词语大全 付之一笑造句

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1、词语大全 付之一笑造句

2、词语大全 嫣然一笑造句_嫣然一笑中英文解释和造句

词语大全 付之一笑造句






词语大全 嫣然一笑造句_嫣然一笑中英文解释和造句

嫣然一笑  yān rán yī xiào








  • 我该怎么做才能博你嫣然一笑? What can I do to make you smile?

  • 她那苍白,轻藐的嘴嫣然一笑。 Her wan, scornful mouth smiled.

  • 嫣然一笑,立显容光焕发。 A smile suddenly animated her face.

  • 我现在习惯于你于你那嫣然一笑的回眸。 I am now accustomed to it you are smiling in your Looking Back.

  • 她朝我嫣然一笑,走开了。 She gave me one of her tantalizing smiles and walked off.

  • 他做了这么多的努力只奢望她的嫣然一笑。 He did so much only because of her smile.

  • 他朝我们嫣然一笑。 He gave us a pleasant smile.

  • 卡赞娜嫣然一笑,用防护手套敲了敲动力装甲。 She gave a slight smile, thumping the plastron of her armor with a gauntleted fist.

  • 阿紫嫣然一笑,道:“你将自己比作畜生了。” “And you are paring yourself to an animal?” Violet put out a beautiful smiled.

  • 双儿嫣然一笑,只得拉张长凳,斜斜的坐在桌子角边。 Doublet let out a little peal of laughter and pulled a bench up to the table.

  • 卡赞娜嫣然一笑,带着手套的右手握拳撞在了护甲的胸口。 She gave a slight smile, thumping the plastron of her armor with a gauntleted fist.

  • 说完,嫣然一笑抖去羽衣先入河中,乾隆也跟随着脱衣沐浴。 When finished saying all this, she took off her feather coat walked into the river for a bath, Qianlong also followed.

  • 这位漂亮的女士嫣然一笑,说:“仅仅是因为您的年龄,先生。” “The beautiful woman smiled and said:” just because your age, sir.

  • 当地一家大报的记者打出一条意味深长的标题:猴年楼市嫣然一笑! A local newspaper reporter made a significant title : Monkey property smile!

  • 大漠热烈地爱着一片草叶,草儿摇摇她的头,嫣然一笑,就飞走了。 The mighty desert is burning for the love of? blade of grass who shakes her head and laughs and flies away.

  • 她回头朝我嫣然一笑,每当我的手把她弄得太痒了她便微微扭扭屁股。 we continued up the stairs that way, she looking back at me with a cheerful smile and wiggling her ass a bit when it tickled her too much.

  • 任何涉及艺术,如画画和欣赏戏剧这样的活动都能博得鱼儿嫣然一笑。 Any date that involves the arts, from painting together to attending the theater, will make your Pisces smile.

  • 海伦嫣然一笑,那样子表示,她不容许任何人看见她而有不被勾魂的可能。 Ellen smiled with an air, which seemed to say that she did not admit the possibility of any one’s seeing her without being enchanted.

  • 零星闪耀的是你嫣然一笑时闪过的明眸,此时无声胜有声,无声之外更无声。 Sporadic shine is when you flash the smiled when audio silence, silence is more silent outside.

  • 有大胆顾盼的,有侧目偷窥的,还有蓦然回首、嫣然一笑的,真令人浮想联翩。 Some bold stare, there are peeping eyebrows, and also when I look back, smiling, and really is imagination.

  • 你红唇皓齿,嫣然一笑,轻灵地如风一般飘过,清脆婉转的余音犹如花开的声音。 You Lip white teeth, smiling, Brisk to wind a general drifting away, mildly crisp like a reverberation of the voices of flowers.

  • 方怡这么嫣然一笑,纵然脸上尘土未除,却也是俏丽难掩,韦小宝登时觉得身上一阵温暖。 Fang Yi’s face was still smudged with dirt, but to Trinket she seemed as lovely as ever, and the sight of her gave him a warm, tingling sensation.

  • 草草吃罢,从餐厅出来,MM忽然冲我嫣然一笑:“哎,你没发现我最近开始减肥了吗?” Roughly eat and e out from the restaurant, the MM be suddenly blunt I a captivating smile:”Ah, you have no detection was I recent to start reduce weight?””

  • 袒胸露体的海伦坐在她身旁,同样地也对大家微露笑容,娜塔莎同样地也对鲍里斯嫣然一笑。 Ellen sat in her nakedness close by her, and smiled on all alike, and just such a smile Natasha bestowed on Boris.

  • 你的嫣然一笑令我每日神迷心醉,即使在你忧伤之时,也要永远面带微笑,它能让人坠入爱河。 Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic. Never stop smiling, not even when you’re sad, someone might fall in love with your smile.

  • 那女孩子嫣然一笑,身子顾自软了,一边倒在男孩的身上,那支签字笔,却“刷刷”地写得欢。 the girls smile, You Guzi soft, asymmetrical in boys who, it sticks signature pen, but “brush” to write time.

  • 那女孩子嫣然一笑,身子顾自软了,一边倒在男孩的身上,那支签字笔,却“刷刷”地写得欢。 the girls smile, wolf Guzi soft, asymmetrical in boys who, it sticks signature pens, is “brush” to write time.

  • 不过昨天听到小s的这番话,大s嫣然一笑:“我身边没有明确的追求者,小s只是想抬高我的行情啦。” However heard smalls yesterday these bigs, big s smiled: “my side explicit pursuer, small small s only has not been wants to raise my quotation.”

  • 一只脚踏碎了它的一切,它却泰然自若地嫣然一笑,带着它那动人心魄的笑容,永永远远定格在了我那无知的亭台烟雨。 A broken foot it all, it poised to smiling, take it that captivating smile, forever and ever freeze-frame in my ignorance of the pavilion misty rain.

  • 然后,当女儿对父亲嫣然一笑,把双手放在父亲的肩膀上,同时喃喃叫出他一向容易心软的暱称时,就是世界上意志最坚强的父亲也会像婴儿一样无助。 And then, when she smiles up at him and puts her hands on his shoulders and murmurs that pet name which he’s always been a sucker for, the most determined father in the world is as helpless as a baby.

  • 嫣然一笑造句相关



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