词语大全 用提心吊胆造句
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篇首语:盛年不重来,一日难再晨,及时当勉励,岁月不待人。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 用提心吊胆造句相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 用提心吊胆造句
词语大全 提心吊胆造句_提心吊胆中英文解释和造句
提心吊胆 tí xīn diào dǎn
马格洛大娘有时仍不免提心吊胆。 Madame Magloire alone had frights from time to time.
冒一次险,胜过时时提心吊胆。 Better pass a danger once, than be always in fear.
冒一次险,胜过时时提心吊胆。 Better pass a danger once, than is always in fear.
他(提心吊胆)连自己的影子都害怕。 He is afraid of his own shadow.
好吧!我们就在指挥塔里提心吊胆好了。 Okey, so we stay on our toes in the tower.
我怕瓦斯告罄而提心吊胆。 I was scared (that) we’d run out of gas .
他对自己的体重提心吊胆。 He has a plex about his weight/has a weight plex .
做坏事的人经常提心吊胆,因为怕被人发觉。 A wrongdoer is constantly haunted by fear of discovery.
一个富人拥有太多结果总是提心吊胆时时醒著。 A rich man . how ever has so much that he Stays awake worrying.
你必须告诉我,斯佳丽小姐,别让我提心吊胆的。 You must tell me, Miss Scarlett. Don’t leave me on tenterhooks.
我提心吊胆地等著杰克叔叔告诉阿迪克斯我的理由。 I waited, on tenterhooks, for Uncle Jack to tell Atticus my side of it.
正当观众开始非常提心吊胆,胡迪尼现身了,众人欢声雷动。 Just when they begin to get really worried, Houdini emerges, and everyone cheers.
我的建议是:与其整日为钱提心吊胆,不如大家一起来玩游戏! My suggestion is: their money on tenterhooks for the day, it is better to play the game together!
但是你心里一定会觉得舒适坦,比包二奶提心吊胆的要好得多。 But in your heart you will feel more fortable than the fear of keeping Senond Wife.
车辆横冲直撞,严重地威胁著城市生活,路上行人无不提心吊胆。 The present onslaught of vehicles poses a serious threat to urban life and pedestrian peace of mind.
伯群:没错,我已经提心吊胆好几个月了,现在终于可以放轻松了。 Bertram: It is. I’ve had the sword of Damocles hanging over me for months, and now I can finally relax.
接着他返回柏林,提心吊胆地经过六个月的迟延,终于获得移民的许可。 Then he returned to Berlin, and after a frightening delay of six months was permitted to emigrate .
凯特:你们用不着这么提心吊胆的,卡罗尔很好,她和迈克一块租了间房。 Grandma: There’s no reason to be this upset. Carol is fine. She’s taken an apartment with Mike.
那天我提心吊胆,跑上跑下,连穿衣的心思也没有了,所以仍然穿着睡衣。 I had been so worried and restless running up and down that I had not had the patience to dress that ady.
小赵独身,父母又不在身边,一个人住难免提心吊胆,常担心梁上君子光顾。 Xiao Zhao celibacy, not the parents around, a person living inevitably nervous, and often worry that Liangshangjunzi patronize.
尚特患有脑瘫症,65岁的科太太爽快地承认“她是个令人提心吊胆的孩子。 Shante, who has cerebral palsy, “can be a terror, ” Mrs. Coe, 65, readily admits.
在着伟大的恶魔咆哮时,一切生物要么青筋暴跳,要么提心吊胆,要么近乎于诡异丑陋。 The creatures themselves are veiny, scary, and bordering on the grotesque, with Satan-worthy roars.
你有时借由伸展建立天堂,尝试新的或者稍微提心吊胆的事物、学习你比你所想的更有弹性。 You build Heaven by stretching sometimes, to try something new or a little scary, and learning that you are more flexible than you thought.
英国少年的问题的确很恶劣,每次看到这样的人我都要提心吊胆的,生怕他们做出什么奇怪的事情来。 The youth problems in the UK are indeed abominable, I feel piercing and trembling that they would do something weird every time when I encounter those people.
他又踌躇了一会,听见壁炉台上的法国钟敲了三下,这才觉得珍妮白著脸儿,仍旧提心吊胆的站在那里。 He turned after a time, the silvery tinkle of the French clock on the mantel striking three and causing him to bee aware of Jennie, pale, uncertain, still standing as she had stood all this while.
销售市场上制售假冒伪劣产品长期以来困扰茅台酒的发展,消费者在消费时总是提心吊胆,怕买到假货。 The sham Maotai products in the selling market has seriously hindered the health development of Maotai Liquor.
在这部小说里,他描述了一个出身于新英格兰世家的男子如何由于为安全问题提心吊胆而背弃了他的理想主义。 In it, he told the story of a man from a distinguished New England family who Betrayed his idealism through fear of insecurity.
球迷真的真的非常高兴,我也为球员、和球迷高兴,因为每个人一直都在提心吊胆,我们配得上这场比赛的胜利。 The people are really, really pleased – and I’m pleased for the players and the fans because everyone was working so hard. We deserved to win.
这当然可能会很像是去做一件令人感觉提心吊胆的事情。在做完这些事之后,你可能会受伤,可能会失败,甚至也许会迷失自己。 Now that may seem like a scary thing to do. After all, you could get hurt. You could fail. And you might get lost.
很多人们通过电视观看了第一次登录月球,所有的人都提心吊胆的,因为认为登录月球是困难的,危险的,并且要承担很大的风险。 Millions of people watched that first moon landing on the television, their hearts in their mouths, aware of how difficult and dangerous and adventure it was, and what risks to be taken.
提心吊胆 tíxīndiàodǎn提心吊胆的意思和解释:形容十分担心或害怕。提心吊胆的出处明·吴承恩《西游记》第十七回:“众僧闻得此言,一个个提心吊胆,告天许愿。”提心吊胆的例子
提心吊胆 tíxīndiàodǎn提心吊胆的意思和解释:形容十分担心或害怕。提心吊胆的出处明·吴承恩《西游记》第十七回:“众僧闻得此言,一个个提心吊胆,告天许愿。”提心吊胆的例子
提心吊胆造句 一:在考试成绩还没有出来的日子里,我一向在提心吊胆中生活。 二:我国的黄河啊,万马奔腾,浊浪排空,波浪滔滔。忽然,一个大浪翻卷过来,使河水水流湍急。令人提心吊胆。 三:我一个人在家
提心吊胆造句 一:在考试成绩还没有出来的日子里,我一向在提心吊胆中生活。 二:我国的黄河啊,万马奔腾,浊浪排空,波浪滔滔。忽然,一个大浪翻卷过来,使河水水流湍急。令人提心吊胆。 三:我一个人在家