Mobile in College Campus


篇首语:幼敏悟过人,读书辄成诵。本文为你选取作文Mobile in College Campus四篇,希望能帮到你。


1、Mobile in College Campus(1)

Mobile in College Campus

Mobile in College Campus

With the development of science andinformation industry using mobile phones is becoming more and more popular forstudents especially among college students .And it is playing an increasinglyimportant role in our life. Just as the saying goes “Everything has two coins”.Mobile phones have its advantages and disadvantages. As for me I thinkdisadvantages outweigh more weight than the advantages.

On the one hand mobile is disadvantageousto our study. Firstly playing mobile phones on class would reduce theefficiency of study badly such as browsing the internet webpage seeing smallsaid watching movies and so on. Secondly it also will affect the wholelearning environment. Finally the use of mobile phones can provide convenientconditions for college students to skip class cheating on exams.

On the other hand mobile is adverse to ourdaily life .To start with there are many college students walking on campusand playing the mobile which will make them encounter some unexpectedaccidents. In addition someone is fond of playing games on mobile phones andaddicted to it. There is no doubt that the radiation from the mobile phone willbe harm to their health especially the eyesight. Last but not least mobilephone can cause craze to vie witheach other .Furthermore it may lead some students to do something illegal forexample stealing and cause some social problems.

In my owncase I still believe mobile phone in college campus has more disadvantagesthan advantages among college students although it is playing a dominant rolein our life. It’s better for us to use mobile phone in appropriate time and aproper time.


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