词语大全 耳熟能详造句

Posted 布莱尔

篇首语:书史足自悦,安用勤与劬。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 耳熟能详造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 耳熟能详造句

2、词语大全 耳熟能详造句_耳熟能详中英文解释和造句

词语大全 耳熟能详造句











词语大全 耳熟能详造句_耳熟能详中英文解释和造句

耳熟能详  ěr shú néng xiáng







  • 创新,一个我们耳熟能详的词。 Innovation, a word we are familiar.

  • 而且广告多,消费者耳熟能详。 But also many ads that consumers are familiar.

  • 我想到了一个在中国人人耳熟能详的故事。 I think everyone in China has a familiar story.

  • 对于他们在美国历史上的贡献我们都耳熟能详。 We’ve heard a lot about their contribution to United States history.

  • 这些事实是每一个认识卡内基先生的人都耳熟能详的。 These facts 一and they are facts well known to almost everyone who knew Mr .

  • 教育国际化是一个近年来在教育理论界耳熟能详的术语。 Internationalization of education is a familiar term in the educational theory circles in recently years, and everybody feels it of all kinds of expectancies and hopes.

  • “建绿色北京,迎绿色奥运”已成为大家耳熟能详的口号。 “Building green Beijing, and to greet Green Olympics” has bee a familiar slogan.

  • 在非埃及正统皇室的族群中,没有人能比他更令大家耳熟能详。 Of the non-royal population of Egypt, probably one man is known better then all others.

  • 博客、冲浪等网络名词对于我们来说都是耳熟能详、津津乐道。 QQ, blog, surf the Web, such as the term is familiar to us, talked about.

  • 你可以说一些我们最耳熟能详的圣诞乐曲都是在这个时期创作的。 You could say that some of our most loved Christmas music was born during this time.

  • 在亚洲,这些新的景点耳熟能详和极具挑战性,正恭候你的大驾光临。 New sights sounds and adventures are waiting for you right here in Asia!

  • “没什么,技术将会带给我们答案。”这种话你是不是已经耳熟能详? How often do we hear: “Oh well, technology will e up with an answer”?

  • 亚洲的投资者肯定想知道,他们耳熟能详的“脱节”一说到底怎么样了。 Investors in Asia must wonder what happened to the decoupling they heard so much about .

  • 《往日情怀》是成千上万的人耳熟能详的世界名曲,亦为同名电影的主题曲。 “The Way We Were” is a world-famous song that is known by millions. The song was originally from a movie of the same name.

  • “要买房,找建行”这句口号让人耳熟能详,表明了建行在房贷业务上的绝对优势。 “program, to find a line of” people familiar with that slogan, shows a line of business cards absolute superiority.

  • “远看以为在练XX功,近看却是在打小灵通”,这是早期灵通人士耳熟能详的段子。 “Far in practice, that is nearly at XX in small quick”, this is a little bird early familiar joke.

  • 对新生企业圈子里经验丰富的老手来说,《偶然成为百万富翁》里的情节也许耳熟能详。 To veterans of the start-up world, the plot of “The Accidental Billionaires” will sound all too familiar.

  • 赶快把耳熟能详的大牌统统塞进衣柜不到万不得已不要拿出来显摆,那样只会降低你身价! Get familiar with all the big names into the wardrobe usually a good idea not show out, as you will only lower the price!

  • 因此,选歌成了决胜的关键环节,选出的歌曲既要经典和流行结合,也要是老百姓耳熟能详的。 Therefore, the election winning song became the key link, it is necessary to elect the songs bine classical and pop, but also is familiar to the ordinary people.

  • 对大多数以英语为母语的人而言,这句话包含在一首耳熟能详的诗中,后者是一个大得多的集组。 The number of information chunks in this sentence depends on one’s knowledge of the poem and the English language.

  • 一句老话,大家都耳熟能详,但是很少人能细细品味其中的深意。习惯决定性格,性格决定命运。 We almost can blurst out of the old saying” Habit makes your character that finally makes your final fate”, but few of us will think it over again and again in our mind.

  • 安徽凤阳县小岗村对于亲身经历中国内地30年改革开放的人们是一个耳熟能详、家喻户晓的名字。 Xiaogang Village, Fengyang County, Anhui Province experienced the Chinese mainland in 30 years of reform and opening up people is a well-known, well-known name.

  • 在这现象背后,一系列的技术革新,比如耳熟能详的货柜运输和协调联运都使得货物装卸的效率大幅提高。 Behind the scenes, a series of technological innovations known broadly as containerization and intermodal transportation has led to swift productivity improvements in cargo-handling.

  • 不过这一切并没有减弱大陆游客的热情,他们兴致勃勃地借此机会亲眼目睹这个耳熟能详却毁誉不一的地方。 None of that dimmed the enthusiasm of the mainland tourists who enjoyed the chance to see for themselves a place they had heard so much about-for good and ill.

  • 大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物早已耳熟能详,而且坎坷的嘈杂更让人触目惊心,赞叹不已,更是自愧不如。 Jiangdong to big wavesalready familiar through the ages, and even more difficult startling noise, amazed, it is not quite.

  • 沿南二、三环走一趟,你就会发现许多耳熟能详的小区坐落在这里,作为开发企业,早已对这个地区加以重视了。 Along South Second, the san huan walk through, you will find many familiar with the area located here, as the development of entrepreneurship, the region has to be paid.

  • 但是詹姆和莉莉,以及和他们同时代的人,要搞清楚纪事年份却更为困难,尽管我们对他们的各项冒险经历早就耳熟能详了。 But the James and Lily and their contemporaries are trickier to nail down, even though we are learning much about their exploits and adventures.

  • 在具体论述中,本研究也对会议报道、体验式报道、新华体、散文式新闻等耳熟能详的报道方式运用叙述学理论进行全新的解读。 Further more, this thesis unscrambles the familiar modes of news report in a new way, including conference reporting, participant reporting, the” xinhua” style and prosaic news.

  • 亚当?斯密的大作,中国领导人现在愈加耳熟能详,但是,马克思的格言:“历史不断重演,始而是悲剧,继而是闹剧”,他们仍可能铭记于心。 MORE familiar these days with the works of Adam Smith, China’s leaders may nonetheless recall Marx’s adage that history repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.

  • 尽管我很喜欢阿保刚的作品,对他的很多曲目都是耳熟能详,但我常设想要是其中一些部分的演奏能不采用电子合成乐器的话,他的作品听上去感觉会怎样。 Although I enjoy Takeshi Abo’s positions and have listened to, and reviewed, many of his soundtracks, I wonder what his positions would sound like if some of the instruments weren’t synthesized.

  • 耳熟能详造句相关



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