词语大全 用南辕北辙造句
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篇首语:别裁伪体亲风雅,转益多师是汝师。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 用南辕北辙造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 用南辕北辙造句
去乌鲁木齐应该往西北走 你怎么往东南走?这不是南辕北辙吗?
词语大全 南辕北辙造句_南辕北辙中英文解释和造句
南辕北辙 nán yuán běi zhé
两个人在创作方法上南辕北辙。 The difference between the two men’s creative methods is enormous.
为什么会出现这种南辕北辙的效果? Why is there such different results?
这两个事实的走向看起来有点南辕北辙。 There seems to be a massive disconnect between these two facts.
为什么会出现这种南辕北辙的调控效果? Why is there such a different regulatory results?
传统的观点认为数学和物理学南辕北辙。 The traditional view is that mathematics and physics are quite different.
不承认这一点,政策的实际效果可能会与初衷南辕北辙。 Do not recognize this policy and the actual results may be different purpose.
否则,大方向错了,南辕北辙,就是做了反功,适得其反。 Else if you have go for the wrong direction, it will just be a mistake, and all your efforts will bee no sense.
杰斐逊同苏格拉底对建立正义的城市的想法是南辕北辙的。 Jefferson’s views, therefore, are diametrically opposed to Socrates’ idea of a just city and the foundations on which it is constructed.
然而,仅使用单一演算法并不足以因应多媒体应用南辕北辙的需求。 In practice, it is hard for one method to meet the requirements of all applications.
美国地区性与全国性的结果南辕北辙,或许只是反应出各州的气候差异。 The disparities between regional and national results could reflect climate differences between states.
这些最后关头改变主意的投票者直接导致民调数据和实际情况南辕北辙。 Pollsters are made fools of by last-minute shifts in voters’ allegiances.
尽管目前市场反映与专家预言南辕北辙,但易宪容们的炮火一刻也没有消停。 Although experts predicted that with the current market reflect different, but the fire has not for one moment they Yixianrong Xiaoting.
经过7年的时间,法院从第一审至第二审的判决结果竟然出现南辕北辙的情形。 After 7 years, from First Trial to Second Trial, both outes actually were very different.
张君劢对欧战的第一个看法和第四(第五)个看法简直是南辕北辙,完全相反。 This article only deals with the first four views, as the last one has already been dealt with in another article.
战歌部落兽:等一下!这与头领领导我们的南辕北辙!我们绝不能再被狂怒掌握! Warsong Orc: No! That goes against everything the war chief teaches us! We can’t let rage overe us again!
例1:她父母的看法南辕北辙,父亲要她成为一位律师,但是母亲却希望她当老师。 Her parents acted at cross purposes, her father wanted her to bee a lawyer, but her mother wanted her to bee a teacher.
后来人们就把这个故事概括为“南辕北辙”,比喻一个人的行为和他的目的正好相反。 The idiom derived from this story indicates that one’s action was the opposite effect to one’s intention.
从<夏普>到<战争与和平>,它是否适应潮流还是南辕北辙(通常不是人们的初衷)。 from Sharpe to War and Peace, whether it’s in the right period or not (and it’s usually not).
后来大家就把这个古代事件概括为“南辕北辙”,比喻一个人的行为和他的目的正好相反。 The idiom derived from this story indicates that one’s action was the opposite effect to one’s intention.
这是这位前西汉姆球员表示他将把他的祖国放在第一位,现在与他的主教练有些南辕北辙。 But the former West Ham player has admitted that he will put his country first and is now on a collision course with his boss.
南辕北辙、适得其反、北辕适楚 【反义词】:如出一辙、并驾齐驱 【语法】:偏正式; Synonym】: nothing, just the opposite, the North House Fitness Chu】 【Antonyms: exactly the same, to keep pace】 【syntax: Partial official;
与芝士大哥性格南辕北辙,纯味二弟乖巧温柔,对遇上有麻烦的人,会豪不犹豫地施以援手。 He’s modest and quite personality is just opposite to the eldest brother. He is so kind that when he finds somebody in need, he will help without doubt.
