词语大全 箭在弦上的意思_成语“箭在弦上”是什么意思
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篇首语:知识已成为生产力、竞争力和经济成就的关键因素。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 箭在弦上的意思_成语“箭在弦上”是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 箭在弦上的意思_成语“箭在弦上”是什么意思
成 语 | 箭在弦上 |
成语读音 | jiàn zài xián shàng |
成语解释 | 箭:弓箭;弦:弓上用以发箭的牛筋绳子。箭已搭在弦上。比喻事情到了不得不采取行动的时候。 |
常用程度 | 常用 |
感情色彩 | 中性词 |
成语结构 | 主谓式 |
成语用法 | 作宾语、定语;比喻情况危急。 |
产生年代 | 古代 |
典故出处 | 三国·魏·陈琳《为袁绍檄豫州》李善注引《魏志》:“矢在弦上,不可不发。” |
成语例句 | 邹韬奋《患难馀生记》第二章:“中央和西南似乎~的内战危机得以消除了。” |
近 义 词 | 不得不发 矢在弦上 如箭在弦 |
英文翻译 | There can be no turning back. |
俄文翻译 | не терпéть отлагáтельства |
日文翻译 | 止(や)むに止まれぬ情势に迫まられている,やらざるを得ないこと |
成语谜面 | 引而不发 |
成语故事 | 东汉末年,袁绍为了攻打曹操,让陈琳写一篇《为袁绍檄豫州》的檄文,列举曹操的罪状,大骂曹操祖宗三代。袁绍官渡之战败给曹操,陈琳也趁机投靠曹操。曹操问陈琳为什么写那篇檄文,陈琳说那时箭在弦上被袁绍所逼而写。 |
词语大全 箭在弦上造句_箭在弦上中英文解释和造句
箭在弦上 jiàn zài xián shàng
同性奴隶的斗争已经箭在弦上。 MARK COLVIN: The fight against sexual slavery is being ramped up a notch.
十年磨一剑的创业板如今已是箭在弦上。 Ten years of grinding sword GEM is now imminent.
高校体制改革已是箭在弦上,迫在眉睫。 Colleges and Universities system reform is imminent, imminent.
现在伊拉克的局势已经箭在弦上,一触即发。 Now with regard to the situation in Iraq, the arrow has already been placed on the bow.
于是,第三,中央银行箭在弦上,不得不发。 Thus, third, central banks will be on the hook more explicitly than ever before.
这种巧合不能不让人想到最近箭在弦上的美伊关系。 This kind of strangely fits can not but let the person thought of the beautiful relation poised to strike recently.
大型的医疗改革已经箭在弦上,正式提上议事日程。 The big health care push is officially on.
现在一切准备完好,有一种箭在弦上的感觉,随时待命。 Now everything is in good condition, there is a sense of imminent, the stand-by at any time.
——二度宏观调控箭在弦上房地产是下一个调控目标? Second macro-control of real estate is absolutely the next target?
我会往老板耳朵里吹吹风。箭在弦上,不能回头。没有退路。 I’ll put a bug in the boss’ ear for you.
据了解,防范房地产金融风险成为物业税“箭在弦上”的原动力。 It is understood that the prevention of financial risks as real estate property tax “go” driving.
长远,网印刚才参与这一行业,其势头有如箭在弦上立等待不收。 At present, screen printing just intervene in the industry, and its momentum is like waiting for the critical and set it up.
商报讯(记者罗添)盛大网络拆分其游戏业务上市已经箭在弦上。 Daily News (Tim’s Law) Shanda split its games business listing has been no turning back.
而此时扩大内需、拉动经济增长的一系列宏观调控政策已经箭在弦上。 But this time expanded the domestic demand, the fuel economic growth a series of macroeconomic regulation and control policy already the point of no return.
新股发行制度的改革已经箭在弦上,一步到位全面市场化,属于奢望。 IPO imminent reform of the system has, step in place a prehensive market-oriented, belonging to expect.
虽然“两岸共同市场”无法成型,两岸贸易合作机制问题已经箭在弦上了。 Though “two sides mon market “unable to shape, cooperative mechanism’s issue, trade of two sides, already can’t but go ahead.
而这批客户,早就是箭在弦上,所以,他们往往会选择项目推出的前期购买。 And these customers, has long been thought, therefore, they tend to choose the projects launched early purchase.
但26岁的“幽灵”帕弗里克已箭在弦上–他要证明自己才是名副其实的中量级之王。 But The Ghost, 26, has stepped up to the plate as he bids to prove he truly is the division’s No1.
我不知道做事情的时候是信心更重要一些,还是能力,我只知道,箭在弦上,不得不发。 Everybody has the first time. Once it has begun, you’ll get something whether it succeeds or not.
新“国六条”出台之后,国土资源部将继续加强房地产市场土地供应调控已经是箭在弦上。 new “six States” published after the real estate market will continue to strengthen national control of land supply is inevitable.
相信农业的又一轮重大改革发展已经箭在弦上,应该从未来几年的投资战略上引起足够的重视。 Believed that agricultural another round important reforms development already the point of no return, should strategically bring to the enough attention from a future several year investment.
