词语大全 龙荒朔漠的意思_成语“龙荒朔漠”是什么意思
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篇首语:但使书种多,会有岁稔时。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 龙荒朔漠的意思_成语“龙荒朔漠”是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 龙荒朔漠的意思_成语“龙荒朔漠”是什么意思
成 语 | 龙荒朔漠 |
成语读音 | lóng huāng shuò mò |
成语解释 | 荒:边陲,边疆;朔漠:北方沙漠地带。指边远蛮荒之地或少数民族国家。 |
常用程度 | 生僻 |
感情色彩 | 中性词 |
成语结构 | 联合式 |
成语用法 | 作宾语、定语;用于比喻句。 |
产生年代 | 古代 |
典故出处 | 《宋书·武帝纪》:“遂乃三浮伪主,开涤五都,雕颜卉服之乡,龙荒朔漠之长,莫不回首朝阳,沐浴玄泽。” |
近 义 词 | 龙荒蛮甸 |
词语大全 自得其乐造句_自得其乐中英文解释和造句
自得其乐 zì dé qí lè
而是自得其乐地做一个普通公民。 He enjoyed being a private citizen.
即使真的生病了,爱因斯坦自得其乐。 Einstein still enjoyed himself even when real illness did take hold.
你自得其乐,对生离死别都无先见之明。 There is in your placency no foreknowledge of death nor even of separation.
他不仅是以理性面对无聊,而且自得其乐。 He accepts his boredom, when it es, not merely philosophically, but almost with pleasure.
我弹得不好,但我自得其乐,这已经许多年了。 I’ve enjoyed playing the piano badly for years.
整个下午,我们只是听听音乐,悠悠然自得其乐。 We just listened to music and mellowed out all afternoon.
由于他顺物之性,让万物自得其乐,所以他“无功”。 Because he follows the nature of things and lets everything enjoy itself, he has no achievement.
一度喜欢在房间自得其乐的伊拉克政要们也未能幸免。 Even Iraqi bigwigs who enjoy booze in the privacy of their Green Zone houses are not exempt from the ban.
生活幸福与否并不是凭身材体重多少,而是要能自得其乐。 I learned that life is not about being happy about how much you weigh but just being happy with yourself .
如果某物只在其有限的范围内自得其乐,则其乐也一定是有限的。 If things only enjoy themselves in their finite spheres, their enjoyment must also be finite.
开发商花了一定的资金,得到的并不是实效,而是令自己满意的“自得其乐”! Developers have spent some funds are not actual results, but their satisfaction with the “nature”!
正好相反,因为这种生理反应有着重要的生理和心理功能,应该自得其乐才是。 On the contrary, the experience should be enjoyed as it serves important physiological and psychological functions.
人只需一小方净土就可以自得其乐地生活,而他用以长眠的地方,则可以更小些。 Man needs only a few clods of earth whereon to enjoy himself , and even fewer for his last rest .
当时,我膝头摊著比尤伊克的书,心里乐滋滋的,至少是自得其乐,就怕别人来打扰。 With Bewick on my knee, I was then happy: happy at least in my way. I feared nothing but interruption, and that came too soon.
夏皮拉手上拿着一罐啤酒,身旁有两只哈巴狗作伴,他看来和正在啃骨头的狗狗一样自得其乐。 With a beer in his hand and his two pugs by his side, Rick Schapira looked as happy as a dog with a bone.
她又自得其乐地想象各种豪华风雅的场面,在这些场面里她是人们目光的焦点,主宰命运的女神。 Her mind delighted itself with scenes of luxury and refinement, situations in which she was the cynosure of all eyes, the arbiter of all fates.
记得在01年的时候看到网吧里盛行起了《传奇》这款网络游戏,那时候我还在CS中自得其乐。 I remember in 2001 at a time when Internet bar to see where the prevalence of a “legend” This online games, then I am still in the lot CS.
仍有许多人自得其乐,自以为是地追逐著那些死去的人曾经追逐过的东西,却不知道那些正是致命的所在。 There is still people enjoy what they are doing, pursuit those things that the dead ones have pursuited. But they don’t know that those are the things that cause the death.
逐渐地,每到周四下午,戏曲队成员和社区居民便会赶来参与活动,或作为表演者自得其乐,或作为观众热情捧场。 Gradually, every Thursday afternoon, members of the drama team and munity residents will e to participate in activities, or as a lot of performers, audience or as enthusiastically.
其他物种似乎都自得其乐,只有我们人类总是无法释然,一定要得到、继而严格确认某种更高级的目标或使命的存在。 All the other life forms seem to get the picture but we humans just cannot get our minds around it and instead demand and then legislate the existence of some higher purpose or mission.
我觉得我们真的很幸福,虽然我们不得不干活,可是我们能够自得其乐,就像乔说的那样,我们是漂亮又快乐的一群。 Well I think we are. For though we do have to work we make fun of ourselves and are a pretty jolly set as Jo would say.
宽大的主卧室内有宽大的步入式储衣间,双卫生间,双面台,单独的浴室,私人空间充足而不受干扰,舒适而自得其乐。 Generous Zhuwo room lenient a Type Chu clothing, double bathrooms, double-sided Taiwan, separate bathroom, and adequate private space without interference, fort and nature.
热衷于恶作剧和反恶作剧的医生、护士、管理人员以及士兵们,以自得其乐的方式使战火纷飞的生活显得不那么难以承受。 Fond of practical jokes and revenge, the doctors, nurses, administrators, and soldiers often find ways of making wartime life bearable.
