词语大全 势如破竹造句

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篇首语:树高千尺有根,水流万里有源。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 势如破竹造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 势如破竹造句

2、词语大全 势如破竹造句_势如破竹中英文解释和造句

词语大全 势如破竹造句

一、 语义说明:比喻战事进展顺利。 使用类别:用于「威猛无敌」的表述上。 势如破竹造句:










二、 语义说明:比喻事情进展顺利。 使用类别:用在「顺利进展」的表述上。 势如破竹造句:






词语大全 势如破竹造句_势如破竹中英文解释和造句

势如破竹  shì rú pò zhú








  • 动画片今夏看来也将势如破竹。 Animated films also look to be big this summer.

  • 世界各国产业集群的发展势如破竹。 The industry clusters all over the world develop rapidly.

  • 有了你球队攻击势如破竹,防守固若金汤。 With irresistible force of your team attack, defense impregnable.

  • 她的成绩势如破竹,如日冲天,而我是边缘人物啊。 Irresistible force of her acplishments, such as the date up, and ah I figure the edge.

  • 也许就此反守为攻,势如破竹,直捣那方面的巢穴呢。 Maybe he’ll turn the tables at this juncture and take up the offensive, attacking the enemy in its lair.

  • 在迈克尔的大声喝彩声中,美国队势如破竹地赢得了胜利。 With Michael in the stands cheering loudly, the Americans cruised to victory.

  • 要实现企业现代化的管理,运用计算机技术于其中,势如破竹。 Must realize the enterprise modernization management, utilizes the puter technology in among, with irresistible force.

  • 肖恩在我们俱乐部的网球比赛中势如破竹,赢得了冠军的奖杯。 Sean carried all before him in our club’s tennis tournament and won the champion’s trophy.

  • 最后,他们终于以势如破竹之威,冲破罗马帝国北部边界的防线。 Finally they thundered through the Roman defenses along the northern boundaries of the empire.

  • 这暗示了你一旦新月来时,只要下定决心,将势如破竹力克万难。 This suggests to me that you can overe anything if you put your mind to it once this new moon arrives!

  • 第二盘中小威势如破竹,在前三盘自己的发球局中仅仅丢掉两分。 Serena took the momentum into the second set, dropping only two points on serve in the opening three games.

  • 而原油又是大宗商品之王,原油的下跌,也必将导致金价势如破竹地下滑。 But the crude oil is also king of the bulk modity, crude oil falling, also will certainly to cause the gold price to slide with irresistible force.

  • 凭借着无可匹敌的空中优势,隆美尔指挥着他的装甲师势如破竹向东挺进。 With the advantage of having air supremacy Rommel unleashed his Panzer divisions and with military brilliance, the Africa Korps swept eastwards.

  • 比赛进入第三盘,兹娃越打越猛,势如破竹连下5局,将比分扩大为5:0。 Into the game in the third set, is playing her fierce, even under 5 Shirupozhu Bureau, will expand the score to 5-0.

  • 这几年,中国在几届奥运会上—路高奏凯歌,长驱直入,势如破竹,成绩喜人。 In recent years, China in the previous Olympics – Road played songs of praise, dive in. , Shirupozhu, gratifying results.

  • 他们在财务及决策学系助理教授冯国华博士的悉心指导下,势如破竹,再下一城。 Dr. Alexander Fung, Assistant Professor of Finance and Decision Sciences served as the team’s Faculty Advisor.

  • 在该机构看来,势如破竹的打折风暴,似乎已经说明北京楼市开始进入降价周期。 It appears in the body, the discount Shirupozhu storm, it seems that Beijing has begun to enter the market price cycle.

  • 这些大都与现今正势如破竹般发展的“快乐学”有关,这也将心理学融入经济学。 Much of this draws on the upstart science of happiness, which mixes psychology with economics.