他看见金星如月亮般的位相,表明金星围绕太阳而转,并不是地球,这与神父讲的更加南辕北辙。 He saw the moon like phases of Venus, indicating that this planet circled the sun, not the Earth, in even greater disobedience of the priests.
因为这是一个南辕北辙的思路——在高点买入,在低点卖出,而且一直往市场给你准备的圈套中鉆。 But that is the way to be wrong at the critical turning points, t o buy at tops and sell at bottoms, and to consistently underperform the market.
如果说央行的做法有一定道理,但央行上海分行的做法,则有干预市场之嫌,其结果很有可能南辕北辙。 If the central bank practice a certain reason, the central bank’s Shanghai branch, was suspected market intervention, the oute is likely to serve.
两个人在创作方法上南辕北辙,差别很大,不过二人都以专业作家的骄傲强调经过仔细推敲才取得想往的效果。 The difference between the two men’s creative methods is enormous, though both stress with professional pride the deliberation with which they arrive at their effects.
在那之前,我从来没听过这位演员,于是我开始看了几个克里斯汀的其他角色,发现他曾饰演过南辕北辙的角色。 I’ve never heard of him before, and I started looking at a couple of Christian’s roles, and realised that he’s played things that were very, very different.
巨蟹-摩羯:南辕北辙的组合。虽然你们在一起会产生强烈的“化学效应”,不过羊儿根本没有时间和你谈情说爱。 Polar opposites, Usually there is a lot of chemistry, but the Goat does not usually have the time to show you enough affection.
她们二人之间毫无共通的地方,无论是性格或是对男性关系的看法都是南辕北辙,而她们各自的收入和声誉等问题更不在话下。 They have nothing in mon. Their personalities and their relationships with men are pletely different, not to mention the differences between their respective ines and the issue of celebrity.
看不清楚的市场走势,让众多曾经大胆的观察家们都噤若寒蝉,任何看似逻辑严密的推论和预测,都有可能被证明是南辕北辙的笑话。 do not know the market trend for many of the observers have been bold quiet, seemingly any inference and logic forecast may prove to be different joke.
南辕北辙 nányuánběizhé南辕北辙的意思和解释:想往南而车子却向北行。比喻行动和目的正好相反。南辕北辙的出处《战国策·魏策四》:“犹至楚而北行也。”南辕北辙的例子你想这
南辕北辙 nányuánběizhé南辕北辙的意思和解释:想往南而车子却向北行。比喻行动和目的正好相反。南辕北辙的出处《战国策·魏策四》:“犹至楚而北行也。”南辕北辙的例子你想这
南辕北辙 nányuánběizhé南辕北辙的意思和解释:想往南而车子却向北行。比喻行动和目的正好相反。南辕北辙的出处《战国策·魏策四》:“犹至楚而北行也。”南辕北辙的例子你想这
南辕北辙 nányuánběizhé南辕北辙的意思和解释:想往南而车子却向北行。比喻行动和目的正好相反。南辕北辙的出处《战国策·魏策四》:“犹至楚而北行也。”南辕北辙的例子你想这
南辕北辙造句 一:做事情不但要有目标而且要讲方法,只讲目标不讲方法,南辕北辙怎样完成? 二:在这件事上,咱们想法南辕北辙,恐怕无法合作。 三:你想这六条要求,与中央开出的六条款约,简直是南辕北辙
南辕北辙造句 一:做事情不但要有目标而且要讲方法,只讲目标不讲方法,南辕北辙怎样完成? 二:在这件事上,咱们想法南辕北辙,恐怕无法合作。 三:你想这六条要求,与中央开出的六条款约,简直是南辕北辙
词语大全 南辕北辙 [nán yuán běi zhé]什么意思
南辕北辙 [nányuánběizhé][南辕北辙]基本解释想往南而车子却向北行。比喻行动和目的正好相反。贬义[南辕北辙]详细解释【解释】:想往南而车子却向北行。比喻行动和目的正