共产党(Communist Party)
一种政党,其成立目的是为促使社会从资本主义(capitalism)过渡到社会主义(socialism)再到共产主义(communism)。俄国是第一个由共产主义者掌权的国家(1917)。布尔什维克(Bolshevik)党在1918年更名为俄国共产党(All-Russian Communist Party);取这个名字是为了要跟那些在第一次世界大战期间支持资本主义政府的第二国际(Second International)社会主义者作区别。该政党的基本单位是工人会议(苏维埃,soviet),其上则是区、市、专区、全国等各级委员会。位於最顶端的是全国代表大会,每几年才举行一次;大会代表选出中央委员会委员,再由他们选出政治局(Politburo)和书记处(Secretariat)成员,不过这些组织实际上很少有什麽变动。苏联在第二次世界大战期间支配了世界各地的共产党。南斯拉夫(Yugoslavia)於1948年挑战这种霸权,中国则在1950和1960年代与苏联分道扬镳。各国共产党在苏联瓦解(1991)後仍存在,但是政治上的影响力小了许多。古巴(Cuba)仍由共产党统治,北韩(North Korea)也由世袭的共产党领袖所统治。
English version:
Communist Party
Political party organized to facilitate the transition of society from capitalism through socialism to communism. Russia was the first country in which communists came to power (1917). In 1918 the Bolshevik party was renamed the All-Russian Communist Party; the name was taken to distinguish its members from the socialists of the Second International who had supported capitalist governments during World War I. Its basic unit was the workers' council (soviet), above which were district, city, regional, and republic committees. At the top was the party congress, which met only every few years; the delegates elected the members of the Central Committee, who in turn elected the members of the Politburo and the Secretariat, though those organizations were actually largely self-perpetuating. The Soviet Union dominated communist parties worldwide through World War II. Yugoslavia challenged that hegemony in 1948 and China went its own way in the 1950s and '60s. Communist parties have survived the demise of the Soviet Union (1991), but with reduced political influence. Cuba's party remains in control, as does a hereditary communist party in North Korea.