词语大全 一言难尽造句

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1、词语大全 一言难尽造句

2、词语大全 一言以蔽之造句_一言以蔽之中英文解释和造句

词语大全 一言难尽造句








词语大全 一言以蔽之造句_一言以蔽之中英文解释和造句

一言以蔽之  yī yán yǐ bì zhī








  • 一言以蔽之,李阳至少是一个煽动家。 Li Yang is a demagogue, to say the least.

  • 整个事情可一言以蔽之。 The whole matter lay in a nutshell.

  • 一言以蔽之,钱比任何另外的东西更有气力。 In a word, money is more powerful than anything else.

  • 为什么?一言以蔽之,反对党阵营人才凋零。 The reason was simple: There were few credible candidates in the opposition camp.

  • 一言以蔽之,学术“用”正在于能经世保国。 In short, the academic “use” is to be able to defend the country by the World Bank.

  • 一言以蔽之,他认为电话将会成为“生活的遥控器”。 In short, he believes that the phone will be “the remote-control for life”.

  • 尽管这种类型颇受非议,但我认为也不能一言以蔽之。 Although this kind of type suffers censure quite, but I think also cannot to sum up in a word.

  • 一言以蔽之,被污染的水对每个人都是一个很大的问题。 In a word, polluted water is a big problem to everyone.

  • 一言以蔽之,欧盟官员害怕危机会蔓延到更大经济体西班牙。 Above all, EU officials fear contagion spreading to Spain, a much bigger economy.

  • 一言以蔽之,南方国家期待一个新的国际经济秩序(NIEO)。 In short, the south desires a New International Economic Order (NIEO).

  • 一言以蔽之,债券基金对于一个良好的基金资产组合是不可或缺的。 In a nutshell, the bond fund regarding a good fund assets bination is indispensable.

  • 中取得成功所需的素质可一言以蔽之:一种冲入未知领域的技能。 The qualities needed to succeed in the network economy can be reduced to this: a facility for charging into the unknown.

  • 一言以蔽之,“人们在一起做复杂的事情”,这便是人的本性的概括。 If I had to reduce the essence of Homo sapiens to five words, “people do plicated things together” would do.

  • 一言以蔽之,利用这些软片为锻练教材,我们不难掌握如何心配身。 To sum up in a word, use these film to be forging teaching material, if why match a body with the heart, we master not hard.

  • 一言以蔽之,一个不诚实的人会被人看清,而且会被认为是大家的公敌。 In a word, a dishonest man will be to see, and will be considered our enemy.

  • 一言以蔽之,就是要教育人不损侵人财或物,不伤害人身或心,终结战争和争吵。 To waste no property, bring no harm to the people, and put an end to war and dispute.

  • 在接下来的四年中,阿波罗教会了我们这对人类意味着什么:一言以蔽之,永不止歇。 Over the next four years, Apollo taught us what it means to be human: in a word, restless.

  • 近二十年中国文论的进展有目共睹,其弊端则一言以蔽之,曰缺乏有效性,或曰自说自话。 Literary criticism in the last twenty years has constantlyengendered a lack or abuse of the validity of the discourse in literary theory.

  • 一言以蔽之,必须确立总的治理方式,使它普及于整个世界,同时不得损害国民的相互关系; In a word, we want to found a form of government holding universal sway, which should be diffused over the whole world without encroaching on civil obligations;

  • 一言以蔽之,在美国,每个人基本上可任意选择不同的观念、信仰、生活方式和传统习惯; In a nutshell, in the US, each person basically may the arbitrary selection different idea, the belief, the life style and the traditional custom;

  • 中国当代美学的存在形态问题,一言以蔽之,也就是中国当代美学的实践、生命与存在的问题。 The question of the forms of existence existed in Chinese contemporary aesthetics is actually the question of practice, life and existence of Chinese contemporary aesthetics.

  • 无法在这里数述不诚实的害处。一言以蔽之,一个不诚实的人会被人看轻的而且被看一个公敌。 There is no enumerating the evils of dishonesty here. In a word, a dishonest man will be looked down upon by others(be) regarded as a public enemy.

  • 无法在那里数述不诚实的害处。一言以蔽之,唯一不诚实的人会被人看轻的而且被看作为唯一公敌。 TITe is no enumerating the evils of dishonesty ITe. In a express, a dishonest man will be seemed down upon by otITs and (be) regarded as a public enemy.

  • 三国的故事,滔滔江水,一言以蔽之,就是伪父临朝,易子而食。从家庭,到朝廷;从私家,到国家; The story of Three Kingdom is long and plex, but we can well summarize it with this: Fake father presiding the court and people exchange their sons to cook as food.

  • 无法在这里数述不诚实的害处。一言以蔽之,一个不诚实的人会被人看轻的而且被看作为一个公敌。[本文点击数。 There is no enumerating the evils of dishonesty here. In a word, a dishonest man will be looked down upon by others and (be) regarded as a public enemy.

  • 任何想象的、理想的社会,任何将理论变成实践的尝试,或任何遥在远处无法实现、无法企及的愿望都乌托邦一言以蔽之。 All imaginary, ideal societies, all attempts that turn theories into realities and all desires that are remote and unable to be realized can be referred to in one word as Utopia.

  • 一言以蔽之,如今一项道路计费计划正威胁著英国的司机们,这项计划将追踪其行车路线并根据其何时到过何地而开出账单。 Now, to cap it all, British drivers are threatened with a road-pricing system that would track their movements and bill them according to where they travel when.

  • 中国深受儒家思想影响,一言以蔽之:它教导人们怎样在家里做孝顺儿子、在朝廷做忠臣、在今天的企业里做优秀员工,而非造反者。 In one word, it teaches people how to be a dutiful son in the family, a loyal minister in the court and a diligent employee in the work, but not to be a rebel.

  • 每个物种中都有大量的遗传歧异,凡是不具备有利性状的个体,天择都会淘汰,一言以蔽之,这就是艾亚拉所谓「没有设计者的设计」。 From the vast hereditary diversity within a given species, natural selection blindly weeds out those individuals with less favorable traits: in essence, Ayala’s concise “design without a designer.”

  • 由于在训练营中初步体会到阿德尔曼的进攻理念,姚明不可避免地有了其他队友在刚开始训练时的犯难感觉,《休斯顿纪事报》记者费根一言以蔽之:姚明还有很长的路要走。 With his first taste of a typical Rick Adelman training camp practice after Friday’s atypical two-a-day, Rockets center Yao Ming had the reaction his teammates had early in the week.

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