词语大全 大发雷霆造句
Posted 脾气
篇首语:一万年来谁著史,三千里外欲封侯。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 大发雷霆造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 大发雷霆造句
词语大全 大发慈悲造句_大发慈悲中英文解释和造句
大发慈悲 dà fā cí bēi
这位国王常(对囚犯)大发慈悲。 The king often shows mercy (to prisoners).
请你大发慈悲,再给我一次机会吧。 Please have a heart and give me another chance.
求求你大发慈悲再给我一 次机会吧。 I beg your mercy for another chance.
求求你大发慈悲再给我一 次机会吧。 mercy I beg your mercy for another chance.
心里就马上大发慈悲。 Straight in her heart did mercy e.
她恳求他大发慈悲。 She implored him for mercy.
期望那些不顾正义的人大发慈悲,真是愚蠢至极。 It is the madness of folly, to expect mercy from those who have refused to do justice;
希望小平姐姐大发慈悲,不要出太难的题目就好了。 I hope Miss xiaoping and mercifully, not too difficult a topic that’s enough.
假设祂不曾如此对你大发慈悲,你就永远不会幸福; You would have suffered everlasting unhappiness, had it not been for this mercy.
或者,请上帝大发慈悲创造奇迹,派一名天使相助。 or mayhap, god in his goodness performs s miracle, and sends him an angel of light for an assistant.
这绝不是大发慈悲,而是从群众利益出发的必由之路。 on our ability to extend opportunity to every willing heart — not out of charity, but because it is the surest route to our mon good.
我来拜访您,是希望您能大发慈悲,帮帮我们,让我们活下去吧。 We call upon you, sir, to show mercy by giving us a hand and helping us survive.
奎师那啊,众神之主啊,所有世界的避难所啊,请您向我大发慈悲吧。 Krsna, Lord of all gods, O refuge of all the worlds be merciful unto me.
若不是运气好,终于回归神龙岛,教主又大发慈悲,给了解药,我只怕还得再高两尺。 I would have been a couple of feet taller still if I hadn’t, by a stroke of luck, returned to the island and been granted a dose of the antidote by our merciful Leader.
今天在日博里面放了好多照片哦,估计是你心情好,回家后又不忙,所以为我们大发慈悲吧。 Today has put many pictures inside your blog, about because of your mood is good, after going home, you were not busy, thought that we show mercy.
可是,由于犹民在埃及时忘了爱天主、守正义,天主不得不大发慈悲,用自己的声音来显示自己。 When this righteousness and love for God had passed into oblivion and had been extinguished in Egypt, God had necessarily to reveal himself through his own voice, out of his great love for men.
有些人对威胁着他们的邪恶不能充份认识,他们希望敌人在胜利后会大发慈悲,且以此来安慰自己。 There are persons too who see not the full extent of the evil which threatens them, they solace themselves with hopes that the enemy, if they succeed, will be merciful.
皇马最终大发慈悲,接受贝尼特斯整个夏天一直不肯降低的报价,阿隆索明天将在西班牙首都体检。 Alonso will undergo a medical in the Spanish capital tomorrow after Real finally relented over an asking price that Benítez had steadfastly refused to lower all summer.
李不俗这才知道不能抵赖了,立刻跪倒在地,叩头哭道:「我不是有意的!请佛爷们高抬贵手!大发慈悲!」 Li Busu now knew he couldn’t talk his way out of it. He knelt right away and kowtowed. He cried, “I didn’t mean to! Gentlemen, please pardon me! Have mercy! “”
跪伏在祭坛的前阶上,恳求天主向他们大发慈悲,按着法律所宣示的,与他们的仇人为仇,与他们的敌人为敌。 And lying prostrate at the foot of the altar, besought him to be merciful to them, and to be an enemy to their enemies, and an adversary to their adversaries, as the law saith.
跪伏在祭坛的前阶上,恳求天主向他们大发慈悲,按着法律所宣示的,与他们的仇人为仇,与他们的敌人为敌。 They bowed at the foot of the altar and asked God to treat them well and to be the enemy of their enemies, the adversary of their adversaries, as written in the Law.
跪伏在祭坛的前阶上,恳求天主向他们大发慈悲,按着法律所宣示的,与他们的仇人为仇,与他们的敌人为敌。 And lying prostrate at the foot of the altar, besought him to be merciful to them, and to be an enemy to their enemies, and an adversary to their adversaries, as the law saith.
她划十字,鞠躬,当她对自己卑劣的行为感到恐惧和不明白时,只求上帝原谅她、宽恕她的一切,对她大发慈悲。 She crossed herself, bowed to the ground, and when she did not follow, simply prayed to God to forgive her everything, everything, and to have mercy on her, in horror at her own vileness.
更求你大发慈悲,保佑我们脱免罪恶,并在一切困扰中,获得安全,使我们虔诚期待永生的幸福,和救主耶稣的来临。 In your mercy keep us free from sin and protect us from all anxiety as we wait in joyful hope for the ing of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
大发慈悲吧!让我毁掉这份协议。–不?那,安东尼奥,准备好。夏洛克,准备好你的刀子开始行动啦。(开始割肉) Be merciful! Let me destroy this paper. –No?Then, Antonio, be ready. And Shylock, take your knife and prepare to do the deed.
要知道海外投资者是不会对那些公共支出失控、货币失调、银行缺乏监管或者是本土企业欺诈外国业主的国家大发慈悲的。 Overseas investors show little mercy to countries where public spending gets out of hand, the currency gets out of line, the banks are poorly supervised or panies rip off outside owners.
我对他说:“请你大发慈悲吧,让我的身体直起来,再这样说不定我会吐出来,身体一直我就会听清楚你讲的究竟是什么了。” If you would kindly please to let me keep upright, sir, perhaps I shouldn’t be sick, and perhaps I could attend more. "
我恳求您,可礼拜的至高无上的主啊,就像父亲对待儿子,朋友对待朋友,爱人对待被爱的人一样,请您大发慈悲,宽容和饶恕我吧。 I am propitiating You, the worshipable Supreme Lord as a father with a son, a friend with a friend and as a lover with a beloved, O Lord be merciful and tolerant.
他原以为戴西一定会说出一些任性的话来作为回答,自暴自弃地更加“毫无顾忌”——虽然沃克夫人刚才还大发慈悲,劝她迷涂知返。 He expected that answer she(Daisy)would say something rather free, something to mit herself still further to that”recklessness”from which Mrs.
那些西班牙人取得赎金之后,就准备把阿塔瓦尔帕绑在柱上烧死,到阿塔瓦尔帕最后一刻改信基督,他们才「大发慈悲」:把他吊死算了。 The Spaniards took the ransom, and then get ready to burn Atahualpa at the stake until he made a last-minute conversion to Christianity, which prompted them to show “mercy”: they hanged him instead.
大发慈悲 dàfācíbēi大发慈悲的意思和解释:比喻起善心,做好事。大发慈悲的出处大发慈悲的例子他说三天之内,照着祖爷爷的吩咐送过来。请祖爷爷~,代他们打点打点!(清·吴趼人《
大发慈悲 dàfācíbēi大发慈悲的意思和解释:比喻起善心,做好事。大发慈悲的出处大发慈悲的例子他说三天之内,照着祖爷爷的吩咐送过来。请祖爷爷~,代他们打点打点!(清·吴趼人《
词语大全 大發雷霆造句 大發雷霆の例文 "大發雷霆"是什麼意思
大發雷霆造句大發雷霆の例文"大發雷霆"是什麼意思 以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!他驚呆