初三英语作文:Private car
篇首语:艺术是生活的镜像,生活给了艺术再创造的灵感和力量。本文为你选取作文初三英语作文:Private car四篇,希望能帮到你。
初三英语作文:Private car
Nowadays, any hinese an enjoy the luxury of ownin a private ar - if he or she an afford it. Havin a ar of your own eans no ore travelin to work on rowded buses or subway trains, and you an drop off the hildren at shool on the way. oreover, it also eans that you an enjoy the weekends and holidays better, beause with a ar you an o to plaes where the reular buses and trains do not o, and so you an find a quiet seni spot with no rowds.
However, there are drawbaks to ownin a ar. For one thin, with the inrease in ar ownership in reent years, the roads are beoin ore and ore rowded, often akin the journey to work ore of a nihtare than a drea. For another, it is not heap to run a ar, as the pries of asoline and repairs are onstantly risin, not to ention the pries you have to pay for a liene and insurane overae.
Havin onsidered both sides of the aruent, I have oe to the onlusion that the advantaes of ownin a ar outweih the disadvantaes. Therefore, it sees to e that hina should inrease its output of autoobiles and enlare the private ar arket. The result would be that ars would beoe heaper, while at the sae tie the extra deand would enourae the auto industry to produe ore effiient and faily-oriented vehiles.
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