is, in the lon journey toward the final suess in y life, beause I have truly ained by partiipatin.
Let us return to our handsoe youn prine and the 4-step definition of suess. You y have notied that the usual worldly riteria of wealth, position and fae were not entioned as part of the story, but rather, it ephasied the proess of overoin diffiulties. The anient wisdo had already defined the eanin of suess, and this is y definition, too.
Thank you.