Why did you walk away?


篇首语:会挽雕弓如满月,西北望,射天狼。本文为你选取作文Why did you walk away?四篇,希望能帮到你。


1、Why did you walk away?(1)

Why did you walk away?

Do you reeber the people who one walked side by side with you? Do you reeber the people who proised to walk side by side with you at the oent? Are they still proisin you that your life is like libin a ladder? Soe people lib side by side with you fro the beinnin, and they ay have fallen halfway? Down the liff. When you look bak fro the beinnin to the end, you will find that there are few people standin at the top.

It needs to be tested by a stron will, just like our friendship. Friendship needs to be tested. Soe people ay be able to stab you in both ribs, but others will stab you in the bak. This ay sound ironi, but it is true!I always reeber that niht when I raduated fro junior hih shool, y lassates ae forward to hu our head teaher, but I thouht a lot about it. any of y lassates ried that day, but I didn't. Beause I know, life is full of passers-by, fro kinderarten to our junior hih shool raduation, and even to our university, we will o throuh any transfer stations, arrival, we will o down. But it's not a passer-by, it's just a liht de ion of your life, and soe of it will beoe a olorful one in your life, beause people are eotional anials after all. If life is opared to takin a bus, I think it is a very appropriate phor. We et on the bus fro the startin point. Every tie we et to a station, soebody will o down, but soebody will oe up. And when he drives to another site, you never know who will oe up next and who will o down. But there are few people who an really aopany you fro the beinnin to the end. After all, they are just a passer-by in your life. aybe there are people worth herishin, but you still issed the.

ne, it was lear that you and he are very ood friends, even you an say that the relationship is inseparable. Until one day you are faed with a hih wall, whih hinders your way forward, and aybe you will oproise, but your feelins ay be dissipated. Fro your aquaintane to the end, you ay not know how deep your feelins are and whether you an fae any hallenes in the future. I reeber that there are four sisters around e. They are always inseparable. Whenever they appear hand in hand, they are envious of others. They an eat an ie-rea toether in hot suer and even squeee a bed toether in old winter. They even proise to be toether in spite of any diffiulties and obstales. Faed with it, their feelins will not be broken up by any obstales. Until...

By the third and the seond seester of junior hih shool, fain the division of lasses, this is a pair of sisters, beause of their different rades, have been assined to different lasses, and their friendship will also walk away. ne, beause of the different reasons in the lasses, they just siled at eah other when they finally et. Even the feelin of straners is not as ood, not to ention the one inseparable sister flowers! Is there really no lastin friendship in the world? That's not neessarily true. Everyone knows the friendship between Enels and arx. Their friendship is a odel in huan history.

Toether, they fouht hard and shared hardships. Althouh they ended up in two different plaes for nearly 20 years, their feelins did not alienate, or even beae loser and loser. They ouniate alost every day, and their friendship lasts for ore than 40 years. What does that ean? This only shows that true friendship is d on interonnetion. If friends are not onneted with eah other, how an we talk about feelins? In fat, the true friendship is to treat eah other sinerely, trust eah other, disuss everythin with eah other, when you are happy, when you are sad, to help you out. ood ediine is ood for the outh, but ood advie is ood for the ear. are for you, love you. Use your heart to pay for both sides silently, without askin for return. Never are too uh about oney. Real friends should be when you are hurt, they will find you at the first tie, and then they will stay with you quietly without sayin anythin. When you finish ryin, she will tell you to wipe your tears and fae the firly.

aintain your friendship orretly, and don't let it o away.




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