词语大全 红杏出墙的意思_成语“红杏出墙”是什么意思

Posted 成语

篇首语:不飞则已,一飞冲天;不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 红杏出墙的意思_成语“红杏出墙”是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1、词语大全 红杏出墙的意思_成语“红杏出墙”是什么意思

2、词语大全 红杏出墙造句_红杏出墙中英文解释和造句

词语大全 红杏出墙的意思_成语“红杏出墙”是什么意思

成 语


成语读音hóng xìng chū qiáng
成语解释 红色的杏花穿出墙外,形容妻子有外遇。
常用程度 常用
感情色彩 中性词
成语结构 主谓式
成语用法 作主语;指妻子有外遇。
产生年代 古代
典故出处 宋·叶绍翁《游小园不值》诗:“春色满园关不住,一支红杏出墙来。”
成语例句 刘斯奋《白门柳·鸡鸣风雨》第七章:“莫非竟是~?”
近 义 词 偷鸡摸狗
反 义 词 从一而终
英文翻译 Red apricot blossom reaches over the wall.
成语谜面 对外开放

词语大全 红杏出墙造句_红杏出墙中英文解释和造句

红杏出墙  hóng xìng chū qiáng







  • 他可能也在担心妻子会红杏出墙。 He might also have a fear that she might have an affair.

  • 春色满园关不住,一枝红杏出墙来。 Spring scenery does not close field pletely, one branch red apricot gives a wall to e.

  • 春色满园关不住,一枝红杏出墙来。 The colour of spring overwhelmed the garden; a red apricot grows beyond the wall.

  • 春色满园关不住,我等红杏出墙来 。 Spring Unveiled, I wait to infidelity.

  • 真是今年花比去年红,一枝红杏出墙来啊! Is really this year the flower be reder than last year, a red almond wall e!

  • 有些聪明的企鹅不需要红杏出墙就能得到礼物。 Some talented penguin teasers can get a gift even without putting out.

  • 你甭打主意红杏出墙,或者说给老婆戴顶绿帽子。 You not Gong Xing of think of a plan gives a wall, perhaps say to wear very green hat to wife.

  • 一枝红杏出墙来——漫评《图书馆读者学概论》。 Newly Stretched Branch out of Library Science——Informal Discuss about 《An Introuction to Science of Readers》

  • 这意味着上海车上牌“红杏出墙”将遭遇“阻击”。 This means Shanghai vehicle licence “Hu” will encounter “resistance.

  • 我过去骗过我的妻子很多次,但我从未“红杏出墙”过。 I’ve cheated on my wife a lot in the past, but I’ve never really had an affair, you know.

  • 他老公骂他红杏出墙,不守妇道。结果不过是误会一场。 His husband accused him of cheating but it turned out to be a misunderstanding.

  • 几句酸酸的话剧对白,竟让一家人误以为老妈欲红杏出墙。 A few sour drama dialogue, has allowed an affair, people mistakenly think that mother wishes.

  • 男:是啊,春天是“春色满园关不住,一枝红杏出墙来”。 The footsteps of the new spring are nearer and nearer.

  • 不然,待到红颜大怒或者红杏出墙时,后悔恐怕就来不及了。 Otherwise, wait for female bate when red perhaps apricot gives a wall, regret to be afraid had not enough time.

  • 无形资本经营解考●缑毛生满园春色关不住,一枝红杏出墙来。 Aeriform capital manages solution to take an examination of ● Goumao to give birth to Man Yuanchun color not to close, one branch red apricot gives a wall to e.

  • 不过,女性也可以在网上红杏出墙,同样得到慰藉,老公缺席又何妨? Nevertheless, the female also can give a wall in the Gong Xing on the net, get solace likewise, husband absent might as well?

  • 可仔细观察,嘘寒问暖、煲汤送水的老婆又没有红杏出墙的蛛丝马迹。 But observes carefully, the clues or traces which inquires after the well being, the hot pot soup to supply water the wife who has not had an affair.

  • 据以前的风水书籍中记载,卧床太靠近窗户,容易导致“红杏出墙”,有此一说。 According to the beforehand geomancy books in records, the bed too approaches the window, easy to cause “to have an affair”, had this saying.

  • 这个任盈盈非杨过不嫁就不是个好女人,公然不把令狐冲不放在眼里,想红杏出墙! Please ask yourself before you want to have a perfect girlfriend, you are a perfect man or not.

  • 然而记者了解到,北京万科新任总经理张力,刚刚结束了其短暂的“红杏出墙”史。 But reporters found that the new general manager of the Beijing diplomatic tension, just concluded its brief “Hu” history.

  • 一位贫穷且重听的男子,当妻子与富人红杏出墙,他该不该为了生活睁只眼、闭只眼? An impoverished man, with hearing impairment, found his beloved wife having an affair with a rich neighbor;

  • 科技园,一枝红杏出墙发展科技农业,靠空洞的说教不行,必须让群众看得见,摸得着。 Garden of science and technology, one branch red apricot gives a wall to develop agriculture of science and technology, rely on to preach emptily be no good, must let masses look so that see, feeling.

  • 引人入胜的法律故事是节目一大亮点,“妻子红杏出墙遭夫偷拍,怒告丈夫侵犯隐私权”; The fascinating story of the law is a major highlight of the program, “his wife affair husband was videotaping, Nugao husband invasion of privacy”;

  • 一个红杏出墙、春心荡漾、心痒难抵、与铁匠夜夜共渡云雨,终被丈夫发现,把她卖入青楼; One day, her husband discovers their affair and she is being sold to whorehouse.

  • 从医药类上市公司2008年的业绩来看,本栏发现中成药行业的表现堪称“一枝红杏出墙来”。 From pharmaceutical panies in 2008 the performance of view, this column found that the performance of proprietary Chinese medicines industry called “an affair to e.”

  • 车夫张大胆撞破妻子红杏出墙,奸夫怕丑事泄露杀死张妻并嫁祸张大胆,更雇佣茅山法师对付张。 The cart driver opens dashes the wife to have an affair boldly, the adulterer feared that the scandal reveals kills Zhang Qibing to shift blame opens boldly, hires Maoshan master to the duplicate.

  • 研究认为,女性下巴宽大意味着体内的男性生长荷尔蒙激素较多,性欲也相应较强,因此也更易红杏出墙。 The researchers found that a prominent jawline is often the result of high levels of the male growth hormone testosterone, which increases sexual assertiveness in a woman and her risk of infidelity.

  • 女人也讨厌花花公子。那些随时准备红杏出墙,即使他们已经有了一个贤良淑德,百里挑一的女朋友或者妻子的男人。 Women hate womanizers, men who go for anything on skirt even when they have preferred, and better behaved women as either girlfriends or wives.

  • 在敞开的院门中,你可以看到纳西人家的庭院里那争奇斗艳的各式花卉,给你一种“满园春色关不住,一枝红杏出墙来”的感受。 In the open house, you can see that the Naxi people in the courtyard of the limelight that all kinds of flowers, give you a kind of “Spring garden Guanbu Zhu, an affair to” feel.

  • 意大利最高上诉法院裁定,意大利已婚女若红杏出墙,与别的男人私通,她为了维护自身的名誉,有权撒谎来遮掩此事,甚至在司法调查时也一样。 Italy’s Supreme Court has ruled that married Italian women who mit adultery are entitled to lie about it, even in a judicial investigation, “to protect their honor”.

  • 红杏出墙造句相关



    词语大全 红杏出墙的意思_成语“红杏出墙”是什么意思


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