词语大全 投其所好造句

Posted 梅兰芳

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1、词语大全 投其所好造句

2、词语大全 投其所好造句_投其所好中英文解释和造句

词语大全 投其所好造句






词语大全 投其所好造句_投其所好中英文解释和造句

投其所好  tóu qí suǒ hào








  • 这就需要你用心记忆,投其所好。 This requires that you carefully remember, psychographic.

  • 你常对人们投其所好以使他们喜欢你。 You often do favors for people to get them to like you.

  • 他的集邮爱从来是个人隐私,就是怕别人投其所好。 His stamp collecting hobby is individual privacy, it is good to be afraid that others casts its place namely.

  • 如是一间金融财务公司,便可跟他说钱的事,总之投其所好。 if this case is about a financial pany, refer to money. Anyway, do cater to their likes.

  • 贪功图名的敌人,以权力为诱饵……总之是投其所好,才能诱上钩。 Tangong plans of the enemies to power as bait is a word…… Get personal, to lure their catch.

  • 投其所好,不在乎天长地久,只在乎曾经拥有,甚至对对方亳无认识。 They are only interested in the time that they are together. They may not even know each other well enough.

  • 当你在应聘面试中回答问题的时候,请记住这条重要的规则:投其所好。 When you answer questions in a job interview, please remember the golden rule; always give the monkey exactly what he wants.

  • 如果你可以从约翰·伯朗的眼神中看穿约翰·伯朗,你就可以投其所好。 If you can see John Brown through John Brown’s eyes, you can sell John Brown what John Brown buys.

  • 如果你可以从约翰。伯朗的眼神中看穿约翰。伯朗,你就可以投其所好。 If you can see John Brown through John Brown’s eyes, you can sell John Brown what John Brown bugs.

  • 陈水扁为了操弄深绿投其所好,在访谈中是登高困兽咆哮,再度祭出台独牌。 Chen Shui-bian in order to manipulate Get dark green, in the interview is a high encaged animals roar once again resorted to Taiwan independence card.

  • 陈水扁为了操弄深绿投其所好,在访谈中是登高困兽咆哮,再度祭出台独牌。 Chen Shuibian to manipulate deeply gives what is desired green, is the climb up sleepy beast roars in the interview, offers a sacrifice to the Taiwan independence sign once again.

  • 但是一旦完全投其所好、吁请暴虐的人们慷慨大度时,倒常常会得到超出公道的奖赏。 but quite as frequently it awards more than justice when the appeal is made, as despots love to have it made, entirely to its generosity.

  • 但是一旦完全投其所好、吁请暴虐的人们慷慨大度时,倒常常会得到超出公道的奖赏。 but quite as frequently it awards more than justice, when the appeal is made, as despots love to have it made, entirely to its generosity.

  • 艾弗里对于鞋子可谓情有独钟,但并非有的鞋都能投其所好,细高跟鞋才是她的最爱。 They also named their first pair of high heels as the most important shoe they will wear in their life.

  • 艾弗里对于鞋子可谓情有独钟,但并非有的鞋都能投其所好,细高跟鞋才是她的最爱。 Avery has fallen head over heels for shoes. And not just any shoes. Stilettos are what make her go weak at the knees .

  • 瑞典首相弗雷德里克-赖因费尔特投其所好,送给布什一套本国制造的“有着舒适把柄”的割草机。 In that vein, Swedish Prime Minister Fredrick Reinfeldt honored the US leader with a made-in-Sweden power saw equipped “with fort grip handles”.

  • 找女朋友要投其所好,设身处地的为她着想。这意味着你要了解工作需求,搞清楚自己的角色定位。 You should cater to her likes, think what she thinks. That means you are supposed to think a lot of job requirements, and make clear your role definition.

  • 瑞典首相弗雷德里克?赖因费尔特投其所好,送给布什一套本国制造的“有着舒适把柄”的割草机。 In that vein, Swedish Prime Minister Fredrick Reinfeldt honored the US leader with a made-in-Sweden power saw equipped “with fort grip handles”.

  • 人类总喜欢对一件事情持评判态度,而媒体正是投其所好以要找到一份职业的缺陷总是很容易的。 Media being what it is and human beings loving to gossip as they do, it’s always easier to learn the bad about a career.

  • 不过,既然这款手机的使用群体主要是女性,那么我们就该投其所好,取一个比较符合她们口味的名字。 But since this cell phone is targeted towards women, I think, we should use a name that they prefer.

  • 招聘人员每每得施展浑身解数,让实习生入企业环境中,那就是说,招聘人员有时要投其所好——上网。 Recruiters are increasingly going out of their way to make interns feel wele in a corporate environment, and that sometimes means speaking their language – on the Internet.

  • 都说做销售的人最能投其所好,这句话似乎有些贬义,但如果反过来看,这不正是销售必备的思维和行动吗? That sales people do best psychographic, it appears that some derogatory remark, but if the other hand, is it not a sale of essential thinking and action?

  • 在与女性进行爱情交锋中,这些“歪门邪道”的东西,我们可以地利用起来,投其所好,往往会事半功倍。 In having love engage in a battle with the female, these ” crooked means ” thing, we can be used well rise, it is good to cast its place, often meet get twice the result with half the effort.

  • 我不会经常这样说:成功销售的不是秘密的秘密就是决策和理解某个人想要的,然后向展示如何得到或者投其所好。 I can’t say this often enough: The not-so-secret, secret to sales success is determining and understanding what someone wants, and then showing them how they can get it, or giving it to them.

  • 即使这样,做广告的人仍投其所好,因为他们知道妈妈买的某种食品或女孩房间里的家具在一定程度上是由这些青少年决定的。 Even here, though, advertisers appeal to teenagers because they know that the kind of food Mom buys or the furnishings in a teenage girl’s room will be partly determined by teenagers.

  • 她本意是想对巴黎竞选总部那些喋喋不休的阶层投其所好,引发一场早有准备的关于“阳春白雪”与“下里巴人”之间的争论。 Her intent may be precisely to appeal over the heads of Paris’s chattering classes, provoking a deliberate confrontation between polite opinion and popular sentiment.

  • 确切的名字我还没有想。不过,既然这款手机的使用群体主要是女性,那么我们就该投其所好,取一个比较符合她们口味的名字。 peter: i haven’t got any ideas on the exact name we can use. but since this cell phone is targeted towards women, i think, we should use a name that they prefer.

  • 关于我他们根本不想听积极的事情,以媒体们都投其所好…我明白这些质疑从哪里为什么会冒出来,但是这还是一件很让人伤心的事情。 I had this warrior image my whole career, and then I get one injury where I can’t go — I think it’s more or less people can’t believe it — so they expect me to play the Superman role every time.

  • 找出你在家中、在工作上、在社交中应该使用的语言。将来,当你想与他人更有效地交流时,尝试找出他们喜欢的语言并投其所好与他交流。 Identify your preferred language – and if it’s really important to you that the key people in your life understand you better, tell them about it.

  • 请问大家是否能够很有信心的告诉大家,您很满意目前的就业状况?VISIBER能有效的帮助您了解及观察自己的智慧与潜能,以使有人能肯定到底哪一行业能够投其所好。 Are you in the right industry holding the right job? VISIBER can provide you with an insight to what career suits you best, based on your personal strengths.

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