词语大全 枉费心机造句

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1、词语大全 枉费心机造句

2、词语大全 枉费心机造句_枉费心机中英文解释和造句

词语大全 枉费心机造句






词语大全 枉费心机造句_枉费心机中英文解释和造句

枉费心机  wǎng fèi xīn jī








  • 老狗学不了新把戏;枉费心机。 You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

  • 老狗学不了新把戏;枉费心机。 You can\' t teach an old dog new tricks.

  • 枉费心机地写文章诋毁这场运动。 He tried in vain to write down the movement.

  • 小偷试图把锁著的门打开,但枉费心机。 The thief attempted to open the locked door, but they were all in vain.

  • 小偷试图把锁著的门打开,但枉费心机。 The thief trys to open the door with closed, but in vain.

  • 小偷试图把锁著的门打开,但枉费心机。 The thief try to open the locked lock, but it is no use to do that.

  • 小偷试图把锁著的门打开,但枉费心机。 The thief tried in vain to open the locked door.

  • 应付考试光靠好记性而不用功是枉费心机。 To depend on your memory without studying for a test is to grasp at straws.

  • 这是徒劳无益的,告诉你,你在枉费心机。 It is all to no purpose , I tell you that you are ploughing the sand .

  • 反动政府枉费心机地企图削弱这场抗议运动。 The reactionary government tried vainly to take the steam out of the protest movement.

  • 他企图诱使她离开丈夫和家庭,结果是枉费心机。 He tried in vain to lure her away from husband and home.

  • 我虽然习惯公开演讲,但我却知道那是枉费心机的。 Accustom as I am to public speaking, I know the futility of it.

  • (你)想劝他放弃他的行动方针,这不外是枉费心机。 Trying to dissuade him from his course of action is just beating your head against a wall.

  • 试图把金融家同实业家分开是枉费心机:会造成两败俱伤。 Trying to single out financiers from entrepreneurs is a fool”s errand: you will end up hurting both.”

  • 他们期待他们无法控制的事情按他们的心愿发生,而因此枉费心机。 They expect things beyond their control to happen at their own will, and thus totally waste their energy.

  • 海岸的叹息枉费心机地追求着微风,而微风催促海船疾疾漂洋过海。 The sigh of the shore follows in vain the breeze that hastens the ship across the sea.

  • 因此,如果你希望能找到似乎是东盟提议的政治变革,我认为我们不必枉费心机。 So if you’re looking for political change, that’s somehow initiated by ASEAN, I think we can forget that.

  • 其实,对于东罗马帝国皇帝来说更好的决策应该是亡羊补牢而非枉费心机去争夺不属于自己的东西。 The eastern empire would have been far better off consolidating its defences to prepare for what new threats would e later rather than throwing good resources after bad.

  • 如果你能够掌握华文,却因为对中华文化了解不够,没有能力和中国人进行有意义的交谈,那也是枉费心机。 It would be useless if you possess the language ability, but insufficient cultural knowledge to have a proper conversation with the Chinese nationals.

  • 正在这关头,发生了一件大事。我们枉费心机,想凿通人生旅途中的障碍,可是命中的厄运始终是要出现的。 In the meantime a serious incident occurred. Carve as we will the mysterious block of which our life is made, the black vein of destiny constantly reappears in it.

  • 如果你能够掌握华文,却因为对中华文化了解不够,没有能力和中国人进行有意义的交谈,那也是枉费心机。 Just learning the language is not enough. There should also be a basic understanding of the culture behind it.

  • 一直缺席的是爱因斯坦,已年过半百,不属圈内人士,总企图利用大量蹩脚的观点推翻量子力学,但枉费心机。 Absent altogether was Einstein, past 50 and out of the loop, trying to overthrow quantum mechanics with a wastebasket full of crumpled ideas.

  • 一进门,我就想起了被我摔碎的娃娃。我摸索著走到壁炉跟前,拾起了碎片。我想把这些碎片拼在一起,可是枉费心机。 On entering the door I remembered the doll I had broken. I felt my way to the hearth and picked up the pieces. I tried vainly to put them together.

  • 看来,安德烈公爵对朝圣者的嘲弄态度和公爵小姐玛丽亚枉费心机的庇护,是他们之间业已形成的、习以为常的相互关系。 It was plain that Prince Andrey’s ironical tone to the pilgrims, and Princess Marya’s helpless championship of them, were their habitual, long-established attitudes on the subject.

  • 那种想竭力破坏人类幸福的伟大支柱──人类与公民职责的最坚强支柱──的人,却妄想别人赞他爱国,必然是枉费心机。 In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness–these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens.

  • 这些请求与保护行动大都枉费心机,但由于保障贸易通道安全的益处超过了驱除海盗的耗费,最后英国皇家海军采取了行动。 These pleas and protective actions were mostly in vain, but finally, as the benefits of assuring safe trade lanes rose relative to the costs of eliminating piracy, the Royal Navy took action.

  • 尽管这些请求与保护行动大都枉费心机,但由于保障贸易通道安全的益处超过了驱除海盗的造价,最后英国皇家海军采取了行动。 There pleas and protective actions were mostly in vain, but finally, as the benefits of assuring safe trade lanes rose relative to the costs of eliminating piracy , the Royal Navy took action.

  • 这家公司花了很多钱为他们的新款黑白电视机做广告,但是他们不过是在枉费心机,因为彩色电视机很便宜了,没有人要买黑白的。 The pany has spent much money on advertising their new type of black-and-white television, but they are simply baying at the moon, for nobody would want a cheap.

  • 结果是枉费心机,不过颠倒了它原来的位置,使它枝干朝地,根梢朝天,成为一株头朝下的树,然后落在干脏活累活的女仆们的手里使用。 ’tis now at best but the Reverse of what was, a Tree turn’d upside down, the Branches on the Earth, and the Root in the Air;

  • 一个人总要走陌师的路,看陌熟的景致,听生疏的歌,而后在某个不经意的霎时,你会领隐,底本是枉费心机想要忘却的事件假的就那么记忘了。 One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone.

  • 枉费心机造句相关



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