Dürer, Albrecht
德国画家和版画家,被推崇为文艺复兴时期欧洲北部最伟大的艺术家,他的学生和模仿者的数量多得惊人。幼时在父亲的金饰作坊学习图案设计,1486年跟随画家和木刻插画家沃尔格穆特(M. Wohlgemuth)学习。1490年创作了最早的知名作品《父亲的肖像》,预示这位艺术大师的独特风格。约1494年成立自己的工作坊,开始生产木刻及铜版画。曾两度到义大利旅行,受到曼特尼亚(A. Mantegna)、波拉约洛兄弟(Pollaiuolo)和贝利尼家族等艺术家作品的启发,随後十年中他的大部分素描、油画和版画,例如《四女巫》(1497)、《亚当与夏娃》(1504)等,都直接或间接地反映出义大利艺术的强烈影响。1506年在威尼斯为圣巴托罗缪教堂的德国人葬礼教堂完成了他的伟大祭坛画《玫瑰花冠的宴会》,1507~1513年完成一系列《基督受难》铜版组画,并於1509~1511年创作《小苦难》木刻;这些作品的特色都是倾向於空间广阔和宁静。1513~1514年创作了他最重要的铜版画︰《圣哲罗姆在书斋中》、《梅伦科利亚一世》和《骑士、死神和魔鬼》。1512~1519年在纽伦堡受神圣罗马帝国皇帝马克西米连一世聘任为御前画师,与几位当时最杰出的德国艺术家合作为皇帝的祈祷书画一套边缘画。到1515年,杜勒已成为具国际声誉的艺术家,和杰出的文艺复兴盛期画家拉斐尔交换作品。1518年在奥格斯堡结识了马丁.路德,成为路德的虔诚追随者。1526年完成其最杰出、也是最後一幅作品--《四圣图》。
English version:
Dürer, Albrecht
German painter and printmaker. He worked as a draftsman in his father's goldsmith workshop before being apprenticed at 15 to a painter and illustrator in his native Nürnberg. He opened his own workshop c. 1494 and began producing woodcuts and copper engravings. His extensive travel took him twice to Italy, where he was inspired by the works of Andrea Mantegna, Antonio del Pollaiuolo, and Bellini family; Italian influence can be seen in such engravings as The Four Witches (c. 1497) and Adam and Eve (1504). He became known for his penetrating half-length portraits and self-portraits. In 1506, in Venice, he completed his great altarpiece The Feast of the Rose Garlands for the German chapel in the church of San Bartolommeo. Later important graphic works include his famous Passion series of copperplate engravings (1507-13), the Small Passion in woodcuts (1509-11), and his greatest engravings: St. Jerome in His Study, Melencolia I, and The Knight, Death, and the Devil (1513-14). Back in Nürnberg he worked for Emperor Maximilian I (1512-19). By 1515 he had achieved international fame. In 1518 he became a devoted follower of Martin Luther. His finest painting is the Four Apostles of 1526. He was the greatest Renaissance artist in northern Europe and had many pupils and imitators.