研究酝酿多年的既有建筑热改已箭在弦上,这已成为广大的既有住宅的居住者当前非常关心的事情。 Research brewing for years has rapidly changed both hot construction, it has bee both residential occupants of the current very concerned about.
尽管在两会期间,多位证监会人士的表述,给了市场明确的信息,即新股发行制度改革已是箭在弦上。 Even though at two sessions, a number of persons SFC statements give the market specific information, that is, issuing new shares is the imminent reform of the system.
目前,亟待进行企业改制,其中,国有房地产企业的改革,实施企业资本多元化,已成箭在弦上之势。 Currently, the need for enterprises, including the reform of state-owned real estate enterprises, the implementation of enterprise capital pluralism is inevitable trend.
中国证监会日前批准了上海期货交易所提交的螺纹钢和线材期货标准合约,钢材期货上市“箭在弦上”。 China Securities Regulatory Commission recently approved the Shanghai Futures Exchange submitted standard rebar and wire rod futures contracts, steel futures listing “imminent.”
业界分析人士指出,随着经济运行出现好转迹象以及证券市场的发展与变化,IPO重启工作已经是箭在弦上。 Industry analysts pointed out that with the emergence of signs of improvement in economic operation and development of the securities market and changes, IPO resumption of work is imminent.
在法国,同公共部门的斗争已经是箭在弦上,在经济萧条之前政府就一直渴望着对呈螺旋式上升的养老金成本进行管控。 In France a fight with public-sector unions is on the horizon, for reasons predating the recession—the government has long been eager to get a grip on the spiralling cost of pensions.
若不对税收制度做出与时俱进的调整,税收制度肯定会对经济发展产生负面影响,因此,启动新一轮税制改革已箭在弦上。 Without an up-to-date regulation, the tax system is bound to affect the economy negatively. As a result, it is pelling to reform the system.
我心里有过预感,再次下岗迟早会来,“他说。”因为发生这么多的事情均对现在的零售业不利:经济很不景气,冬季十分寒冷,战争箭在弦上等等。 Somewhere inside, I had a feeling it would happen, ” he says, “because so many things are working against retail now: a terrible economy, a harsh winter, the war, you name it.
《女人不坏》之后,徐克的新片计划也箭在弦上,“下一部电影还是武侠片,我本来是要重拍《龙门客栈》,后来因为《狄仁杰》4月开镜,所以我还在盘算。” “Women are not bad, ” Tsui Hark’s new film also imminent, “a movie or martial arts films, I did not want to remake” Dragon Inn “and later as” Di Renjie, “Mirror to open in April, so I was To myself.
箭在弦上 jiànzàixiánshàng箭在弦上的意思和解释:箭已搭在弦上。比喻为形势所迫,不得不采取某种行动。箭在弦上的出处三国魏·陈琳《为袁绍檄豫州》注引《魏志》:“矢在弦
箭在弦上 jiànzàixiánshàng箭在弦上的意思和解释:箭已搭在弦上。比喻为形势所迫,不得不采取某种行动。箭在弦上的出处三国魏·陈琳《为袁绍檄豫州》注引《魏志》:“矢在弦
词语大全 箭在弦上的歇后语答案是什么,箭在弦上的歇后语答案是什么
歇后语是汉语的一种特殊语言形式。本站小编整理的箭在弦上的歇后语答案是什么,欢迎阅读! 箭在弦上的歇后语:一触即发、不得不发 解释:箭:弓箭;弦:弓上用以发箭的牛筋绳子。箭已搭在弦上,不得不发射
词语大全 箭在弦上的歇后语答案是什么,箭在弦上的歇后语答案是什么
歇后语是汉语的一种特殊语言形式。本站小编整理的箭在弦上的歇后语答案是什么,欢迎阅读! 箭在弦上的歇后语:一触即发、不得不发 解释:箭:弓箭;弦:弓上用以发箭的牛筋绳子。箭已搭在弦上,不得不发射
箭在弦上歇后语2017 歇后语:箭在弦上-----不得不发 词语:箭在弦上 [拼音]:jiànzàixiánshàng [释义]: 箭已搭在弦上。比喻为形势所迫,不得不采取某种行动。
箭在弦上歇后语2017 歇后语:箭在弦上-----不得不发 词语:箭在弦上 [拼音]:jiànzàixiánshàng [释义]: 箭已搭在弦上。比喻为形势所迫,不得不采取某种行动。
歇后语是汉语的一种特殊语言形式。小编整理的有关着急的歇后语精选,欢迎阅读! 有关着急的歇后语精选 脑门上着火——急在眼前 斧子破毛竹--着急 箭在弦上--------不得不发 热窝上的蚂
歇后语是汉语的一种特殊语言形式。小编整理的有关着急的歇后语精选,欢迎阅读! 有关着急的歇后语精选 脑门上着火——急在眼前 斧子破毛竹--着急 箭在弦上--------不得不发 热窝上的蚂
小学六年级谚语大全 1、过年娶媳妇——双喜临门 2、泥菩萨过河——自身难保 3、搟面杖吹火——一窍不通 4、飞蛾扑火——自取灭亡 5、箭在弦上——不得不发 6、借了一角还十分——分文不差