词语大全 哀鸿遍野造句

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篇首语:守株待兔只能得一餐饱,主动出击方能丰衣足食。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 哀鸿遍野造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 哀鸿遍野造句

2、词语大全 哀鸿遍野造句_哀鸿遍野中英文解释和造句

词语大全 哀鸿遍野造句








词语大全 哀鸿遍野造句_哀鸿遍野中英文解释和造句

哀鸿遍野  āi hóng biàn yě








  • 当日,亚太市场也是哀鸿遍野。 On the same day, the Asia-Pacific market is Aihongbianye.

  • 有这么多股本涉入其中,也难怪市场哀鸿遍野。 With such high stakes involved, it is no wonder that markets are on their toes.

  • 回顾中国楼市在过去的10个月,一片哀鸿遍野。 Reviewed the Chinese real estate market in the past’s 10 months, a piece was filled with sufferers.

  • 确实,这几天国际资本市场可谓哀鸿遍野,惨不忍睹。 Indeed, the international capital markets over the past few days is Aihongbianye sight.

  • 不管发生什么,人们都不可能看到哀鸿遍野的景象了。 No matter what happens, you’re not likely to see shantytowns.

  • 尽管对冲基金做出了这样的努力,恐怕也会哀鸿遍野。 Despite such efforts, the wreckage is likely to be significant.

  • 正是对冲基金的大肆做空,造成了华尔街一片哀鸿遍野。 It is the big hedge funds short, resulting in a Wall Street Aihongbianye.

  • 如果美国没有跟多的成功案例,工商业世界将惟有将哀鸿遍野。 If there are no second acts in American life, the world of business is barely more forgiving.

  • 即便上周三中国概念股哀鸿遍野,但第二天美国股市止跌上扬。 Even if last Wednesday China concept stock were filled with sufferers, but the second day of American Stock market stopped falls rises.

  • 红树林,退化成纵横交织地哀鸿遍野,是他最先注意到的事情。 IT WAS the mangroves he noticed first, reduced to cobwebbed wraiths as far as the eye could see.

  • 那是2000年,互联网哀鸿遍野,被投资人与投资人的年度沟通。 It was in 2000, Aihongbianye the Internet, investors and investment munication between the people of the year.

  • 金融危机席卷全球,投资市场哀鸿遍野,“股神”巴菲特亦无法幸免。 The financial crisis engulfs the entire world, the investment market is filled with sufferers, “the stock god” Buffett is also unable to escape by luck.

  • 因此,在这个哀鸿遍野的时刻,就应该沉住气,节衣缩食地过日子,以静待股市回春。 The bear market always goes easy and es easy. In the depressive time, we should be posed, live an austere life, and wait for the spring of the market.

  • 如今股市哀鸿遍野的场景让手中拥有充足现金流的产业资本再次发现了新的赚钱良机。 Today, the stock market Aihongbianye the scene to allow sufficient cash flow in the hands of industrial capital once again found a new opportunity to make money.

  • 否则,接下来的几年里将哀鸿遍野——即使不是大萧条,也是几十年来最大的一次经济衰退。 Otherwise, the next few years will be very unpleasant — not another Great Depression, hopefully, but surely the worst slump we’ve seen in decades.

  • 在过去的两周中,价格降低、订单枯竭,刚聚起来的一点人气、信心,又散了,哀鸿遍野呀。 In last 3 weeks, price dropped, orders dropped, a little bit confidence, which just came to Steel Industry, disappeared again.

  • 现阶段的金融危机使得全球汽车市场正处于一个混乱的局面,尤其是美国汽车市场,更是哀鸿遍野。 At this stage of the financial crisis in the global auto market making is in a chaotic situation, especially the U. S. auto market, but also Aihongbianye.

  • 统治缅甸的军人执政团﹐不顾上周的台风肆虐﹐全国满目疮痍﹐哀鸿遍野﹐周六仍然举行预定的新宪法公投。 The military junta that rules Myanmar held a planned referendum on a new constitution Saturday despite the widespread devastation caused by last week’s fatal cyclone.

  • 当大家都相信网络新时代已经来临时,市场却阴险地来了个三百六十度的大转弯,让股市哀鸿遍野,血流成河。 By the time the crowd got on one side of the market, it viciously shifted, leaving blood in its wake.

  • 最近人们忧虑的是油价的迅速下跌表明了世界经济的急剧恶化:到处哀鸿遍野,经济活动停滞或减缓,需求减少。 Most worrying is that the rapid recent decline is a symptom of a sharply worsening world economy: demand is dropping as economic activity stagnates, or slows, everywhere.

  • 这一政策的出台在整个视频网站领域可谓是投下了一颗重磅炸弹,顿时间网络视频行业哀鸿遍野,一片悲凉呼声。 The introduction of this policy in the entire field of video site can be regarded as a heavy bomb dropped, Dayton Aihongbianye time network video industry, a desolate voice.

  • “圣天使城堡”之名源自这样一个传说:在格列高里统治罗马时期,瘟疫一直缠绕着罗马,整个罗马城哀鸿遍野。 St. Angle Castle. This name is from another legend: Rome used to be suffering from plague when it was governed by Gregory.

  • 在全球汽车市场哀鸿遍野之际,中国市场仍然保持了20%以上的速度疯涨,大大高于中国制造业的市场增长率。 While the global auto market has been sluggish, the Chinese market has maintained a growth rate of over 20%, much higher than the growth rate of Chinese manufacturing industry.

  • 随着本周年报的公布,新闻集团在全球媒体业哀鸿遍野的状况下表现相对耀眼,再度稳固其睥睨同侪的领导地位。 This week’s annual results revealed a relatively robust media pany, confirming News Corp’s position as one of the hardier survivors of the media downturn.

  • 并不是这些人让我们的国家变成一个哀鸿遍野之地–如同被奥巴马所不耻的那位麦凯恩的顾问想为你描述的那样。 These people do not constitute a nation of whiners, as the McCain adviser whom Obama pilloried in his speech would have you think.

  • 眼下的华尔街可谓哀鸿遍野,而美国各地的商学院却因此振奋不已:全日制MBA课程的申请人数在2008年激增。 Business is bad on Wall Street, and business schools across the country are bracing for the impact: A surge in applications this year to their full-time M. B. A. programs.

  • 在华尔街哀鸿遍野之际,鲍尔森还是出言积极,他保证说美国的商业银行都安然无恙,金融体系的基本面也依然强劲。 Striking a positive note amid the carnage on Wall Street, Mr. Paulson gave assurances that U. S. mercial banks are safe and sound, and the broad financial system still robust.

  • 再看看我们的邻国,种族、宗教暴乱难以平息,哀鸿遍野,血雨腥风,令人胆寒,我们又怎能不珍惜和保护现在所拥有的一切? Just look around and we can see what unending ethnic and sectarian violence is costing our neighbouring countries . Should we not value and protect what we have at the moment?

  • 虽然这套刺激方案的诞生根源于国内的严峻形势,但它也反映出中国对世界作出的一项新承诺:即中国绝不会给哀鸿遍野的欧美经济雪上加霜。 The stimulus plan, though driven by domestic concerns, represents a fresh mitment by China to keep from adding to the economic and financial woes of the United States and Europe.

  • 金融行业已经成为这场金融风暴首当其冲的受害者,曾经是人人称羨,无数人打破脑袋想挤进去的热门行业,如今会否已是风声鹤唳,哀鸿遍野? Financial industry has been the first victim of this financial storm. The used popular industry and panies are all in a difficult situation.

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