词语大全 言人人殊造句

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1、词语大全 言人人殊造句

2、词语大全 各持己见造句_各持己见中英文解释和造句

词语大全 言人人殊造句






词语大全 各持己见造句_各持己见中英文解释和造句

各持己见  gè chí jǐ jiàn








  • 美国人仍对转基因食品各持己见。 Americans are still split in their opinions about genetically engineered foods.

  • 我和我的同事就这个问题各持己见。 My co-worker and I have totally opposite approaches to the problem.

  • 这些机理的细节,研究者仍各持己见。 The details of these mechanisms are still being debated by researchers.

  • 双方在谈判中各持己见,使谈判陷入了僵局。 The two sides had a neck-and-neck talk during the negotiation.

  • 中委员们不能达成一致意见。他们各持己见。 The members couldn’t e to an agreement. They were at sixes and sevens.

  • (英译汉 ) 两人都各持己见,谁也不肯让步。 Both men persisted in their own opinions and neither would concede.

  • 我们为此各持己见,互不相让,继而互有怨言,争吵不休。 we are this each sticks to his own view, each other does not let, then each other has plaint, brawl endlessly.

  • 就当前新生的复苏势头能否持续这个问题,市场各持己见。 Markets are split on whether the nascent recovery is sustainable.

  • 在学界,对受贿罪立法中存在的问题也一直是分歧较多、各持己见。 In the academic field, there have also been varied opinions over the issues in anti-bribery legislation.

  • 由于在这之前他们中谁也没有在电视上做过广告,所以都各持己见。 As none of them had ever done it before, everyone had his point of view.

  • 在中国人寿A股上市案例中,上海和香港的投资者是非常乐意各持己见的。 In the case of China Life’s A-share IPO, investors in Shanghai and Hong Kong happily agreed to disagree.

  • 虽然吉姆和我在市场观点上经常各持己见,但那毕竟是关起门来的意见对立。 While Jim and I often disagreed on how to approach the market, that dialogue was behind closed doors.

  • 总统本周会见民主党代表,就他们的不同见解进行探讨,但是双方都各持己见。 The president met with Democratic leaders this week to discuss their differences, but neither side showed signs of backing down.

  • 从已有的研究成果中可以看出,对于盈余管理的态度,学者们各持己见,说法不一。 From the existing research results, the scholars can”t make a agreement in the earnings management.”

  • 会上,一些产权人对海口市政府代为处置十分不解,对如何处置美华也是各持己见。 meeting of Haikou City, took some property disposal were extremely puzzled to how to dispose of the United States and China is also different.

  • 在相关媒体报端,各家装企业对于“价格战”和随之的“诚信危机”现象各持己见。 In related media reports, the Jiezhuang enterprises to “price war” and then “integrity crisis” phenomenon holds.

  • 人们在会议桌上各持己见,而我愿意倾听各方意见,也愿意和大家分享我自己的观点。 People have strong opinions around the table, and I am looking forward to listening to them, I’ve got my own opinion, which I am more than willing to share.

  • 人们对这些怪圈的起源各持己见,从地质异常到人为玩笑,甚至还猜测与不明飞行物有关。 The origins of the circles have been disputed by many. The explanations have ranged from geological anomalies to man-made hoaxes or even UFOs.

  • 两位评委在节目中各持己见僵持数分钟,最后主持人何炅出面圆场将选手送入了“危险区”。 Two widely divergent positions held by Jury deadlocked in a program for a few minutes, and finally e forward to host Kyung Ho will圆场players into the “danger zone.”

  • 至于“疫毒”的发生,各国学者各持己见,有起源干非洲、美洲(与卡波济氏肉瘤有关)之说; As for the “Yidu” took place, scholars differ, and there is the origin of dry Africa, the Americas (and the related Kaposi’s sara), said;

  • 尽管各持己见,这些顾问仍对一件事有共识:布希总统第一任内放著以巴问题不管,实为失策。 For all their differences, the advisers agree on one thing: the disengagement from Israeli-Palestinian issues that President Bush practiced in his first term was a failure.

  • 一些商人正在兴奋地谈论电视广告。由于在这之前他们中谁也没有在电视上做过广告,所以都各持己见。 One businessmen were talking about advertising on TV excitedly. As none of them had ever done it before, everyone had his point of view.

  • 然而,我们认为我们应当避免在未来的学生会选举中产生两个具有同样权威的但又可能各持己见的声音。 However, we both agreed that we should prevent two conflicting voices on board with the equal authority from happening for future candidates.

  • 而日前国家出台的众多宏观调控政策,是否使房地产业面临着又一次的“大洗牌”,业内人士早已各持己见。 And the recently introduced numerous national macro-control policies, and whether the real estate industry is facing another “big reshuffle”, the industry has long views.

  • 似乎每一个北京人都各持己见,因为问题不仅仅涉及这个地方的自然特性,而且还表明一个民族对其历史的态度。 Every Beijing resident seems to have a strong opinion, for at stake is not merely the physical character of the site but the use a people are to make of their history.

  • 知识理性的活力使18世纪的文学独树一帜,这是一个充满睿智的时代——伟大的思想家和作家各持己见、百家争鸣; For intellectual activity sets the 18th century apart. It was an age of wit, when great thinkers and writers argued.

  • 你说不好,说我们家庭成员对这件事各持己见,若我们抗议,会破坏家中的和气与团结,外头的人对我们的印象也会大打折扣。 But you said no, saying that everyone in the family has his or her own opinion and, if we were to demonstrate, we would ruin the peace and unity in our family.

  • 问题的症结应该是最近一些事情和这些事情导致的冲突?两个人各有个人的计划或者两个人各持己见?既然已经产生了一些列的混乱,你需要一些时间去解决。 The problem is that recent events, and the resulting clashes ?in both existing plans and between certain headstrong individuals ?have caused a variety of chaos that will take some time to settle down.

  • 在这个由参众两院共同组成的委员会就严酷的就业数据展开讨论时,民主共和两党议员面对奥巴马总统提出的经济刺激计划是否能扭转美国经济的问题各持己见。 During a discussion of the grim jobs data, members divided along party lines on whether the economic stimulus plan of President Obama will turn the economy around.

  • 南非市场一致认为,南非储备银行(SARB)在4月举行的第九次会议上,仍然会把利率轻微上调,尽管两派分析师各持己见,一派认为上调幅度是0。25%,另一派认为是0。5%。 The consensus in the South African markets is that the SARB will nudge rates still higher at its April 9th meeting, although analysts are divided over whether the increase will be 0. 25% or 0. 5%.

  • 各持己见造句相关



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