  • 昨日,“黑格比”势如破竹的猛烈袭击,广东多个沿海城市附近海域频有船舶遇险告急。 Yesterday, “Haig pared to” violent attack with irresistible force, nearby the Guangdong many coastal cities the sea area frequency had the ships to be in danger is in danger.

  • 伊莎多拉·邓肯被誉为“今世舞之母”,就连芭蕾也遭到了她势如破竹的保守观念的影响。 Isadora Duncanisknown as the “Mother of the Modern dance”, but even ballet was influenced by the radical élan of her ideas.

  • 如出口支持者能够政见得施,自由贸易必大行其道,重贸者必势如破竹,而保护主义者则偃旗息鼓。 If the export lobby gets its way, freer trade will follow, further strengthening the mercantilists at the expense of the protectionists.

  • 当上述方面军在势如破竹地向财富挺进的时候,运营商却把命运托付给了未知的远景,做好打持久战的准备。 when sweeping to the front army in the advance of wealth, but operators entrusted to an unknown fate vision to fight a protracted war preparations.

  • 不顺利和苦难是一笔财富,会让你碧别人变得更智慧和更有毅力,在你运气变好的时候,会让你做任何事情都势如破竹。 If we had no winter, the spring would not be  so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so wele.

  • 势如破竹”、“一针见血”、“龙腾虎跃”、“欢呼雀跃”、“敢为人先”……一个接一个的成语从同学们口中说了出来。 “Irresistible force”, “sharply”, “hustle and bustle, ” “rejoice, ” “pioneers” … one after another proverb from the mouth, said the students out.

  • 然而,在现代文明势如破竹的冲击下,传统文化缺陷互现,主要表现在传统文化的某些合理成分的丧失,及其对个人人格力量的摧毁上。 However , with the tide of modern civilizations, the shorting of traditional culture mainly reflects on the legitimate content lost and individual power destroyed.

  • 欧盟推出了一份新的规章——偿付能力II,它已经达到了95%的完整度,并且在全球都有分支,现正以势如破竹之势走进欧洲各国。 A new European Union (EU) directive known as Solvency II, which will have global ramifications, is being thrashed, through various EU bodies and is about 95% plete.

  • 因此从小学到大学都开设了外语课程,并把外语教学视为与其他基础学科一样重要,而且近十年来各类英语学校如雨后春笋般遍地而生,势如破竹。 That explains the reason why schools and colleges have classes about foreign languages, with as much emphasis as other basic knowledge, such as mathematics.

  • 在又一场势如破竹的胜利中(2:0战胜曼城),弗莱彻仍然是曼联的中场核心球员。弗莱彻说,他现在的想法很简单,就是先帮助球队夺得联赛冠军。 And after another manding display in the heart of United’s midfield in the 2-0 win over City, Fletch says his mind is solely on helping the Reds win the title.

  • 首先,为了他自己的安全着想,因为这怪物脑壳坚硬,口鄂强壮,从它过往的经历可以看出它所到之处,势如破竹,所向披靡,无人能拦,实不易对付。 First, for the sake of his own, because the creature is hard of head, strong of jaw, for some time past has shown a great capacity for going over and through whatever es in his way;

  • 那样的话,万维网的好处就会得到广泛的蔓延并让全球更多的人受益,但是那样也同样会帮助某些评论家散布其观点,即万维网的负面影响也将会势如破竹。 That should help to extend the benefits of the web to more of the world’s population. But it will also help to spread what critics regard as the web’s negative aspects.

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    势如破竹  shìrúpòzhú势如破竹的意思和解释:势:气势,威力。形势就象劈竹子,头上几节破开以后,下面各节顺着刀势就分开了。比喻节节胜利,毫无阻碍。势如破竹的出处《晋书·杜预

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    破竹之势  pòzhúzhīshì破竹之势的意思和解释:比喻节节胜利,毫无阻碍。破竹之势的出处《晋书·杜预传》:“今兵威已振,譬如破竹,数节之后,皆迎刃而解。”破竹之势的例子我军以

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