高三英语作文:Line is better than words


篇首语:不飞则已,一飞冲天;不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。本文为你选取作文高三英语作文:Line is better than words四篇,希望能帮到你。


1、高三英语作文:Line is better than words(1)

高三英语作文:Line is better than words

i teah eonois at unlv three ties per week. last onday, at the beinnin of lass, i heerfully asked y students how their weekend had been. one youn an said that his weekend had not been so ood. he had his wisdo teeth reoved. the youn an then proeeded to ask e why i always seeed to be so heerful.


his question reinded e of soethin i'd read soewhere before: every ornin when you et up, you have a hoie about how you want to approah life that day, i said. i hoose to be heerful.


let e ive you an exaple, i ontinued, addressin all sixty students in the lass. in addition to teahin here at unlv, i also teah out at the ounity ollee in henderson, 17 iles down the freeway fro where i live. one day a few weeks ao i drove those 17 iles to henderson. i exited the freeway and turned onto ollee drive. i only had to drive another quarter ile down the road to the ollee. but just then y ar died. i tried to start it aain, but the enine wouldn't turn over. so i put y flashers on, rabbed y books, and arhed down the road to the ollee.


as soon as i ot there i alled aaa and arraned for a tow truk to eet e at y ar after lass. the seretary in the provost's offie asked e what has happened. 'this is y luky day,' i replied, silin.


'your ar breaks down and today is your luky day?' she was puled. 'what do you ean?'


'i live 17 iles fro here.' i replied. 'y ar ould have broken down anywhere alon the freeway. it didn't. instead, it broke down in the perfet plae: off the freeway, within walkin distane of here. i' still able to teah y lass, and i've been able to arrane for the tow truk to eet e after lass. if y ar was eant to break down today, it ouldn't have been arraned in a ore onvenient fashion.'


the seretary's eyes opened wide, and then she siled. i siled bak and headed for lass. so ended y story.


i sanned the sixty faes in y eonois lass at unlv. despite the early hour, no one seeed to be asleep. soehow, y story had touhed the. or aybe it wasn't the story at all. in fat, it had all started with a student's observation that i was heerful.


deepak hopra has quoted an indian wise an as sayin, who you are speaks louder to e than anythin you an say. i suppose it ust be so.



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