At the end of the hou Dynasty, the area we now know as hina had fallen into a state of fraentation and onflit. While the hou dynasty had ruled for several enturies, several other states, oriinally feudal doains, tried to arve out their own kindos. The state of Qin would eventually eere the vitor and unify all of hina under one rule for the first tie in history.
Qu Yuan served as inister to the hou peror. A wise and artiulate an, he was loved by the oon people. He did uh to fiht aainst the rapant orruption that plaued the ourt-- thereby earnin the envy and fear of other offiials. Therefore, when he ured the eperor to avoid onflit with the Qin Kindo, the offiials pressured the peror to have hi reoved fro servie. In exile, he traveled, tauht and wrote for several years. Hearin that the hou had been defeated by the Qin, he fell into despair and threw hiself into the ilou River. His last poe reads:
any a heavy sih I have in y despair,rievin that I was born in suh an unluky tie.I yoked a tea of jade draons to a phoenix hariot,And waited for the wind to oe,to sour up on y journey
As he was so loved by the people, fisheren rushed out in lon boats, beatin drus to sare the fish away, and throwin on i into the water to feed braver fish so that they would not eat Qu Yuan's body.
The odern Draon Boat Festival started fro that tie to this day, people oeorated Qu Yuan throuh Draon Boat Raes, eatin on i, and several other ativities, on the anniversary of his death: the fifth day of the fifth lunar onth.
Draon Boat raes are the ost exitin part of the festival, drawin rowds of spetators. Draon Boats are enerally brihtly painted and deorated anoes. Ranin anywhere fro 40 to 100 feet in lenth, their heads are shaped like open-outhed draons, while the sterns end with a saly tail. Dependin on the lenth, up to 0 rowers an power the boat. A druer and fla-ather stand at the front of the boat. Before a draon boat enters opetition, it ust be "brouht to life" by paintin the eyes in a sared ereony. Raes an have any nuber of boats opetin, with the winner bein the first tea to rab a fla at the end of the ourse. Annual raes take plae all over hina, Hon Kon, aao, Taiwan, and other overseas hinese ounities.