词语大全 血流漂杵造句
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篇首语:逆水行舟用力撑,一篙松劲退千寻。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 血流漂杵造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 血流漂杵造句
词语大全 血流如注造句_血流如注中英文解释和造句
血流如注 xuè liú rú zhù
伤口再次裂开时血流如注。 There was a gash of blood from the wound reopening.
伤口再次裂开时血流如注。 there was gash of blood from the wound reopening.
伤口再次裂开时血流如注。 Sap flowed from the gash in the tree.
伤口又裂开了,血流如注。 The wound re-opened in a gush of blood.
他的伤口重开时血流如注。 There was a gush of blood as his wound re-opened.
他的伤口重开时血流如注。 There am a gush of blood as his wound re-opened.
挨打的老婆血流如注,好几颗牙都被打掉了。 The wife was bleeding profusely and several of her teeth had been knocked out.
法郎克:是啊,血流如注。快拿些纸巾给我! Frank:Yes, and I’m bleeding like a stuck pig. Get me some tissues quick!
顿时,黄兆峦腿部血流如注,双腿瘫软倒地。 Immediately, Huang Zhaoluan the thigh is bloody, the both legs fall to the ground weak.
有时遍体鳞伤,血流如注,这些女孩在看似紫禁城的背景前摆姿势。 Sometimes bruised and bloodied, the girls pose in what looks like the Forbidden City.
尽管伤口血流如注,先知带着冠军骑士和擒获的第六位国王回到城里。 With blood streaming from the wound, he carried the champion knight and the captured sixth king back to the city.
我有两次眼睛差点儿被打瞎,一次被他们用石头打破了前额,血流如注。 One day my forehead was broken by a piece of stone, causing blood to stream down over my chest.
结果“手术”失败,他血流如注,被家人紧急送往医院急救,至今没有出院。 The operation turned out to be unsuccessful. The blood poured out, he was sent to hospital and got hospitalized until now.
如果我们夺取无辜动物的生命使其血流如注,我们何以有资格谈论权力与正义? How can we speak of right and justice if we take an innocent creature and shed its blood?
在团体赛时,他在高低杠上突然失手,嘴部重重地磕在了杠上,顿时血流如注。 In the team petition, he missed all of a sudden on the uneven bars, many mouth to tap in the bar, immediately profusely.
官方昨晚在医院摄制的画面展示,伤者头部血流如注,有些人躺在或蜷缩在地上,因为床铺早已被占满了。 Video shot by officials at the hospital the previous night showed patients with blood streaming down their heads, lying or crouching on the floor because all the beds had long since been filled.
这时他还活着,于是怒火如焚的爬起来,虽然血流如注,伤势甚重,还跑着穿过人群,屹立在一块巖石上; Still breathing, and inflamed with anger, he got up and ran through the crowd, with blood gushing from his frightful wounds.
他不顾耳朵血流如注,到一家妓院把断耳送给拉谢尔——一名吓坏了的青楼女子,随后回家睡觉,鲜血湿透了床褥。 Bleeding heavily, Van Gogh then walked to a brothel and presented the severed ear to an astonished prostitute called Rachel before going home to sleep in a blood-drenched bed.
据一名在附近市场工作的何先生称,中午12时许,他正路过此处,忽然听到一声闷响,回头已见一女子倒在马路上,血流如注。 According to a market in the vicinity of Mr Ho said the work, 12 am noon, he is here again, they suddenly heard helicopters, have been looking to see a woman lying in the road, blood.
血流如注 xuèliúrúzhù血流如注的意思和解释:形容血流得又多又急。血流如注的出处血流如注的例子血流如注造句伤口再次裂开时血流如注。Therewasagashofblood
血流如注 xuèliúrúzhù血流如注的意思和解释:形容血流得又多又急。血流如注的出处血流如注的例子血流如注造句伤口再次裂开时血流如注。Therewasagashofblood
血流成河 xuèliúchénghé血流成河的意思和解释:形容被杀的人极多。血流成河的出处《旧唐书·李密传》:“尸骸蔽野,血流成河,积怨满于山川,号哭动于天地。”血流成河的例子须
血流成河 xuèliúchénghé血流成河的意思和解释:形容被杀的人极多。血流成河的出处《旧唐书·李密传》:“尸骸蔽野,血流成河,积怨满于山川,号哭动于天地。”血流成河的例子须
成语词典>>血流漂杵的意思解释成语血流漂杵发音:xuèliúpiāochǔ 释义:杵:捣物的棒槌。血流成河,舂米的木棰都漂了起来。形容战死的人很多。也泛指流血很多。 出