当父母忙着商讨类似如何在混合人种的家庭里抚养孩子这样重要的问题时,孩子们却自得其乐,他们骑马,唱中文歌或做香煎葱油饼。 While parents address weighty issues like how to raise kids in a mixed-race family, their children just have fun riding horses, singing Chinese songs or making scallion pancakes.
她认为,梳上蓬松的卷发,穿上时髦的连衣裙,唱着抒情的歌曲,以此来取得丈夫的欢心,就像自得其乐地把自己梳妆打扮一番一样可笑。 To curl her hair, put on a crinoline, and sing songs to attract her husband would have seemed to her as strange as to deck herself up so as to please herself.
卢克再次开始吮吸起父亲破旧的通讯器,偶尔自得其乐地唧咕几句,咯咯傻笑一下,对出租车司机关于绝地和绝地卫生习惯的评论毫不在意。 Luke, who once again was chewing on his father’s mangled , occasionally cooed and chuckled merrily to himself, blissfully unconcerned with the cabby’s remarks about Jedi and their bathing habits.
我喜爱高山之上的野花,它们随风落地生根开花,无人栽花花自开,自得其乐的开怀开心,随处安家立业,点缀山林山野,点燃春日的激情。 I love ?? alpine wildflowers on their roots flowering wind, no one from the open flower dwelling, lot of happy happy home businesses everywhere, dotted mountain forests, ignited the passion of spring.
当我膝头上摊开着彪依克的书的那一会儿,我觉得很快乐,至少是自得其乐。我只是担心别人来打搅,可它却偏来得很快。早餐室的门一下打开了。 With Bewick on my knee, I was then happy: happy at least in my way. I feared nothing but interruption, and that came too soon. The breakfast-room door was opened.
繁华城市的生活真的有越来越多的选择,对于品位生活有高标准的您,总是不去追逐大多数人热爱的事物,自得其乐,他们的选择是为了取悦自己。 There are more and more choices of life in a modern city, as a high class of enjoying life, you always enjoy yourself and ignore most popular stuff.
我们在奥克兰的生活进一步稳定,爸爸刚换了一份新工作。周末放假我们会去附近的一些小城市游览或小住一二日,悠闲自得其乐。菲雅又参加了柔道及攀巖等训练。 Our life in Auckland is stabilized now with Dad’s new job. We often spend a weekend of several days in nearby towns. Freya joint Karaki and Rockclimbing training.
词语大全 龙荒朔漠 [lóng huāng shuò mò]什么意思
龙荒朔漠 [lónghuāngshuòmò][龙荒朔漠]成语解释北方塞外荒漠之地。亦指在这些地方的少数民族国家。[龙荒朔漠]百科解释北方塞外荒漠之地。更多→龙荒朔漠[龙荒朔漠]近
龙朔 [lóngshuò][龙朔]基本解释见“龙荒朔漠”。[龙朔]详细解释见“龙荒朔漠”。[龙朔]百科解释龙朔是唐高宗李治的年号。唐朝使用这个年号共近3年。更多→龙朔[龙朔]英文
幕朔 [mùshuò][幕朔]基本解释幕北。[幕朔]详细解释幕北。《汉书·叙传下》:“龙荒幕朔,莫不来庭。”颜师古注:“孟康曰:‘谓白龙堆荒服沙幕也。’龙,匈奴祭天龙城,非谓白龙
槎程 [cháchéng][槎程]基本解释谓水路行程。[槎程]详细解释谓水路行程。清陈维崧《解连环·送孙恺似孝廉南归和李武曾韵》词:“渡滹沱去,万里槎程,曾透过龙荒小部。”[槎程
槎程 [cháchéng][槎程]基本解释谓水路行程。[槎程]详细解释谓水路行程。清陈维崧《解连环·送孙恺似孝廉南归和李武曾韵》词:“渡滹沱去,万里槎程,曾透过龙荒小部。”[槎程
自得其乐 zìdéqílè自得其乐的意思和解释:自己能从中得到乐趣。自得其乐的出处明·陶宗仪《辍耕录》卷二十:“白翎雀生于乌桓朔漠之地,雌雄和鸣,自得其乐。”自得其乐的例子老头儿
自得其乐 zìdéqílè自得其乐的意思和解释:自己能从中得到乐趣。自得其乐的出处明·陶宗仪《辍耕录》卷二十:“白翎雀生于乌桓朔漠之地,雌雄和鸣,自得其乐。”自得其乐的例子老头儿
古诗词大全 北使还京作(诗凡五章,今仅存其一)原文翻译赏析_原文作者简介
北使还京作(诗凡五章,今仅存其一)[作者]冯道 [朝代]唐代去年今日奉皇华,只为朝廷不为家。殿上一杯天子泣,门前双节国人嗟。龙荒冬往时时雪,兔苑春归处处花。上下一行如骨肉,几人身死掩风沙。琵
古诗词大全 北使还京作(诗凡五章,今仅存其一)原文翻译赏析_原文作者简介
北使还京作(诗凡五章,今仅存其一)[作者]冯道 [朝代]唐代去年今日奉皇华,只为朝廷不为家。殿上一杯天子泣,门前双节国人嗟。龙荒冬往时时雪,兔苑春归处处花。上下一行如骨肉,几人身死掩风沙。琵