词语大全 各不相让 (打字一),
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词语大全 各不相让 (打字一),
感谢 Nancy君 的投递 时间:2016-12-03 16:28 来源:本站查询 ,词语大全 各不相让造句_各不相让中英文解释和造句
各不相让 gè bù xiāng ràng
目前,银行和私人投资者之间对此各不相让。 For now, a chess match of sorts is playing out between banks and private investors.
在双方各不相让情况下要达成协议是不可能的。 No promise is possible when both sides remain inflexible.
在双方各不相让情况下要过成协议是不可能的。 No promise is possible when both sides remain inflexible.
用餐时,德国泡菜的清香和大蒜的气味各不相让。 At meal times the odor of sauerkraut vies with that of garlic.
贸易竞争十分激烈,竞争的公司你争我夺,各不相让。 There was so much petition for the trade that rival firms were fighting with the gloves off.
我们─起讨论难题,为─道问题争得面红耳赤,各不相让。 We discuss problems, for a problem was flushed and conflicting.
索尼和微软都声称掌握了最好的游戏技术,在战场上各不相让。 Games technology, which pany bodes the best, is a key battle ground for both SonyMicrosoft.
索尼和微软都声称掌握了最好的游戏技术,在战场上各不相让。 Games technology, and which pany bodes the best, is a key battle ground for both Sony and Microsoft.
双方各不相让,男子动起粗来,给了女子一巴掌,女子被打出了血。 The two sides refused to give ground, moving from coarse man, a woman has to face, the woman was hit by blood.
战国百家争鸣,各不相让,陷于是非之中的人,激于意气,互相攻击。 Hundred schools of thought contend the Warring States Period, the parties refused to give, in a non-being of people in emotional shock, attacking each other.
据我看,这个办法是很得人心的,因为商店总是互相较劲,各不相让的。 It seems to be catching on, because businesses are watching businesses.
百年来文化讨论纠缠不清,各不相让,原因之一就是没有注意这个区分。 Hundred years of cultural discussion tangled, do not give way, one of the reasons is that there is no attention to this distinction.
为拿下这个项目,竞争变得十分激烈,原本互相礼让的公司现在争得各不相让。 The petition for the project was so fierce that these normally gentleman-like firms were taking the gloves off.
这个故事是说,为了私利,各不相让,会导致两败俱伤,反而会让第三个人得到好处。 The story tells us that the third party will have an advantage fall into his lap when the other two parties are locked in bat for their own personal interests.
轮到我家装修,同事教训言犹在耳,我和老公便开始日日“火星撞地球”,各不相让。 Be turn for my home to decorate, the colleague teaches the words are still ringing in one’s ears a lesson, I and husband begin every day ” spark bumps into the earth ” , refuse to give up.
<一>经济学家都爱认死理儿。争论中双方各自坚持自己的观点,针尖对麦芒,各不相让。 At issue both sides holds to his viewpoint severally, pinpoint to Mai Mang, refuse to give up.
据悉,安德鲁方案出台之后,在建筑学、美学界引起了不小的争议,直至现在,仍有两种意见各不相让。 It is learnt that after the introduction of Andrew programme in architecture, the U. S. scholars cause of no small controversy, until now, there are two views do not give way to each other.
就在这样一种情况下,“2002北京品牌房地产展示会”却大爆冷门,由于展位异常抢手,开发商各不相让。 In such a case, the “2002 Beijing real estate exhibition brand” is a surprise, because booth was marketable, developers do not give way to each other.
关于语言的起源与功能,早就众说纷纭、各不相让;1866年,巴黎语言学会甚至决议不准会员再对这个议题发表臆测。 Questions about the origins and function of language have been so contentious that in 1866 the Linguistic Society of Paris banned any more speculation on the issue.
喜欢是和他讨论问题争的面红耳赤,各不相让,在他面前像个刺猬一样从不认输,但在心里却早已暗暗佩服他的见地他的才华。 like is , you discuss the problem with him , but you cant admite you are wrong , but in your heart you have to admite he is so good at something .
科里就是有这个本事,能够把党内保守派、和派往往都各不相让的利益结合在一起,做出一份有条有理的政策报告,令克林顿大为赞赏。 Curry impressed Clinton with his ability to fashion a coherent policy message that synthesized the often conflicting interests of the party’s traditional and moderate wings.
各不相让 gèbùxiāngràng各不相让的意思和解释:让:歉让。互不谦让、让步。各不相让的出处各不相让的例子于是两方明争暗斗,~,一天利(历)害一天。(冯玉祥《我的生活》第二
各不相让 gèbùxiāngràng各不相让的意思和解释:让:歉让。互不谦让、让步。各不相让的出处各不相让的例子于是两方明争暗斗,~,一天利(历)害一天。(冯玉祥《我的生活》第二
词语大全 各不相让 [gè bù xiāng ràng]什么意思
各不相让 [gèbùxiāngràng][各不相让]成语解释让:歉让。互不谦让、让步。[各不相让]成语造句于是两方明争暗斗,各不相让,一天利害一天。[各不相让]百科解释各不相让,
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