词语大全 胶柱鼓瑟造句

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1、词语大全 胶柱鼓瑟造句

2、词语大全 寻根究底造句_寻根究底中英文解释和造句

词语大全 胶柱鼓瑟造句





词语大全 寻根究底造句_寻根究底中英文解释和造句

寻根究底  xún gēn jiū dǐ








  • 她希望年轻人能本着好奇心寻根究底。 She hoped that the young people of curiosity Xungenjiudi.

  • 市长打算将此事寻根究底。 The mayor intended to get to the bottom of the matter.

  • 这件事我打算寻根究底。 I intend to get to the bottom of it.

  • 姑娘薄薄的嘴唇弯成一个爱寻根究底的微笑。 The girl’s thin lips curved into a curious smile.

  • 他是我见过的中国高级官员中最爱寻根究底的人。 He was the most inquisitive Chinese of a high rank ?I have met.

  • 我们还很小的时候,寻根究底的力量就开始显现了。 The search for power begins when we were quite young.

  • 孩子们的求知欲是无止境的,他们凡事总要寻根究底。 There is no end to what the children want to know; they always like to demand the how and why.

  • 当我们还很小的时候,寻根究底的力量就开始显现了。 The search for power begins when we are quite young.

  • 当我很还很小的时候,寻根究底的力量就开始显现了。 The search for power begins when we’re quite young.

  • 当我们还很小的时候,寻根究底的力量就开始显现了。 The search for power begins when we quiet young.

  • 我认识不计其数的学生,他们寻根究底的精神让我激动。 I know countless students whose inquiring minds excite me.

  • 有人看到实际上的事情而寻根究底。我却梦想从未有的事情而希望成真。 Some men see things as they are and say why. I dream things that never were and say why not.

  • 我善于鉆研,长于分析,遇事喜欢寻根究底。我机智幽默,能使人健谈。 I have an inquisitive and analytical mind-I enjoy finding out about things-I have tact and good humor-and the ability to draw people out.

  • 提前还贷后,退保却遇到了问题,为寻根究底,业主冯女士向本报热线投诉。 Advance owing on the loan, the refund is encountered, to record, the owners Fengnu:shi to this hotline plaints.

  • 在即将对水门窃贼进行的审判中,法官非常可能寻根究底,揭出更多的内幕情况。 The forthing trial of the Watergate burglars could cause the judge to crack down and force further revolutions.

  • 他称赞委员会行动迅速但它绝不会寻根究底,也没有对我妻子或我进行真正的检查。 He praised the board for its immediate action but it never followed up “and there was no real check on my wife or me”.

  • 如基德教授在其寻根究底、精深博大的著作中所言,联合主义和民族注意并非对立关系。 As Mr Kidd reveals in his subtle and scholarly book, unionism and nationalism are not opposites.

  • 如基德教授在其寻根究底、精深博大的著作中所言,联合主义和民族主义并非对立关系。 As Mr Kidd reveals in his subtle and scholarly book, unionism and nationalism are not opposites.

  • 他用寻根究底的目光注视着她,结果没有发现什么毛病,然后用大方的口吻说,“没问题。 He stared at her silently with a probing look and then seeming to find nothing amiss, he said in a generous mood. “I don’t see a problem with that.”

  • 当我们还很小的时候,寻根究底的力量就开始显现了。孩子们被告知正义的力量能战胜邪恶。 The search for power begins when we’re quite young. As children, we’re taught that the power of good triumphs over the power of the evil.

  • 我们还很小的时候,寻根究底的力量就开始显现了。孩子们被告知,正义的力量能战胜邪恶。 The search for power begins when we were quite young. As children, we were taught that the power of good triumphs over the power of evil.

  • 同学们可搜寻任何一项研究的资料,加以讨论,并作专题报告,重点是科学家寻根究底的精神。 Participants of the petition may search for information about a related topic of investigation, discuss, and prepare a report. The emphasis should be placed on the enquiring spirit of scientists.

  • 但,此刻在罗伯特•奥德利的寻根究底的眼光之下,她那苍白的容貌又发生了明显可见的变化。 but as her eyelids dropped under Robert Audley’s searching glance, a visible change came over the pallid hues of her plexion.

  • 简,我可不喜欢爱找碴、爱寻根究底的人,再说,一个孩子家竟敢这样回大人的嘴可真有点可怕。 Jane, I don’t like cavilers or questioners; besides, there is something truly forbidding in a child taking up her elders in that manner.

  • 可是,如果一个人要想给出真正有建设性的方案,他就不能只停留于生活的表面,他必须寻根究底。 But he who would make proposals as to the future must not content himself with a knowledge of life that merely touches life’s surface. He must investigate its depths.

  • 与此同时,喜欢寻根究底的“网络侦探”们对佩林在全国大会演讲期间所用口红的牌子也争论不休。 Online detectives, meanwhile, continue debating which lipstick brand Gov. Palin wore during her convention speech.

  • 今在诸家研究的成果之上尝试对《诗品》中的陆机条的相关字句作寻根究底的探索,以期能探本得源,明其实旨。 Based on the researches of many experts, this paper attempts to probe into the relevant words and sentences of the part about Lu Ji and expects to find out the real meaning.

  • 只有通过对人类起源及发展的“过去”的寻根究底,来探究语言起源与进化的心理机制,才能把握语言进化的历程。 After studying the mental mechanism of language source and evolution through exploring the “past” of anthropogenesis and its development, we can grasp the process of language evolution.

  • 一些演技,加上寻根究底的精神,使托尼·斯诺在职期间成功地周旋于大大小小的记者会,巧妙应对记者们的提问。 It was a bit of showmanship – bined with an inquisitive spirit – that led to packed briefing rooms during his tenure, and some spirited sparring with reporters.

  • 而且还是一个喜欢寻根究底的人,在他那无精打采的、虚度光阴的、漠不关心的、踌躇不决的态度之下,却储藏着狡猾的机智和文静的幽默。 rather a curious fellow too, with a fund of sly wit and quiet humor, under his listless, dawdling, indifferent, irresolute manner.

  • 寻根究底造句相关



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    寻根究底  xúngēnjiūdǐ寻根究底的意思和解释:追求根底。一般指追问一件事的原由。寻根究底的出处清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第一百二十回:“似你这样寻根究底,便是刻舟求剑,胶柱鼓瑟

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